Well-Known Member
A new blog for a new year
I'll start off with a bit about me, for those that don't know me. My name is Michelle, I'm 25 years old and live in the wee country of New Zealand. If you don't know it, it's a sub-tropical set of islands next to Australia. I live in the north island.
I live here with my fella, Mathew. He's 25 as well. We have been together for 6 years, no plans to marry yet. We are joined by our cat Brewster and our two rabbits, Bailey and Sakura. Bailey is currently our only male pet.
I grew up further down the island in a town called Hastings. I love it down there and hope to go back again soon.
I'm short at 4'10", with brown hair and blue eyes. I almost typed blue hair and brown eyes just then
! I love computers, gaming, enjoy shows about exotic cars, and I go walking every morning at about 6am.
My love for bunnies started when I was 7. My grandma had a bunny, I don't remember what the bun looked like. I begged and begged and begged for a rabbit of my own. My mum finally caved in, 7 years later.
We went to the petstore and she said I had a limit of $150 to spend. I chose a rabbit hutch that was $100, and a book about rabbits that was $10. Then I went and looked at the buns. There was a huge selection! I picked out this small black and white girl. She was labled as a dwarf rabbit.
The hutch was so small that it fit in the backseat of the car :?, at the time I had no clue they needed lots of room. I named the rabbit 'Bunny Buns' or something like that. She just got called bunny anyway.
During the day she was in her hutch on our deck, and at night mum felt sorry for her and she was brought inside, hutch and all, into the living room. I loved her with all my heart. She was my first pet of my own, not a family pet, not my mums, not my brothers, but mine.
A year or so later we moved house. Bunny was allowed to run around the hallway of the new place, so during the day when I was at school I shut her in there with some newspaper to pee on and all her food and water dishes. We had this little glass and cane table thing in there, when I came home she would always be sitting on the bottom glass shelf. She was such a good girl. She never pee'd where she wasn't meant to and was so cuddly and sweet. We did everything together. I loved her so intensly. Every single day we sat together and cuddled and watched TV.
One day mum said Bunny was lonely, and she got me a guinea pig. I name him Punkey, as he looked like a little punk with his crest of hair. Bunny hated him! Myself and (my boyfriend at the time) Josh and his dad made Punkey his own hutch. It was better than Bunnys, but to short for a rabbit.
One night it was warm and clear, and I didn't cover Bunny's hutch over with a tarp, and a storm came. She escaped from it as she must have been getting wet. The next day I was so upset, I couldn't stop crying, and I printed off flyers and dropped them all around the streets. That evening the neighbours came over with a bundle in their arms... "Is this your rabbit?" was Bunny! The said they found her sleeping with their cat all cuddled up together.
Bunnys hutch was brought into the garage. She was placed in it, and though she seemed a bit slow, she was eating. Josh, said he thought she would be fine. I knew otherwise.
Towards the end of the next morning Bunny had her head tilted off to one side. I didn't know anything about wry neck. I thought maybe she had a sore ear. I had to really beg and beg and beg mum to let me take her to the vet. My grandma's husband took me in the end. "Bunny is very sick" they told me. "She probably wont live". I strained so hard not to cry then and there. They gave her some fluids and this pink stuff in a syringe for me to feed her at home.
Bunny, Rod and myself went back to my grandmas. I sat with Bunny on their couch, trying to cuddle her but she would shift away from me and looked hot and miserable. I was really distressed. I called Josh's mum for some confort as she was really nice and had bunnies before. She consoled me a bit, and told me to give her some water. Bunny drank gratefully. By this stage Bunnys breathing was snotty and laboured.
Rod drove me home and I had Bunny in a large cardboard box with the top open in my room. She was so sad
. She still drank but refused food. I gave her the meds a couple of times. Then, the last time I gave them to her, she died. She took them then sort of started flipping out. I scooped her up and her body shook and flipped in my arms and she passed. That day, I drank a whole bottle of wine to drown my sorrows :shock:, I got really sick and it didn't help. I cried and cried so much that our cat got distressed and was wailing with me.
