Mocha is the name of my rabbit!
Here is my copy/paste I offer when someone is seeking names. Maybe one will stand out...
Do you have any favorite movies or books? You can use character names from those.
There are also lots of different theme groupings.
You could consider PLANT names like Basil, Pepper, Pumpkin, Rose, Daisy, Ivy, Lily.
Or "SKY" names like Orion, Pluto, Neptune, Draco, Galaxy, Nebula, Venus, Galaxy.
Or ROCK names like Quartz, Malachite, Copper, Clay, Diamond, Silver, Marble, Slate, Coal.
Or WEATHER names like Blizzard, Volcano, Storm, Dusty, Sunny, Cloud, Rain, Frost
Or based on COLOR (depending on color of course) like Ginger, Cinnamon, Onyx, Vanilla, Cream, Snow, Midnight, Shadow, Cocoa, Butter, Spot, Speckles.
Food names can be in themes as well…
COFFEE: Latte, Mocha, Coffee, Cocoa, Chino (short for Cappachino), Cream, Sugar
CANDY: Snickers, Twix, Skittles, Hershey, M&M, Pez, Toffee
MEXICAN: Burrito, Taco, Bean, Salsa
SNACKS: Popcorn, Peanut, Cheesecake, Cupcake, Cookie, Yogurt, Crumble, Dorito, Frito
SPICES: Cinnamon, Basil, Honey, Ginger, Garlic, Nutmeg, Mint
ICE-CREAM: Vanilla, Rocky Road, Cookie Dough, Chip, Strawberry
FRUIT: Peaches, Cherry, Raspberry, Kiwi, Blueberry, Tangerine