New Member
Hello, I know you must get many topics like thisone, however i require some help. I am currently the owner of two DutchRabbits, one is around 24 weeks olds and has been neutered (2 daysago), the other is 10 weeks old. Both are male. I want to integratethem, however have been unsuccessful. Before the older bunniesoperation, the older bunny would try and hump the younger one, howeverthere was no fighting between them. I spoke to a woman at a local petstore and she suggested putting some lavender drops on the back on thebunnies necks before putting them together. However the bunniesstarting fighting very agressively, so they were split up. I have nowwashed the lavender off the bunnies necks, however i am confused as tohow to go about this now. How long should i wait after the olderbunny's operation before he has calmed down a bit? And how long shouldi wait before the lavender has worn off? and will they now hate eachother. Any advice is greatly appreciated.