Hmmm, I think it really depends on the individual bunny, and how much handling/socialising they get from a young age.
However...I have heard people say that the smaller breeds tend to be less 'cuddly' and more skittish, whereas the larger breeds seem more happy just to 'lounge' with you etc. but I am not sure it I entirely agree with that.
The small breeds are going to be quite fast, and perhaps a bit more agile than the larger breeds, (??) so maybe that would make them seem less cuddly etc.
Having said that, though, I only know 3 netherland dwarfs. My Gran's was incredibly aggressive, shy, and hated cuddles. My friend's two were aggressive, territorial, skittish, and didn't enjoy cuddles or strokes, that I could see. I don't 'blame' my Gran for that bun- I think she genuinely just got a troublesome bunny (rest its soul), but I don't think my friend is an awesome owner. The rabbits barely get ANY handling, or exercise time, so I am not surprised that when she does approach them, they growl at her and act aggressive:grumpy.
I have to say, nethie's have the absolute CUTEST faces ever