Need Lotsa Help w/ New Bun

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Cheetos mom wrote:
You have all been so amazingly helpful!

I think I have determined "she" is a "he". He has two small grape sizedballs above a hole (Examining him seemed uncomfortable, so ...).

As you know, I am amazed with this critter's personality. In fact, Ihave have, admittedly been bragging about my find! :) He makes mewonder why I hadn't considered a rabbit before...

Couple of questions... I know that I will need to get him neutered,according to everyone's info. Has anyone ever seen a bunny'spersonality change for the worse after the surgery? Is there a timethat is too soon to have this done? How do I ensure that the vet israbbit savy? (I once had a cat that was never the same after she wasfixed - I think they used too much anesthetic or something and shebecame really stupid ie. would ram her head into walls)

Forgive the bluntness of this question, but are all bunnies prone tohumping? Does that come with sexual maturity? My little guy hasn'tstarted, but....

I am so excited for you!! I LOVE MY BUNS! I justhad my male and female spayed and neutered and the male was so friendlyand sweet before, now he is even more sweet. I've nevergotten so many bunny kissses! My female was shybefore the spay, now she comes to the hutch door for breakfast,playtime and dinner. She is more willing to be picked up thanever. I do imagine that it can change any animal'spersonality, though. Hopefully not for the worst. Ihave been learning that, yes, ALL bunnies are prone tohumping. My male won't give my female a break!! Itisn't always about mating, sometimes it is to determinedominance. My silly boy has got it all wrong...(heeheee,forgive me for this one,) he 'mounts' the wrong end of the female...ifyou know what I mean.... :shock:

The woman that altered my buns is a vet tech here in Tucson.On the weekends, she volunteers at an animal shelter inPhoenix. I will ask her for recommendations on exotic animalvets in your area. I adore her and I don't think she wouldsteer anyone wrong. :) Enjoy that baby bun:) Have you been able to check his teeth yet?


Shorty, Star & Kricket
Thanks Kricket,

I would very much appreciate a recommendation for a vet.

I haven't thoroughly examined Cheetos teeth, although I was able to geta decent look at them. What am I looking for? His teeth appeared rathersmall for what I assumed a rabbits teeth are supposed to look like. Isthis good or bad?

Cheeto only seems to be poopin' and urinating in his cage (I haven'tfound all but maybe 5 droppings since Sunday outside of his cage) Am Ipossibly missing some area of the house? How much is a normal amount ofdroppings?

What's the name for the running and jumping around like a wild mancalled? Do you all have a name for this nutty but entertainingbehavior?

Sorry again for being such a geek.
Cheetos mom wrote:
What's the name for the running and jumping around like awild man called? Do you all have a name for this nutty but entertainingbehavior?

Sorry again for being such a geek.

First of all Melissa, you're not a geek - you're a new bunnymomma. Have you checked out the cheat sheet in thisforum? I don't have the link handy but if you do a search for"cheat sheet" you should be able to find it. It will havelots of answers for you (before you even think of the questions).

Your bunny is doing a "binky" when he runs and jumps. It means he's happy.

Here's a link to one of my personal favorite websites - it's wellworth reading and I've read it several times just to refreshmy memory!


Luvabun or anyone else,

What's the best way to apply olive oil to the ears for mites? I'll give it a shot until I can get to the local tack shop...
Tiny's Mama and Kricket,

T.M :Thank you for recommending that site. I keep referring back to it, wanting to read every one of my bun's moves ;).

Kricket : Speaking of referrals... and sorry to trouble you... ButKricket, did you manage to find the name of a reputable bunny vet uphere? I would be greatful....

Thank you both in advance...

Hi Cheetos Mum !

Congratulations on becoming a bunny mummy.

A website I can highly recommend is

It is a website dedicated to Rabbits, with a great section on rabbitbody language. I think Carolyn would agree on recommending this sitesite for you to look at.

I too have found here to be very informative and the other members helpful and friendly.

:D Zee - Loving bunny mummy to Loopy, Loppy & Poppy

Oops I see the link is already up, sorry !
Thank you, Zee!

I cannot remember who (Sorry), but someone stated that it was her favorite site. It has also become mine.

It really helped me. Even though I have been there a number of times, thanks again! :)
Cheetos mom wrote:
Tiny's Mama and Kricket,

T.M :Thank you for recommending that site. I keep referring back to it, wanting to read every one of my bun's moves ;).

Kricket : Speaking of referrals... and sorry to trouble you... ButKricket, did you manage to find the name of a reputable bunny vet uphere? I would be greatful....

Thank you both in advance...


Hey Melissa, I am waiting to hear back from my friend. I lefther a message last night. Hoping I can have an answer bytomorrow :) You bet - we all LOVE to help out fellow bunnylovers !

Thank you all, again.

Are your buns afraid of vaccums? Cheeto, who has now become Don Cheeto , did not budge!

Tonight we, my husband Don Cheeto and I, were outside taking it easy.There was a loud bang coming from somewhere distant. Cheeto ran at meas fast as he could and started scratching my leg. My husband and Icouldn't help but laugh. Talk about a panic! Cute little guy!

No rush, Cricket, with the vet; the goal is to just do it before Cheeto starts getting too mature;)
Yes, Cheetos Mom,

My rabbits can't Stand thevacuum.

I wish they could deal with it because I'd hook up the hose to thevacuum and vacuum them to get rid of the dead fur as theymolt.

Cheetos mom wrote:
Are your buns afraid of vaccums? Cheeto, who has now becomeDon Cheeto , did not budge!

Puck tries to attack the vacuum when its running - and if that doesn't work - he bites Art's pant legs.

I'd love to try and vacuum his hair....BUT...he's so small he'd get sucked right up the hose!

Wait a much as he's been driving me crazy (boy does he fit his name)...that just might work!

Just kidding....I'd never knowingly hurt a bunny...


P.S. No bunnies were harmed in the typing (or thinking up) of this message.
Hi !

2 Of mine cannot stand the hoover, but the other will sit there, in your way.

Sometimes I have to nudge her out of the way, so I can get to where she has been laying.


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