Well-Known Member
I dunno what to do
(Sorry in advance for the length)
Back in 2002, I was working at a coffee shop. There was a client there who became a bit too friendly. He started flirting with me, grabbing my hand when I would give him his change, leaning in towards me, leaving me crappy gifts (jewelry etc)... Ok, I have dealt with a lot of things and I brushed it off at first. He had been doing it to other girls before me soI figured it would pass.
But then he started showing at my bus stop, at the same hours I stopped working. My manager noticed and decided that he was getting too freaky for her liking so she switched my shifts to give me irregular hours and told the girls that I was not to serve him. When I started staying later, he came by the coffee shop and would follow me out always wanting to chat. It started to get spooky, so a co-worker started posing as my bf to discourage him. It worked for the most part.
I stopped working and though I'd bump into him from time to time nothing happened. However, last year, I started working at another coffee shop (tim hortons again) and whaddaya know? In he pops. Oh great I thought. And when he saw me he invited me over.Oh gosh... the look he gave me :yuckYou know that disgusting look that men can give whenthey're like imagining bad things... It's not a sexy look either. It totally freaked me out. I did not want to deal with him again.
But before I knew it, things started up again. He'd show up earlier and earlier and stay longer. He'd always leave when I'd leave and of course, he'd be taking the same bus and get off at the same place. He never did follow me home though. I'd make a whole bunch of detours just to be sure. Then one day after work, he offered me a gum, but I kept walking and told him I couldn't chat, but he grabbed me and tried to kiss me so I pushed him off and told him to back off or my bf would break him in half. I left in a hurry. I stopped working soon after.
Now the thing is, I see him everywhere. Multiple times a week. At the bus stop, at restos, in small stores, at the mall, at the hospital... Alright, I know the guy has no life and hangs around roaming places but this is getting to be too often. Like just tonight, I had an urge for chocolate so I went to the corner store. Poof he's there. I walk in and he says hi and I just nod but this time there's a younger guy with him. As soon as he said hi this new guy perked and towered over me, blocking my path, and checking me out. Not in a good way. This isn't the flattering cute guy checking you out thing...Wth?! I pushed him aside apologizing saying he was blocking my chocolate, grabbed it quickly and went to the cash. I made the cashier a sign and he caught on right away and started chatting about anything and everything. The two men started roaming the store and I slipped out into the resto next door and then through the back door and went straight home, checking behind me repeatedly.
Needless to say, it gives me the creeps. I can't explain that look but it's the same look I got the last time something happened. I really don't want to go through that again. What should I do? The cops said I couldn't do much since there was nothing saying that he's actually following me and he hasn't technically done anything.
I'm about to turn really nasty on him.
Back in 2002, I was working at a coffee shop. There was a client there who became a bit too friendly. He started flirting with me, grabbing my hand when I would give him his change, leaning in towards me, leaving me crappy gifts (jewelry etc)... Ok, I have dealt with a lot of things and I brushed it off at first. He had been doing it to other girls before me soI figured it would pass.
But then he started showing at my bus stop, at the same hours I stopped working. My manager noticed and decided that he was getting too freaky for her liking so she switched my shifts to give me irregular hours and told the girls that I was not to serve him. When I started staying later, he came by the coffee shop and would follow me out always wanting to chat. It started to get spooky, so a co-worker started posing as my bf to discourage him. It worked for the most part.
I stopped working and though I'd bump into him from time to time nothing happened. However, last year, I started working at another coffee shop (tim hortons again) and whaddaya know? In he pops. Oh great I thought. And when he saw me he invited me over.Oh gosh... the look he gave me :yuckYou know that disgusting look that men can give whenthey're like imagining bad things... It's not a sexy look either. It totally freaked me out. I did not want to deal with him again.
But before I knew it, things started up again. He'd show up earlier and earlier and stay longer. He'd always leave when I'd leave and of course, he'd be taking the same bus and get off at the same place. He never did follow me home though. I'd make a whole bunch of detours just to be sure. Then one day after work, he offered me a gum, but I kept walking and told him I couldn't chat, but he grabbed me and tried to kiss me so I pushed him off and told him to back off or my bf would break him in half. I left in a hurry. I stopped working soon after.
Now the thing is, I see him everywhere. Multiple times a week. At the bus stop, at restos, in small stores, at the mall, at the hospital... Alright, I know the guy has no life and hangs around roaming places but this is getting to be too often. Like just tonight, I had an urge for chocolate so I went to the corner store. Poof he's there. I walk in and he says hi and I just nod but this time there's a younger guy with him. As soon as he said hi this new guy perked and towered over me, blocking my path, and checking me out. Not in a good way. This isn't the flattering cute guy checking you out thing...Wth?! I pushed him aside apologizing saying he was blocking my chocolate, grabbed it quickly and went to the cash. I made the cashier a sign and he caught on right away and started chatting about anything and everything. The two men started roaming the store and I slipped out into the resto next door and then through the back door and went straight home, checking behind me repeatedly.
Needless to say, it gives me the creeps. I can't explain that look but it's the same look I got the last time something happened. I really don't want to go through that again. What should I do? The cops said I couldn't do much since there was nothing saying that he's actually following me and he hasn't technically done anything.