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YES!!! He finally called! He's so sweet! 9:00 pm and he calls me........ and he's getting remarried TOMORROW!

It's NOT cancer
- at least not now. It has those cells and it has some tendency to go that way but..... it's not as of now. He wants to put me on some medicine to try to keep it from growing and then we'll take it out if it starts up again.......

I can't start the medicine for a few days since it's still a bit sore from the biopsy. He said it could irritate it more..... it's a synthroid so ........

of course they'll monitor my bloodwork and probably do another ultrasound/biopsy next year or so...... He wants to see me in a month.

He said if it continues to hurt and bother me from the pressing on my throat, that they will take it out.

THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND PRAYERS! You helped me more than you'll ever know to get through this week!

:great::woohoo I am so relieved for you! :woohoo



Pennie, I'm so happy for you I have tears in my eyes :) I've been thinking about you this whole time, I was worrying and thinking on the plane that I would have to keep checking this thread for news, and hoping it would be good!

I hope that the meds help you... it sounds like you have a great doctor!


Thank you again, everyone :hug:

Scott is a WONDERFUL doctor. We started going to him when Luke was about 1 I think. We didn't have a pediatrician after that, we always just hadhim, our family doc. John even likes him a lot and hates docs.

When I had Lexi, he and John sat at the end of the bed that night talking and watching a college basketball game. HE rubbed my feet! LOL! He's always got a hug for me and the kids and his nurse is just as wonderful! We can sit and joke and laugh about stuff.

When I took Lexi into the office after she was born, she took her from me in the waiting room..... took her socks off and kissed her little feet! and then I didn't see them until I got back into the exam room. She and the other gals were loving on Lexi for about 1/2 hour and playing with her and stuff. They are like some sort of extended family to us.

It's nice when your kids know the doc's nurse by her first name, know her son's name, their doc's kids' names and stuff too! Lexi even knows that he has a mainecoon cat LOL! This is a VERY big practice ina network.... one of the docs is the Colts'football teamfamily doctor.

I think if he hadn't called, I would have been calling him on the honeymoon! LOL! That's so funny cause I told him that! LOL!
I really am! Thank you so much. I wish Chris had been as lucky :(

I am crossing my fingers that the medicine helps it stop growing and maybe even shrinks it. If it grows much more it would hurt and cause way too much coughing and swallowing issues for me and they'd have to cut it out.


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