Natasha Rabbitova's 2015-16 Blog

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I just got the latest issue of Bunny Mad! magazine from the UK, and found that Natasha is on the Funny Bunnies page.

She's so proud...

Natasha basking in her well-earned fame...

Natasha had an extra-large share of kale for dinner in celebration.

Here's Natasha with her comfy rug - a woolen muffler she likes to lie on or next to in the evening.
Natasha is so cute!! I'm glad to see she's been doing well and still in great shape now also famous with her portrait in a magazine - you must be so proud!!! :goodjob:blueribbon:
In their Winter 2015 issue, Bunny Mad Magazine printed my article about living with Scone MacBunny and Natasha Rabbitova as a two-page spread.

Natasha was impressed...

She had to tell Marge and Borders Bunny right away...
Natasha and I were down on Long Island Thanksgiving weekend to visit my folks. They made quite a fuss over her, which she appreciated.

I brought Natasha's friend Marge along for company. Here Natasha's pushed herself under Marge's hand - I think Natasha thought Marge was petting her.

I've been home most of the time since Christmas Eve, other than the odd run to the store or visiting friends, so Natasha's become used to having me around. I don't know what she's going to think when I go back to work tomorrow.

Here are my first 2016 photos of Natasha:

Natasha's been dozing next to me most of today, in full meatloaf mode, as I've been working on the computer.


As soon as I put the camera down on her level, though, she got up to see if it was something edible or interesting:
I've definitely been neglectful of Natasha's blog this year. It's been a busy one for me, and not always in a good way, so I haven't been on RO in quite a while.

Anyway, Natasha's still going strong. She's eight now, but still acts like a kit. She does Bunny 500's around the house every morning, and binkies when I turn off the TV at night and tell her it's time for her bedtime snack.

She gave me a bit of a fright this week. On Tuesday she had run into my bedroom just before the alarm and ran laps around the bed as usual. I got up and got ready for work, and then I called her for breakfast. That usually brings her running from wherever she'd been - but on Tuesday, nothing. No bunny. I even tried calling "Carrot" - nothing. So, I got a flashlight and looked under my bed, where she hides sometimes - no bunny. The back rooms were closed off, and I have a small house, so the only place she could be was the dining room or the living room (she won't go in the kitchen because of the slippery linoleum). She wasn't anywhere. That made no sense. I ate my breakfast, figuring she'd come out to chow down when I stopped looking for her, but she didn't. I looked under everything which had an "under", and behind everything which a bunny could get behind. Still nothing. Finally, I opened the sofa bed in the living room, and there she was. Somehow she'd gotten herself under the bed mechanism - don't know if she was trapped or couldn't find her way out, or if she was just playing "hide the bunny". I picked her up and held her for a while, then plunked her in her cage, where she immediately started inhaling her morning salad.

Sometimes, I think rabbits just enjoy making us worry...

Some recent pictures of Natasha:



Natasha was just chilling out on Wednesday, when I was home for Yom Kippur. She spent quite a while in a full-on flop next to her ball and her cardboard tunnels, but of course she rolled upright as soon as I grabbed my camera. Someday...

I'll start a new blog for Natasha for 2017, but in the meanwhile, to close out the year here are a few pictures I took since my last post.

"Hi Dad, what's up?"

"It's about time to clean my cage, don't you think? Not that I'd nag or anything..."

"There are pellets in here, I know it! And I smell hay... If I work at this long enough, maybe I can get to the Mother Lode..."

Natasha, posing...

Natasha and her Big Yellow Ball

"A dignified old rabbit lady needs to keep herself neat and clean..."

Natasha Rabbitova's Christmas Breakfast - Organic Spring Mix, same as every other morning. Natasha doesn't really celebrate Christmas. After all, she's Chewish...

Happy Holidays to everyone - we'll be back in 2017!
Your darling Natascha is just as cute as the day is long.

Though I do think she would have a mouth like Cloris Leachman. I mean that as a compliment, as my dearly departed Trixie would have had a bit of a potty mouth. After all-lady rabbits of DISTINCTION like Natascha and Trix would have EARNED the right to be a *bit* earthy...

You have a beautiful rabbit there, sir!

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