Naughty NZ bunners!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2006
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Auckland, , New Zealand
A new blog for a new year :D.

I'll start off with a bit about me, for those that don't know me. My name is Michelle, I'm 25 years old and live in the wee country of New Zealand. If you don't know it, it's a sub-tropical set of islands next to Australia. I live in the north island.

I live here with my fella, Mathew. He's 25 as well. We have been together for 6 years, no plans to marry yet. We are joined by our cat Brewster and our two rabbits, Bailey and Sakura. Bailey is currently our only male pet.

I grew up further down the island in a town called Hastings. I love it down there and hope to go back again soon.

I'm short at 4'10", with brown hair and blue eyes. I almost typed blue hair and brown eyes just then :p! I love computers, gaming, enjoy shows about exotic cars, and I go walking every morning at about 6am.


My love for bunnies started when I was 7. My grandma had a bunny, I don't remember what the bun looked like. I begged and begged and begged for a rabbit of my own. My mum finally caved in, 7 years later.

We went to the petstore and she said I had a limit of $150 to spend. I chose a rabbit hutch that was $100, and a book about rabbits that was $10. Then I went and looked at the buns. There was a huge selection! I picked out this small black and white girl. She was labled as a dwarf rabbit.

The hutch was so small that it fit in the backseat of the car :?, at the time I had no clue they needed lots of room. I named the rabbit 'Bunny Buns' or something like that. She just got called bunny anyway.

During the day she was in her hutch on our deck, and at night mum felt sorry for her and she was brought inside, hutch and all, into the living room. I loved her with all my heart. She was my first pet of my own, not a family pet, not my mums, not my brothers, but mine.

A year or so later we moved house. Bunny was allowed to run around the hallway of the new place, so during the day when I was at school I shut her in there with some newspaper to pee on and all her food and water dishes. We had this little glass and cane table thing in there, when I came home she would always be sitting on the bottom glass shelf. She was such a good girl. She never pee'd where she wasn't meant to and was so cuddly and sweet. We did everything together. I loved her so intensly. Every single day we sat together and cuddled and watched TV.

One day mum said Bunny was lonely, and she got me a guinea pig. I name him Punkey, as he looked like a little punk with his crest of hair. Bunny hated him! Myself and (my boyfriend at the time) Josh and his dad made Punkey his own hutch. It was better than Bunnys, but to short for a rabbit.

One night it was warm and clear, and I didn't cover Bunny's hutch over with a tarp, and a storm came. She escaped from it as she must have been getting wet. The next day I was so upset, I couldn't stop crying, and I printed off flyers and dropped them all around the streets. That evening the neighbours came over with a bundle in their arms... "Is this your rabbit?" was Bunny! The said they found her sleeping with their cat all cuddled up together.

Bunnys hutch was brought into the garage. She was placed in it, and though she seemed a bit slow, she was eating. Josh, said he thought she would be fine. I knew otherwise.

Towards the end of the next morning Bunny had her head tilted off to one side. I didn't know anything about wry neck. I thought maybe she had a sore ear. I had to really beg and beg and beg mum to let me take her to the vet. My grandma's husband took me in the end. "Bunny is very sick" they told me. "She probably wont live". I strained so hard not to cry then and there. They gave her some fluids and this pink stuff in a syringe for me to feed her at home.

Bunny, Rod and myself went back to my grandmas. I sat with Bunny on their couch, trying to cuddle her but she would shift away from me and looked hot and miserable. I was really distressed. I called Josh's mum for some confort as she was really nice and had bunnies before. She consoled me a bit, and told me to give her some water. Bunny drank gratefully. By this stage Bunnys breathing was snotty and laboured.

Rod drove me home and I had Bunny in a large cardboard box with the top open in my room. She was so sad :(. She still drank but refused food. I gave her the meds a couple of times. Then, the last time I gave them to her, she died. She took them then sort of started flipping out. I scooped her up and her body shook and flipped in my arms and she passed. That day, I drank a whole bottle of wine to drown my sorrows :shock:, I got really sick and it didn't help. I cried and cried so much that our cat got distressed and was wailing with me.

Later that afternoon Josh and I buried her.

I never got any pictures of Bunny :(, and as much as I love her, her face is faded from my memory. She was my first and truest heart bun. I miss you so much Bunny sweetheart.

Sorry to start my new blog with a sad story, but I have been really wanting to type that out.

I'm so sorry about your Bunny. I know it's so hard to lose a beloved pet. I still talk about some of the "heart" animals I had as a child. One was a little mouse - her name was Minnie and she was killed by a falling log in her cage. It broke my heart. I'll never forget her. There've been old dogs, and cats beyond counting - we always had 3 or 4 cats at least. Those special ones are so hard.. I believe they really are sent to us because we need them.

Sometime you should post some photos of where you live. I've heard about some of New Zealand, but I don't know a lot. If it's an island - do you have a lot of bad weather/Earth Quakes?

Bunny photos would be nice too! I also apologize if you don't want longwinded gabs in your blog...... Sometimes I just have alot to say ! ;)
I love longwinded gabs! I'm a gabber :p. I know it takes effort to know what to say in blogs sometimes and I really appreciate you taking the time.

I'm not sure how to actually describe New Zealand. It's the same size as Japan, but with millions less people. I think about 4.5 mil? The weather is generally mild, doesn't get too hot or too cold but lots of areas have seasonal snow. We don't really get much bad weather where I live. Lots of rain and maybe one or two windy storms a year. The ski slopes and southern alps down south are really pretty.

