Naughty NZ bunners!

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Sakura wishes she was half as pretty as Saffy! Saffy is stunning, so that's a real big compliment, thank you. They have got the same colouring, but I'm afraid Saffy is much more netherland than Sakura, poor Sakura, hehe! I don't care and she doesn't care though. Her twin sister is for sale here :shock:, I can tell you, that was tempting. Oh and yes, she is nice to cats, but mean to my hands :p.

Ever since I posted those pictures of Brewster, she's been going nuts! She's about a year and 3 months old, and she hasn't played like this since she was a kitten. She's litteraly bouncing off the walls, awww, silly girl.

No one can take my brew though :shock:, I'll karate chop your hands if you try :biggrin2:.

I have another vid somewhere where a bunny of mine binkied right ONTO her, and she just "prrrps!" and rolls over, doesn't even mind. She's a neat cat. The only thing she does wrong is smelly poos :p, really, really smelly, I hate cat poo.
I love the new blog!:D Little Sakura is the cutest, and I love Bailey-more pics of him though please?:p

I also loved the road trip vid!:D

Brewster has the most pretty eyes!

Awsome pics.:D

This is too cute of Sakura! Haha! Love that mouth.:p


Need more soon, girly.:)

I love your story about Bunny. She sounds like such a special rabbit who was very much loved!

I spent about three weeks in New Zealand a number of years ago. I was on north island in a town called Whangerai (not sure I spelled that right). We did a driving tour of the entire island. It's absolutely beautiful. I'd love to go back someday.
Oh that's awesome slavetoabunny! I love to hear about when people have come to NZ. I was in Whangarei just a few weeks ago, I'm a couple hours down from it on the North Island. Usually when people come here they arrive and leave from the Auckland airport, I'm about 10/15 minutes drive from there. Lots of new Zealand is very pretty, but I think only because our small population hasn't ruined everything yet.

BBB, yes, Sakura does look rather like a doorstop :shock:, I tell ya what, she'd freeze even wolves with that look in her eye :p. She was really cute yesterday. She was in the kitchen and I was secretly spying on her from a distance as she does silly things when she think no one is looking...anyways, have you guys ever seen a dancing poodle? Sakura was up on her back legs, and I swear, she was a dancing poodle! I burst out laughing and she dropped back down, spun around and gave me the most filthy look, thumped then ran off flicking her back feet at me.

Bailey has been pretty good too, he's got some sort of allergy or something that reacurs with his right eye and it's a bit icky right now though, poor dude. I have some pictures of him from a few days ago that I need to resise and upload :). I've had his eyes looked at a couple of times and the vet is stumped, so we just lable it as allergies :?.

Thought I better mention my two new wee buns in my blog! Still not too sure if they are keepers or not, but, getting very attached to them very quickly :D. Their names are Onyx and Inca, they are mixed breed bunnies. For now I am labeling them both as female as I can see that Inca is, but not 100% sure on Onyx.

I'm a great believer that my bunnies need plenty of outdoor time on natural surfaces, so they are taken outside just as the other buns are. They spent their life until now outside on the grass anyway, as it was about the only source of food I saw when I got them :?, so they are ok, no one panic :p, they have been munching on grass for a few weeks already and their poops are perfect today, after being on the grass yesterday.
















"Whats up dude!"


"Where are you going, maaan?"


"Cat, isn't it obvious? I'm climbing up to the window!"


"Well good luck dude, it's pretty far away"

How many silly faces can one bun make in a few seconds? Why, very many, of course...





Oh that's awesome slavetoabunny! I love to hear about when people have come to NZ. I was in Whangarei just a few weeks ago, I'm a couple hours down from it on the North Island. Usually when people come here they arrive and leave from the Auckland airport, I'm about 10/15 minutes drive from there. Lots of new Zealand is very pretty, but I think only because our small population hasn't ruined everything yet.
When we arrived, we flew into Whangarei. Returning, we drove down to Auckland and spend two days there before flying out. The shopping was awesome! I love the fire opal set that my husband bought me there.

One of my favorite places was the Waipoua Kauri Forest - just stunning. Everything was beautiful there - I'd love to visit again.

My niece spent a year there after graduating from college. She was only supposed to go for two months - her parents finally had to fly over and drag her home.

You ALL, I mean, everyone on RO :p, must see these pics! Baby bunny awwwness x 1 billion :D. I'm so loving these two :hearts. I can't help but try and force everyone to look at them, I apologise in advance :whistling.

The first one is to show size.

Thanks you two, they are very cute :D, thought quite un-tame.

Today Bailey helped me do some weeding on the patio area. His idea of helping was about 2 minutes of running back and forth and pooping everywhere, and then 30 minutes of sleeping ;).

Oh to be a lazy lop! Sorry if the pics are a bit dark, I took these very early in the morning.







Aww i really love Bailey....he's just so gorgeous...and just look at his sweet little mouth.....i love little bunny mouths.....hehe when my bunnies are eating which seems like all the time,i will lay on the floor and just watch their little mouth moving while they are eating...they're so cute,i'm sure they often think that i'm a bit strange lol

But Bailey is one handsome little bunny :inlove:

Baileys so cute and well onyx and inca I should have known about them before i went up north but now i'm gona have to make another trip up and bunny nap them coz theyre so damn cute. I'm sure some cheap grab a seat will pop up soon and i'll be up quick smart MWAHAHA:zoro:lol.
Michelle, your blog is wonderful. Sakura has just got the funniest facial expressions, and I could just pick Bailey up and snuggle him.

Inca and Onyx are little bundles of cute mischief, aren't they? Have you decided whether they are staying yet ? (I really think they should ;))

LOl PepnFluff! If you come up here bring your buns so I can, um, babysit them for you for a while :p.

I do that too Cheryl! I love bunny mouths. I'm always watching them when they eat.

I'm not too sure about Onyx and Inca Jan, right now money is pretty tight, us humans are going buy on $30 a week for food and cleaning products and toilet paper etc, my first loyalties are with Sakura and Bailey. I wont make life any worse for them so they are my priority at the moment. But for now things are ok :D.

Ya know that lovely pretty cat up there? Well she caught a bird today! I managed to get the poor sparrow from her and put it outside in a box with some hay so it could calm down. It's gone now so I hope it's ok.

Once again i have pictures of Bailey. Sakura has been totally moody since spaying and I've been terrible with remembering to get pictures of anyone. But Bailey is my little camera hog star bunny, he likes having his picture taken I think :D.

First, just some of him posing. You can see Mat in the first one, he was talking to Bailey but walked away quickly when he saw I had the camera :p.




I think I have something up my nose!


Playing in the pen outside







Whatcha eating ma?












yes babysit *cough and never return them NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i couldnt live without my babies. Bailey is just too cuteflopped out in his little tunnel

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