aussie bunny mummy
Hi, I apologise for not introducing myself first but I need help. I have four bunnies (not bonded), started a job this year (and will finish it this year too) that is taking up ALL of my time and have just decided to separate from my husband 3 weeks ago. I am feeling extremely overwhelmed and just need advice. My dilemma is that I need to sell my house and move out, but I have bunnies in all rooms of the house! I've tried bonding the first 2 but they keep fighting and I keep giving up because it is so scary.One always grooms the otherthrough partitions but as soon as they're together they fight, even thought the territory is neutral. The other two have just joined me this year, both were found and brought to me and I had to keep them!
My question is should I try and bond some of the others and leave the fighting bunnies for a time I'm feeling less stressed, or will that ruin anything that may have been achieved so far? They are all boys and they are all neutered. My other question is, could I put them altogether in a room divided four ways or will that just send them all nuts? Also, if I did have them altogether in a room and decided to persist with the two fighting bunnieswill it make it harder for them to bond? My bunnies are my life and it breaks my heart to see them all living separately. The two bunnies that fight do live side by side in a room divided, and they often lie side by side, but as soon as I try to bond them, they fight. The other two are alone in separate rooms. One more question, moving them to the same room would mean their living spaces would be smaller, but would that be ok because they would have the company of the other bunnies? Any advice would be really appreciated. Also, anysuggestions on Elvis or Gritz's breed would be great too! Here are my big eared, bucky toothed children:
Binky (wild rabbit, found on a busy highway in 2005):
Casper (giant flemish/lop cross, joined me in 2006):
Elvis (havana cross...maybe?, found on a footpath April 2007):
Gritz (cross/cross???, found in a child care centre yard last week):
Binky (wild rabbit, found on a busy highway in 2005):

Casper (giant flemish/lop cross, joined me in 2006):

Elvis (havana cross...maybe?, found on a footpath April 2007):

Gritz (cross/cross???, found in a child care centre yard last week):