Excuse my bluntness buy YES could you please get some info for me. I tried to PM you and it was a long explanation and questions and asked for some advice and I hit one key and it was gone. For some reason smileys and macs don't mix. It has been a long night fighting tecnology. Long story short, I read your thread at 9ish kept playing delilah, contemplating her side of things and went to bed. Now it is 2am and I am back here because I just can't sleep thinking of little "brownie" out in a dark garage alone, wondering where his friend went and why. So, if you could find out breed, size, age, is it spayed, how her roommate died, if this one is sick as well, possible mannorisms - can you get near the cage without getting bit? etc As I am sure you know a picture would help convince the hubby. one of the questions on my pm was about having 2 rabbits? I have only had delilah for 6-8wks, I have to look. Is this too soon for another? If I got it could I take it to be spayed immediately or would that be too traumatic.sorry for the length,thanks,mandy