Need some advice with pregnant bunny

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Jun 9, 2005
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I have a one year old, medium sized bunny, who was breed last month onthe 10th. This would make today around the 30th day of her pregnancy.I've read a bit about what I need and I bought a metal medium sizedNesting box from my local Pet Value. I also got Alfa hay and soft graypaper chip type stuff (kinda looks like ripped up egg carton) becausethe people at Super Pet said it was good. I set up the breeding boxyesterday and she's competely kicked everything out of it. I fixed itthis morning again and once again she kicked it all out, she hasn'tstarted puling fur yet and her breathing is pretty rapid (her nose ismoving quickly).I have her cage indoors and in a room of her own andI'm just wondering if there is anything thing else I should be doing,or anything else that she might like more for her nest, and when aboutsshould her babies be coming?

Thanks for the help in advance, I'm new at this
Are you sure she is pregnant?

A rabbits gestation is 31 days, soprobably tomorrow or the day after she will have babies, but she couldbe early.

All rabbits are different, some pull theirhair only an hour before they give birth and some pull it a week or twobefore they are due.

What breed is she? Do you have the father? How old is she?

Take a look at this thread...

Are you prepared for any problems that might occur? Such as a stuck kit?


I am sure she's preganant because when I pet herI can feel this big bumps in her belly and she has almost doubled insize, and Yes the soon to be father is downstairs in a seperate cage.He is pure white with grey tipped hair, he has brown eyes, he is mediumsizedwith short hair (but I have no idea the breed because Igot him from a farm). The mother is Black and white with browneyes. They are both about 9 months old maybe a bit more, andI'm kinda prepared, I've read alot about cold kits and kits that aren'tbeing fed and stuff, but I could still use any advice you could give me.
I'll try to post pictures later.
Here is my advice....don't breed.....

This world has TONS of mixed breed bunnies in shelters, why add a few more?

You espcially shouldnt be breeding if you dont really know what you are doing....

You should have read EVERYTHING you couldget your hands on, there are so many things that could go wrong, andyou need to be prepared.

Do a search on google and type in "Rabbit Kindling" and just read everything..

I have no problem with breeding if you arebreeding purebred, and pedigreed rabbits. Breeding purebreds is totallydifferent then breeding mutts. Purebreds are used for shows and such,mutts usually end up in rescues like mine. I NEVER getpurebreds.

Please think about what you are doing.

Actually, alot of the rabbits you see on theshow tables are not purebred rabbits. In the rabbit showworld, a rabbit only has to be a good representative of the breed ofwhich they are being shown. Alot of the big show breeders docross breed when they are lacking a certain quality in their herd andthey can't find a rabbit of the same breed that has the quality theyare wanting to improve. It is a fairly commonpractice. On the other hand, I do agree that breeding for thesake of breeding is not a good thing - whether it is purebreds orcrossbreds. Before you breed a litter, you should know whatyou are going to do with the offspring. And also be awarethat for most rabbits, they do not spend their lifetimes with 1person. Show rabbits and show brood stock may change handsseveral times before the end of their lives. Most pet rabbitsdo not stay with the home they went to as a baby. Forwhatever reason, it is that rare rabbit that finds a home at weaningand lives a long happy life there. There are many things thatcan go wrong before birth, at the time of birth, and after the birth ofa litter. Are you willing to loose a good pet just for thesake of having a litter that most likely would not survive aswell? Do your research ahead of time and know the risks toyour animals. As for your doe that is tearing up her nestbox, the majority of my does that do this are either not pregnant orextremely hyper around the time of birth. Keep fixing hernest and hope for the best.
Austin I agree with you completely.

I know you dont have to have a pedigree toshow, but she doesnt even know what breed she she wouldnt beable to show them.

This is unnessesary breeding, and postslike this make me angry...and I tend to just rant.


it makes me angry too and I don't want blue tobe pregnant , she's acting normal today that little bunny made my daytoday she loves me:inlove:
I disagee wih your statement, alot ofShowbreeders cross breed rabbits.Very few people i know crossbreed and if you do it takes generations to breed out unwanted traitsyou bring in with the good traits you also brought in.bluebird
My bunny empties her Nest box over and over agian too sometimes, Is there any reason why she does it? any way to fix it?
Yes, I have two dwarf mix bunnies who are alittle over a year, because I live in such a small town we don't have asmall animal vet (or one that's good at bunnies at least) So when Ibrought them there for pasturella I was told they were "boys". Twomonths later when I brought "him" back for a check up, I was told itwas actually a girl and she was at least 2 weeks pregnant. (That wastwo weeks ago) They are separated now and will remain so until mylittle man gets snipped.
Ayglnu, I've read that you recently raised alitter of your own and they did quite well, I could really use yourhelp and advice. I've read everything possiable so far and I believe Iam well prepared and I have a vet close by, but things are so muchbetter when you can ask experianced people. I'd really like my bunnymom to be ok and get through this so I can then get them fixed.
Good for you! (Imean that seriously) It wasnt your fault they mated and I am glad youare getting your little guy neutered, some people just let theirrabbits go at it and dont care,and I am glad you do care! :)

Mostdoes willmess withtheir nest right until it is time for them to make it, so what you aregoing to have to do is just keep putting it back until she actuallymakes use of it :) Trust me I know its a pain :)

If you have ANY questions please feel free to PM me or post it here :)

Thank you for being responsible :)

Thank you, I'm so so glad I came across thissite and it's been tons of help so far. I'm borrowing my friends webcam so I can get pictures for everyone.
I have a question, I trimmed my bunnies nailsawhile ago but they look really long again, I was just wondering if Ishould trim them so that she doesn't scrath or hurt her babies when shegets into her nest box or if I should wait in fear of stressing her out?
Is she used to you?Like is she really friendly? If you can just hold her in your lap andtrim them then she should be ok. BUT if she is not used to you and getsnervous when you are around then I wouldnt try it, she may thrasharound too much.

Make sure to trim them after she has hadthe babies though, and then keep up with them every other week or so:)

bluebird wrote:
Idisagee wih your statement, alot of Showbreeders cross breedrabbits.Very few people i know cross breed and if you do it takesgenerations to breed out unwanted traits you bring in with the goodtraits you also brought in.bluebird
My Pals ended up with Flemmy traits--it was an outcross and obviouslythere was some Flemish back in the lines. I heard that some breederswill cross Flemish in Pal lines when too much line-breeding decreasesthe size. It worked, apparently. Some big babies there. Most were breedstandard but two showed some ticking and Flemish type.

Also, it's important for all of us to remember that while many of usdisagree with breeding mixed-breeds, there are often extenuatingcircumstances not stated in the posts that might change the situation.For example, two beloved pets bred for babies to keep, with any extrakits given to good homes. I bred for that reason (although purebreds)and I can totally understand that rationale. When people heard I wasplanning to breed Bunbun, there was a waiting list for the kits, simplybecausepeople loved the dad. It wasn't just any rabbitthey wanted, it was his baby.

Mixed breed rabbits can be wonderful pets and if responsiblydone should not be wholly condemned without keeping in mind there maybe other issues not stated (although advice to the contrary is alwaysgreat). :)Amy, your info links are always wonderful. Thanksfor posting them! :D

Welcome to new members,

I have absolutelyno problem with people who breed for personality or improvement of thebreed, I have a problem when the people are breeding just forbreeding!:X

It makes NO sense to me when people breeda doe that is would want mean babies??? Personality traitsare passed down ya know!

All these people are like "Oh I cant putmy hand in her cage I am afraid of her!" you shouldnt be afraid of herand if you are you shouldnt breed her :X

Ugh it just makes me so angry.....



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