Sure Peg, I'll rustle some up next time I go there.
Thank you trailsend, I love your pics too, and you avatar is gorgeous

Not much is new, I've had a good week. Spent a day at the in laws place, that was alright I guess...about as alright as that sort of day can be

I'm hoping we get our car back soon, it's in for panel modification (replacing the rear quarter panels to wider ones, both for looks and fitting wider wheels - yeeaaahh, more rubber to burn!). Mat's work car broke down while we were getting the groceries so we are without a car. Lucky our mate James is lending us one, seeing as he has 3 cars, all the same car but different colours. Oh to be living with your parents and having lots of money!
We've begun looking at a house to buy, well I say we but I guess I mean Mat has seeing as he's the one with the money. Not looking too good so far, everything is way out of our price range even if I was working. Thinking to move eventually, hopefully to Australia or Canada depending on circumstances at the time.
I've also applied for a reception/computing course and waiting for my student loan to come through. It ios the Cerificate in Computing and Administration Level 3. I would have been going for level four but my maths wasn't up to scratch.
What else,'s getting to autumn so I'm doing knitting and sewing, I made myself a dress for next summer, it's cute! I've been playing a lot of computer games, not usually a computer game person but enjoying that. I make maps for Mat to play in Warcraft 3, so far they are just ok, not brilliant. I've also been heavily into exercise and gardening, and reading up on genetics in rabbit fur colours. I'm getting back into drawing also.
I think that's about it
