Neville's First "Big Boy" Adventure

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Today Neville turns 10 weeks old! What a difference a month does make in the life of a bunny.

Neville is eating well, both pellets and hay. He's learning what a dog is. lol Just fascinated by our Jake. He's getting more confident on his outside runs. He's actually starting to enjoy the grooming process, but still hates for me to check his "boy parts". He's getting more agile. Only fell off his house in his enclosure twice so far, but is getting so much better jumping up on it as well as down from it. He's starting to understand his name. We can say his name and his ears always point in our direction.

He's such a pleasure, but I know those "teenage" months are right around the corner so we will see what hormones do to this little guy. But I know this too shall pass seeing how well my Dobby and Kreacher have turned out to be.

K :)
Our Neville is maturing. Not in leaps and bounds but boy can we see it here. He's becoming a bunny. He's curious, quick, and is roaming more and more around the kitchen in the morning and the living room at night. He's so infatuated with Jake, it's funny. They touch noses all the time.

Now he's learned that the kitchen chair that Dad sits in, is the place to go and observe, clean themselves, and just chill. He's doing it right now. Plus he's also fascinated with Dad's slippers as the rest of boys are. Even a small chin mark to be like the Big Boys. lol Very comical.

Just so thrilled that he's advancing at an even pace. Thanks to Dobby and Kreacher, my first, they taught me well.

Willard has even accepted Neville. Out last night, Willard approached Neville's crate, and as I was there, allowed Willard and Neville to meet. No problems, though Willard wanted to chin mark everything of Neville's, but I wouldn't allow it. But it was really a good experience for both. Or should I say all of us.

Neville continues to thrive. Can't wait to see what's he like in the Teenage months. Then you can laugh when I complain. lol

K :)
Also I have to add, that I am finally seeing Neville's eyes and more of his face. I'll post more photos soon. 11 weeks this Saturday. Big changes are happening for my Little Lion Head. His mane is just coming out now. Really noticeable.

Can you tell that I'm psyched!

K :)
Ruki wrote:
I cant wait for the new pics!
Wait to you see! I'll be doing lots of picture taking this weekend. I really want to show everyone where ZRabbits is. Now that I have the guidebook I can really set up my plan and evaluate Neville and Luna while maturing.

Also I want to educate people here on what to look for with a TRUE DM Lion Head. Not just the mane. But the overall condition and bone health of the animal. About their ears, there conformation, etc. I think with my program I want to educate new people who are interested in getting involved in breeding not just lion heads but all rabbits. It's not just putting a male and female together. It's also about temperament. Handling babies and getting them prepared to bond with others. Not just hand off a bunny that's never had contact with a human. That truly slows down the bonding process, IMHO. That's why we decided to have indoor bunnies and have our litters indoors. This way we have contact with the babies all the time. They get a taste of noises, music, TV, dogs barking, people moving around. So they experience more of the World than just the nest.

It's a project in the works. And will be documented completely. Hoping what I'm doing will help, not hinder. That's all it's about. I would never do anything harmful to any animal. And bringing new life into the world is a BIG responsibility that should never be taken lightly. And this with any animal.

Neville will be getting his first taste of ACV. Just a drop to start out with. About 1 part to 2,000 parts. Hardly traceable but will benefit him in the long run by giving his digestive system this very small taste. It's time.

We can see Neville maturing already. He's not as flighty. He's more calm and curious when he's out and about. Still have an accident here and there but he is trying because we do see him go into his litterbox when he's out and about. Every time though when he does have an accident, I've been picking him up and placing him in the litter box. Babies need a reminder once in a while.

But I'm not discouraged. I have two bunnies that I've raise from 8 weeks that are now champs on litterbox training. Even their poops are landing the box. Not much marking being done which is a good thing.

I think all and all, this has been the most easiest learning experience so far. Neville is just so well balanced from the very beginning because the breeder handles all her kits from Day One. I really see the difference between the bonding of non-held kits and ones that have human contact from the very start of life.

It's really important for kits to get that smell and that feel of us humans. So they are not as skittish and offish. I know there will be a time where one will not come around. It happens but you do your best. For the bunnies.