Later that afternoon Josh and I buried her.
I never got any pictures of Bunny
, and as much as I love her, her face is faded from my memory. She was my first and truest heart bun. I miss you so much Bunny sweetheart.
Sorry to start my new blog with a sad story, but I have been really wanting to type that out.
I'll start off with a bit about me, for those that don't know me. My name is Michelle, I'm 25 years old and live in the wee country of New Zealand. If you don't know it, it's a sub-tropical set of islands next to Australia. I live in the north island.
I live here with my fella, Mathew. He's 25 as well. We have been together for 6 years, no plans to marry yet. We are joined by our cat Brewster and our two rabbits, Bailey and Sakura. Bailey is currently our only male pet.
I grew up further down the island in a town called Hastings. I love it down there and hope to go back again soon.
I'm short at 4'10", with brown hair and blue eyes. I almost typed blue hair and brown eyes just then
My love for bunnies started when I was 7. My grandma had a bunny, I don't remember what the bun looked like. I begged and begged and begged for a rabbit of my own. My mum finally caved in, 7 years later.
We went to the petstore and she said I had a limit of $150 to spend. I chose a rabbit hutch that was $100, and a book about rabbits that was $10. Then I went and looked at the buns. There was a huge selection! I picked out this small black and white girl. She was labled as a dwarf rabbit.
The hutch was so small that it fit in the backseat of the car :?, at the time I had no clue they needed lots of room. I named the rabbit 'Bunny Buns' or something like that. She just got called bunny anyway.
During the day she was in her hutch on our deck, and at night mum felt sorry for her and she was brought inside, hutch and all, into the living room. I loved her with all my heart. She was my first pet of my own, not a family pet, not my mums, not my brothers, but mine.
A year or so later we moved house. Bunny was allowed to run around the hallway of the new place, so during the day when I was at school I shut her in there with some newspaper to pee on and all her food and water dishes. We had this little glass and cane table thing in there, when I came home she would always be sitting on the bottom glass shelf. She was such a good girl. She never pee'd where she wasn't meant to and was so cuddly and sweet. We did everything together. I loved her so intensly. Every single day we sat together and cuddled and watched TV.
One day mum said Bunny was lonely, and she got me a guinea pig. I name him Punkey, as he looked like a little punk with his crest of hair. Bunny hated him! Myself and (my boyfriend at the time) Josh and his dad made Punkey his own hutch. It was better than Bunnys, but to short for a rabbit.
One night it was warm and clear, and I didn't cover Bunny's hutch over with a tarp, and a storm came. She escaped from it as she must have been getting wet. The next day I was so upset, I couldn't stop crying, and I printed off flyers and dropped them all around the streets. That evening the neighbours came over with a bundle in their arms... "Is this your rabbit?" was Bunny! The said they found her sleeping with their cat all cuddled up together.
Bunnys hutch was brought into the garage. She was placed in it, and though she seemed a bit slow, she was eating. Josh, said he thought she would be fine. I knew otherwise.
Towards the end of the next morning Bunny had her head tilted off to one side. I didn't know anything about wry neck. I thought maybe she had a sore ear. I had to really beg and beg and beg mum to let me take her to the vet. My grandma's husband took me in the end. "Bunny is very sick" they told me. "She probably wont live". I strained so hard not to cry then and there. They gave her some fluids and this pink stuff in a syringe for me to feed her at home.
Bunny, Rod and myself went back to my grandmas. I sat with Bunny on their couch, trying to cuddle her but she would shift away from me and looked hot and miserable. I was really distressed. I called Josh's mum for some confort as she was really nice and had bunnies before. She consoled me a bit, and told me to give her some water. Bunny drank gratefully. By this stage Bunnys breathing was snotty and laboured.
Rod drove me home and I had Bunny in a large cardboard box with the top open in my room. She was so sad
Later that afternoon Josh and I buried her.
I never got any pictures of Bunny
Sorry to start my new blog with a sad story, but I have been really wanting to type that out.