Been putting off updates for a while now, heh. First, internet was unreliable and practically unusable on the computer for at least 2-3 weeks (though at least it worked on xbox and we could stream hulu/netflix since we don't have cable)... then life got in the way and I never got around to getting caught up on my blog here. Anyway, screw getting it all caught up... bottom line is, I still don't have a quad and Alice is still a firestarter, but I'm not tripping about that.
Right now, I'm more concerned about poor Nala. Wednesday, things were fine when I fed morning pellets and evening veggies. Thursday, I gave pellets around noon and instead of running up like an addict to a pile of crack, she ignored them. I wasn't too worried, because I immediately offered a craisin which was eaten. I gave simethicone and moved her to the bonding pen for extra exercise and so that she would be in our bedroom where we could more closely monitor how much she was eating. She nibbled on hay intermittently and was very active (periscoping, running around, flopping and zero signs of pain)... we put her back in her cage overnight, and in the morning the pellets from the day before were pretty much gone... but when I went early this afternoon to give pellets, they were again ignored. I looked her in the eyes and I was pretty sure she was trying to tell me something, but I didn't know what. Activity level still normal, still pooping some, still drinking normal amount of water.
Since the situation hadn't resolved itself in over a day, the odds of it doing so had clearly decreased. Seeing as she WAS still eating, just less, her behavior was normal and she definitely did NOT look sick or pained, I booked an appointment with a vet for later in the afternoon, with a gut suspicion that the likely cause of her near-stasis might be tooth spurs. She turned 7 at the start of June, so she's a senior bunn - that can mean changes in the status quo health-wise and she hasn't had a general check-up in years because we couldn't afford it and she's never been ill or injured.
We went to a new vet, as it was our first time needing one since our move last spring. LOVE Pets Paw Animal Hospital in Conroe! They did a great job... as did Nala. I talked to the vet not just about the last couple of days, but about the fact that she HAD been overweight and her recently-ended "diet"... also, about the very faint limp/favoring of one rear hip that I had attributed to obesity and the potential for arthritis. Nala was INSANELY well-behaved! The vet *really* poked, prodded and inspected! Spent a few minutes inspecting her teeth/mouth and then a few more palpating her hips/rear end, watching her hop around, etc. She does seem to have some mild osteoarthritis in one hip. More importantly, she's got mild to moderate pointy bits on her rear molars on the left side and moderate to severe on the right side

. Filing them down is going to run us nearly $300! Ugh.
Thankfully, I've been saving up for 3-4 months and had just (seriously, last week) come up with enough money to get the air conditioner in my car fixed - at a cost approximately the same as the estimate for the dental work. Not-so-thankfully, this means spending the rest of the summer driving around with NO air conditioner or even vents *cry* (the blower motor is shot). I severely chastised Nala for not eating enough hay/being too wedded to 3rd cut and costing me an air conditioner, lol... but I booked the next available surgical appointment, on Wednesday. I've also been making the switch from calling her "little girl" to "old lady" lol.
Vet recommended critical care in the meantime... they sell it for $17.50, which is nearly twice what I usually pay if I shop around online for a good deal, not that I could even afford $10 right now. Instead, I made DIY pellet slurry with some applesauce mixed in. She wouldn't eat it off the spoon, though the other three rabbits were willing to throw down for a chance at it, hehe. I left some of it in a pile on the floor of her cage. Turned around a couple mins later and she was chowing down - yay! She's eaten a good bit of her daily pellet ration that way now and she's still eating hay and fruit/non-leafy vegs. We just have to make it a few more days and hopefully things will be back to normal. I might need to come up with the cash for some 1st or 2nd cut timothy to mix in with the 3rd to help her teeth so we don't have to repeat the procedure 1-2x a year though - 3rd cut was never a problem before, but the decreased caloric needs (and therefore appetite) of a senior bunn can change that. The important thing is that the cause of her semi-stasis may be expensive but it doesn't pose imminent danger, which is a HUGE relief given my past bad experiences with stasis. I'm so glad I listened to my gut and called around until I could get her a vet appointment today!