Need some advice with pregnant bunny

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ayglnu13 wrote:
I have absolutely no problemwith people who breed for personality or improvement of the breed, Ihave a problem when the people are breeding just forbreeding!:X

It makes NO sense to me when people breeda doe that is would want mean babies??? Personality traitsare passed down ya know!

All these people are like "Oh I cant putmy hand in her cage I am afraid of her!" you shouldnt be afraid of herand if you are you shouldnt breed her :X

Ugh it just makes me so angry.....


Yeah, that was my thought too...until I met an 11-lb.doenamed Tank. She took chunks out of my arm. Talk about scary rabbit.

That was Bub's mom.:p

Anyway, a lot of temperament has to do with the owner's attitude too.Tank had been abused. She later really warmed up, and Bub is wonderful.Disgusting but wonderful. Some rabbits will take advantage of a scaredowner and become even nastier, whereas an experienced owner can turnthings around.

But of course, you're right....some rabbits are just plain evil and shouldn't be bred. I have one.:X


ayglnu13 wrote:
It makes NO sense to me whenpeople breed a doe that is would want mean babies???Personality traits are passed down ya know!

All these people are like "Oh I cant putmy hand in her cage I am afraid of her!" you shouldnt be afraid of herand if you are you shouldnt breed her :X

Ugh it just makes me so angry.....


I think its also important to note that traits from the buck are passeddown also and if you have a mean buck - don't breed him.

My mentor and I have decided I should go ahead and breed SugarBear formy pet line when he's old enough. In fact, we've even pickedout the doe for him to breed with....because she's not as sweet as theothers. Sugar is a vienna carrier which is why he'll only beused for my pet line. I hadn't planned on breeding him - BUT- he is so sweet and so good natured (almost like Tiny's twin-brotheras far as personality goes) that we feel that trait is worth trying toget another male or female for my rabbitry.

But if he weren't so sweet - he wouldn't be bred...


All these people are like "Oh I cant putmy hand in her cage I am afraid of her!" you shouldnt be afraid of herand if you are you shouldnt breed her :X"*****

I agree with Amyon this post in particular: reason being, I am so not afraid ofmany things but when aDoe comes in pregnantand with a nsty attitude , It isscarey to have to put your hand in thereand feed andor checkthe mother and babies , I havebeen bitten more times thanone cares to count , I am notafraid of being Bitten but I dofear infection . And one never knows whatthey can pass on after a bite. if itsa mean rabbit theres 2alternatives , work with itand try and help it seeyour not afraidor going to hurt itor pass it on to some one elsein hopes they can handle it . there is a3 rd alternatrive but I will n ot mentionit.


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