Never had an earthquake up here, but has heaps down in Hastings.

It's a mountainous country for the most part, I haven't really seen many flat areas. Where I am, there are I think 40/50 volcanoes (most inactive). Lots of waterfalls, forests with ferns and palm type trees, lots of pine forests for milling. The south island is super beautiful (think Lord of the Rings, it was filmed there).

I'm in a suburb near the city so it's not that great here, we live in a pretty scummy area for the most part. We have lots of 'gangstas' around here, stuff like that, guys with noisy cars etc, people drinking and fighting, kids doing graffiti on walls with spray paint and all that crap. We get lots of American stuff on the TV so lots of influences there. We get all the popular US shows, plus Days of our Lives and all that crap :p.

Heres and long and tedious video I took in the backseat of the car from New Years when we were driving to visit Mat's brother. I warn you, it's boring and I'm in the back with holding camera :p. But if you get bored...I'm your gal! I warn you the musics a bit loud.

Here's a cute kitten with Mat, it has bright blue eyes that didn't show up though. It's his neice Sarina's kitten and it's really nasty :shock: but so cute.

Enough of me being boring :biggrin2:. Will get bunny pictures tomorrow.

Awww :( Poor Bunny! She sounded like such a fun girl, always hard to loose them in that kind of way though.

It's hard for me to picture New Zealand honestly :shock:! It sounds great!

Aww thanks for posting Leanne! You'd have loved Bunny, she was so much like Poppy, very similar personality and kinda the same face/markings.
Hey in that car ride are you going in the wide (EXTREMLY wide) napier area? It just looks extremly like the road on our way to the bach.
Nice video of the car the scenery! :D

And really neat to hear your accents, by the way (of the people in the car). :)

Bunny sounds so wonderfully sweet...what a wonderful first bun to have. So you've been a bunny person pretty much for life? How wonderful! I wish I could say the same...I've just had them for about two years. I've always had my parents pets, until I was about 10, and we moved into a place that had kitties on the front porch. (I think I've told you about that before, right?)

Anyway, wonderful start to your blog! :D

P.S. That kitty was SO CUTE...but you sure could tell she was a little terror! Hehe! :D
Aww Michelle - what a sad story.:(Bunny sounded wonderful though, such a little character!:D

I'm so jealous of you living in New Zealand - it seems like such a beautiful country! I think it would be the plane ride that would put me off though.:embarrassed:I'm determined to visit New Zealand one day though!:biggrin2:

Now...where are those bunny pictures?:big wink:

Hey PepnFluff, it was through the Karanagahake gorge about 10 minutes from Waihi. I think half of NZ looks pretty much the same though, from what I have seen so far. Excuse the music, wasn't my choice ;). In the car were myself, Mathew to the right and our friend James to the left.

Rosie, yep I guess I have been into rabbits for a long time now :D. I thank my grandma, if it wasn't for her I'm not sure I would have taken a liking to them or not. I didn't have any childhood friends with bunnies. Well that's not totally true, I did know one girl but she was the sister of a friend and I only saw her two white rabbits once.

I'm glad you guys liked my story, it did sound a bit sad, but Bunny gave me so much happiness that the sadness was well worth it, that's for sure!

Jess, I'm just warming the camera up :p. Today is grocery shopping and house cleaning day, where I go around everything with my cloth and bottle of orange scented household cleaner and pretend to be cleaning stuff :D. Really I spend half the time wiping the same thing over and over again and daydreaming :p. The buns and I will be sharing a salad later, I'll get a video or something. Lets see who can eat more, me or them!

Sakura is going in for another spay attempt at the end of next week, I wanted it done today while I was feeling brave but that vet is really good and all booked up for ages in the surgery department. I'm also taking Bailey in to investigate as to why he still had active swimmers :?.

Will most likely have something bunny related up in a few hours :biggrin2:.

Good luck for Sakura! I didn't know that she was going in soon! She'll do great.. she's fearless ;). She'll stomp on and shove mud into any situation that comes at her! Silly Bailey and his swimmers!


I'll be waiting for pictures!
Oh I knowLeanne, i wasn't even sure myself, a bit scared to talk about it in case I jinxed it or something :(. Mat keeps offering to pay so I'm going to take him up on the offer before it expires :p.

I have a video uploading right now :D, I made it a bit long though :shock:. Only diehard Sakura fans need watch it :cool:.

Here is a preview pic, of her looking totally silly.


I'll rarely if ever leave a comment, but just letting you know that I am stalking your blog :wave:
OMG! I am in LOVE withthat girlLOL!!


I really need a shirt saying I :heartsSakura! :D:D\

Can't wait for the video! Pshhhttt! Someone not being a diehard Sakura fan? That'll be the day!

.. I would check their pulse if that ever happened!

Thanks Jess, she really is so adorable! At the moment, very moody though :?.

I have someone else rather pretty here who wants to say hello. My lovely cat Brewster :D. She says a big "prrrrooooww!" to you all. She's such an awesome cat, she's perfect with rabbits, never once has she gotten rough with them. I just love her to pieces .


Sorry if the pics are a bit big, but she demanded large closeups :tongue



Sakura is so gorgeous and the spitting image of my Saffy.

Maybe Saffy is her evil twin cause if that had been Saffy she would have eaten the cat and given me serious dirty looks for trying to video her :p

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