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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2006
Reaction score
London, , United Kingdom
Hiya my bun honey i have a funny feeling thatshe doesnt want to get use to me or anything its wierd its like whenshes out in the room running around i only have to turn my head and sheruns off like a flash....and shes always hidin in her little play bitin the corner or in her bed....not only that everyone keeps crowdingher and not letting her get use...i just want her to get use to me 1stas im her mummy:bigtears:....its just a real bad gut feeling that shedoesnt want to just wondering how long it took any1 for yourbun to get use to you its been a long time and im not sure its kind ofupseting as she is so sweet nibbling my fingers and licking them butmost of them time she acts soooo scared any help or suggestions?? thanxx
Each bun is different. My Ringowasfrom day one,Samantha took 7-8 mnths, Connor wasa baby easy at first now a terror with anyone but me, Teresa took about6mnths, the soon to be new bun Dallas was instant.
thnx for the reply...i know buns are differentbut im sure there are ways to get them use to you shes only 6months andstill has a lot to adapt to id just be really gutted if she turns outto be a bad bun :(its my 1st bun after 9years and im reallyHOPING shel get use to me some how id be really distought if she didnt x
I bonded with my bunny, my first and only TinkleBunny by hanging out with her. I have her cage in my room. I am alsoout of work with a broken (seriously broken) ankle, so I would sit onthe floor with her cage door open and just watch tv, not really forcingmyself on her, and one day it just clicked. I also rub her head inshort strokes, and gently rub her ears. I used to feel like she didn'tlike me very much, but then I found that she isn't a bunny that likesto be picked up, she would much rather sit next to me and get petted,and give me kisses in exchange. She's my best friend and I wouldn'ttrade her for anything in the world, even if she isn't a snugglebunny.:bunnyheart

Welcome to the forum!

You've only had Honey for a few days. She's still gettingused to her new home. Try spending a lot of time just sittingor laying on the floor. Sometimes it helps to pretend you'renot paying attention to her by reading a book or newspaper.You can also put some toys or treats near you to encourage her to comenear you. Don't try to touch her much until she's comfortablebeing around you.

There's no bad buns, just naughty ones.;)

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