Anyway, Neville is just a joy. He's now part of the pack. All my boys know he's here and he know they are here. He's curious as they are of him. But all is supervised. I don't want any of my boys hurt. Not just Neville. It's all of them.

K :)
He's really adorable!!! And your hubby is right, he does resemble a Schnauzer. LOL I can't wait to see updated pics, now that his mane his coming out.

What is ACV?
ACV is apple cider vinegar. So far, Neville is doing well with the one drop. His poops are just as they were before it. And as always, the youngin' is drinking up a storm.

It really does wonders for our boys and we see the benefit of it in their water, so it was time to start Neville on it, one drop at a time. We will keep it at one drop until his a bit older. We will very gradually raise the drops as he gets older.

Our boys get about 15 drops a day. Dobby only gets 13 because he started backing off on his water intake. When we saw that, we cut down the ACV and 13 is just fine for Dobby now.

K :)

MagPie wrote:
I might have missed this somewhere but what does the ACV do for rabbits?

He really is a cute little dust bunny.
It is very healthy for the urinary tract and helps level out their PH balance. Don't need no kidney stones.

It reduces the exterior odor of the urine. Swear by that. Considering my bunnies are indoors.

Its' good for everybody, human or animal.

And I have proof with all my boys that is doing it's job.

Well heeeeeerrrrrreeeee's NEVILLE


His static cling. lol


Top View


Front View. Really can see his eys

Checking out the props!

Well Neville is growing up. Starting to feel his "bunny oats". And I don't mean sexually but pure attitude. Sort of like Kreacher. But I have secrets that Neville doesn't know. I dealt with this through Kreacher. Bring on the test little one. No problem at all.

He's now feeling so much more confident in his motions and movement around the room. You just have to see this bunny do his "bunny flop". All the motions are there, but it's like he lands on cotton. It's just funny. You don't hear the typical flop noise. You witness the motions, but there is no ending sounds.

He loves his crate. He really feels secure in it, which does my heart good. I was worried how he would take a bigger crate, but there has been no break in the stride. He loves his little house, which he loves to perch on and watch the room for hours. He does love to stretch out on the floor of his crate to snooze. He's working his way into the tribe. He loves to see the other bunnies. And they love to see him. With the xpen set up by my husband, none of the rabbits have direct, direct contact with him. They both sniff each other and observe but no contact. And have to say there is no aggression from any of them.

Neville is now completely on Oxbow and there was no problem. His poop has been the same consistancy since he came home. Same size, same texture, just a consistent sphere. And there's a lot of it. Boy can that boy poop and pee. Gosh could we make money if this was valuable. I'm really looking forward to starting him on veggies like the others. I feel bad I can't give him any treats yet. But he seems to be compliant with that.

Is showing his independence and does struggle to get down. We are teaching him that the struggle will now work. Thankfully with gloves, I'm able to control the squirms and say NO. He's definitely learning that word. But he is learning to calm down when I hold to my chest and tell him NO.

Grooming time has become a pleasure for Neville. I'm still a newbie and tentative. I don't want to injure him or pull his fur unnecessarily. But all in all, it is getting better each day. So much so, that half way through the grooming, Neville is purring away. And totally relaxed. The underbelly, that's still work in progress. He's getting better each time. The more and more you apply hands on, the more you see Neville relax.

He's getting it, and he's catching on. That makes me happy. After all a happy bunny is happy human. His attitude from the beginning has been so open because he was young when we got him. It hasn't changed. I'm proud of myself that I have not done anything to break or scare him to make him tentative. He's still open minded and taking it all in. In other words, he is becoming a pleasure. He does well with the litter box inside his crate, but outside, we are still seeing accidents. Not a lot, just little piddles. And we just have to keep reminding ourselves that he is still young and it will come in time. Still has the poop trails but again, reminding ourselves that he's still young. I am seeing less and less so it's all going in a positive direction.

Ape337 wrote:
He's just soooo darn cute!! Love that head shot! :biggrin2:
Thanks. I'm really glad that my Husband takes great pics. He knows how to get the angles just right. After all, he's done it for 30 some odd years.


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