Neutered male and Baby - fighting - lavender oil

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Sep 19, 2006
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Hello, I know you must get many topics like thisone, however i require some help. I am currently the owner of two DutchRabbits, one is around 24 weeks olds and has been neutered (2 daysago), the other is 10 weeks old. Both are male. I want to integratethem, however have been unsuccessful. Before the older bunniesoperation, the older bunny would try and hump the younger one, howeverthere was no fighting between them. I spoke to a woman at a local petstore and she suggested putting some lavender drops on the back on thebunnies necks before putting them together. However the bunniesstarting fighting very agressively, so they were split up. I have nowwashed the lavender off the bunnies necks, however i am confused as tohow to go about this now. How long should i wait after the olderbunny's operation before he has calmed down a bit? And how long shouldi wait before the lavender has worn off? and will they now hate eachother. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
The one who was just neutered needs more time torecover. You may want to wait until the other one is neuteredand well before you try to bond.

I doubt the lavender oil had anything to do with the aggression.

Can you place their cages in the same area so they get used to oneanother's scents? Don't put them too close or they'll fightbetween the bars.

:bunnydance:Just wish they would getalong, they dont fight through the bars they sniff eachother. They lie near each other. Thanks for your advice.
Hi there and Welcome to the forum!

You should definely read up on bonding before you attempt any moreintroductions. Heres the a link to our resource center, which has loadsof info on bonding:

My favorite site for bonding info is the house rabbit society, here'stheir link:

First off, you need to give your 6 mo old time to recover from hissurgery. I would give him at least a month or more for his hormones tocool off and for him to return to normal. He's probably a bit crankyright now, wouldnt you be?!

Secondly, I would wait until your 10 week old is older and has beenneutered. Its not recommended to bond young bunnies, becausethey might get along when they're little, but fight as they grow up andbegin to mature. I would keep them separated (maybe two cagesin the same room so they can smell eachother) and hold off bonding fornow.I knowfrom experience thatbondingtwo males, especially if one isunaltered,can bevery difficult.

I would highly recommend you read up on bonding and let some time passfor your little ones. Its the best thing you can do for themif you want them to eventually become friends.

Best wishes!

Thanks for your help, i will take your advice and wait a while until the other bunny has been neutered.

Snuggys Mom wrote:
I doubt the lavender oil had anything to do with theaggression.

Chippy reacts very aggressivly to certain smells. She's the only one of our 8 that seems to do this.

Purell was the only thing I knew about for a while that bothered her.If I use Purell on my hands and then reach into her cage she willcharge, grunt and BITE.....REPEATLY!! I have to wash my hands with soapand water after using the Purell.
Last night I was using some baby oil on S'more. I washed my hands, butthey still smelled like the baby oil. I reached into Chippy's cage andshe bit me immediately. I had to use vinegar to get the smell off andthen I rubbed timothy hay into my hands.

The smell of the other bunnies doesn't seem to bother her at all.
For both our males it took about 3 months fortheir hormones to really settle after their neuters. Theywere better after a month or so but would have little fits here andthere. Three months seems to be the point where ours justseemed to really mellow out and settle down. We are trying tobond our newermale to a bonded trio(2 females, 1 male) andthey get along great as long as one or the other is behindbars! If you let the two out together they start to mix itup, but will lie side by side up against the bars with no problem!:?
i think its best if i wait until both areneutered and settled down as i want this to work out and dnt want torush things. really appreciate your advice, thanks.