Nails of fury

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Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2006
Reaction score
Palenville, New York, USA
My tinkler is one tough little lady. :growl:Ihave a heck of a time clipping her nails. Is there any way I can do itwithout trancing her? Everytime I try trancing her, she comes right outof it and kicks the crap out of me, I have had all sorts of "battlewounds" :boxingThere has to be a better way. I can get the front oneswithout much trouble, it is the deadly hind claws that are giving me somuch greif, any suggestions would be appreciated.


Some bunnies trance really well, and others just won't stay out!

My Wildfire will let herself be carried around like a baby, but she freaks as soon as a nail clipper gets close to her nails.

I clip her nails while she's on my lap on all fours. I just pull out one paw at a time and clip nails that way.

It can be a bit of a song and dance sometimes, but it gets done eventually.

Giving lots of treats and love during the process helps make the experience more enjoyable for the bunny.

Most of the time, I'll do one or two paws one day and then the othersthe next. It helps keep stress to a minimum. Theless time she spends doing something she doesn't enjoy, the better.

I have to wrap my bunnies up in a towel....likea bunnie-buritto. Swaddle them up and hold them on their back in thecrook of my arm. Then I pull one paw out at a time.
I clipped 5 buns out of 8 the other day and emerged unscathed.

Chippy chews her nails and keeps them pretty short. I've had her for a couple of years and have never had to clip her nails.
Binkie is a little chainsaw with fur, so I dedicate one whole day to doing just her.
And then there's Tootsie. She's just to big and strong for me. By thetime I get a hold of her front end, the back end takes off in theopposite direction. I've been taking her to the vet to get her nailsclipped. Well worth the $12 they charge.
I do the same thing with mine that Jim does withTootsie. I just take them to the vet, less stress for me and lessstress for the bunnies. There's this one tech who's amazing with them.She can just scoop them up in one hand and have their nails cut be theyeven have a chance to fuss.


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