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Feb 24, 2012
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Latrobe Valley, , Australia
I have a 2 year old Netherland Dwarf Miffy. Normally extremly active and lively. It's currently summer here, Miffy lives in an outdoor large hutch that is insect proffed and has a very large run attached. 2 Days ago she was off just seemed lethargic and off colour. Her eyes looked funny just a little larger around the rims, took her to the vets who prescribed her antibotic eye lotion 2 times daily.Thought she had a case of conjunctivitis, or possable teeth problems. We disscussed myxomatosis however my vet said there had been no reported cases in the area for over a year and she had no other symptoms that would suggest myxomatosis. I was delighted left the vets with a spring in my step. applied the eye lotion as directed, This evening however her eyes are more swollen, there is currently no discarge but she is listless and a bit aggressive grunting when delivering care, she has always been a littly fiesty but never aggressive.:? Her ears also look a bit odemtaus Is this sounding like myxo??? currently in Australia we are unable to vaccanate against myxo, she had her calcci virus shot. from what I am reading Myxo sounds like a death sentence is there anything I can do??? I started her on a small amount of silver colliod in her water and have been bathing her inflammed eyes in saline. We are off to the vets tommorrow:pray: addit: she is also shedding a lot of fur. Diet manily veg and hay small amount of oxbow pellets.
I hope the vet has good news & it's something easy to take care of. Myxo is rarely if ever seen in the US, but I read that one of the symptoms is fever, which you didn't mention, so I hope that means it's not that.
Thanks she was given antibotics just in case of pasturella infection, however the vet feels she has the begining of classic form myxo:( As she has no discharge from her eyes or serious discomfort she has come home to spend some time with us.:( its a rather sad state of affairs. A little pissed with AU Gov they say we can not vaccinate because myxo requires a live vaccine how ever in the UK it is my understanding that the vaccine for Myxo is not live. However australia gov is responsable for generating the most horriable of rabbit viruses and it seems they are at it again working on a new strain of calici virus.
suziq2u wrote:
I have a 2 year old Netherland Dwarf Miffy. Normally extremly active and lively. It's currently summer here, Miffy lives in an outdoor large hutch that is insect proffed and has a very large run attached. 2 Days ago she was off just seemed lethargic and off colour. Her eyes looked funny just a little larger around the rims, took her to the vets who prescribed her antibotic eye lotion 2 times daily.Thought she had a case of conjunctivitis, or possable teeth problems. We disscussed myxomatosis however my vet said there had been no reported cases in the area for over a year and she had no other symptoms that would suggest myxomatosis. I was delighted left the vets with a spring in my step. applied the eye lotion as directed, This evening however her eyes are more swollen, there is currently no discarge but she is listless and a bit aggressive grunting when delivering care, she has always been a littly fiesty but never aggressive.:? Her ears also look a bit odemtaus Is this sounding like myxo??? currently in Australia we are unable to vaccanate against myxo, she had her calcci virus shot. from what I am reading Myxo sounds like a death sentence is there anything I can do??? I started her on a small amount of silver colliod in her water and have been bathing her inflammed eyes in saline. We are off to the vets tommorrow:pray: addit: she is also shedding a lot of fur. Diet manily veg and hay small amount of oxbow pellets.
this is a touchy subject,--if it is myxi-it is not all hopeless-the bun will require antibiotics,fluids and intensive care-with no guarantee of outcome.//-i condem governments for biological warfare against wildlife and humans-:X:pray:-here is a link which will give you a much more comprehensive outlook of the problem ---sincerely james waller--please continue with rabbit online as this can also help others--:innocent:pray:
Hi, I've heard of a lot of myxo cases happening to people in the past and none of their buns lasted longer than a few days once they caught myxo so there's probably hope for your bun.

Also I've asked the same question about vaccine and what not and knowledgeable people from here have explained it really well that if we had a vaccine it could carry down to the baby buns and create an immunity from the vaccine and if one person's bun got away with that immunity it could become really bad for australia.

Also if you look into reports on rabbits for present times Australia is actually recently going through a rabbit plague which lately I've noticed I've been getting bitten by a lot of mozzie which i never do so i think they're spreading the virus a lot at these times. and I love rabbits to death but I also love australian native flora and fauna and once rabbits plague an area they ruin the soil so you can't grow anything on it again.

Hope your bun gets well soon!
Thanks everyone!! Miffy remains stable at this time no better,no worse. a lot of fur fell of a big patch near her nose but there is new hair growth underneath. I dont know which path this will take she still seems reasonable comfortable although her swollen eyes really look sore, still no discharge or pus. While she remains comfortable I will contine with the treatment. she is still eating and drinking well. And I and prepared to take action to put a end to any suffering if need be. I am a little concerned for my other bunnie little bun although she is an inside bun, and lives seperately to miffy(they didnt like each other seems like a bleasing now. ) I am preying that she remains healthy. If you live in australia please beware that myxo is about. Its been quite an emotional ride, I was unaware of how attached to my rabbits I am. Thanks suzi
Miffy Lost her fight today, I had to let her go she developed pox and her face swelled it was just the humane thing to do. Vet confirmed yes it was definitely myxo, she is now at peace!!! Thank-you for your kind words suzi.
:rip: Binky on fiesty litttle bun
suziq2u wrote:
Miffy Lost her fight today, I had to let her go she developed pox and her face swelled it was just the humane thing to do. Vet confirmed yes it was definitely myxo, she is now at peace!!! Thank-you for your kind words suzi.
:rip: Binky on fiesty litttle bun
this is very disturbing,-all i can say through the tears is, you have my deepest heartfelt condolences--sincerely james waller :innocent:pray::bouquet:
My heartfelt condolences to the loss of your sweet bunny. You did the right thing. I know it's hard but truly thought so much of your bunny that you made the bunny the priority over everything.

Hoping your sorrow turns to fond memories.

K :(
I am so sorry. The presence of this disease and lack of vaccine in Australia and NZ is a horrible shame that makes a lot of bunnies and their owners suffer. You did the best thing for her. Please be very careful with your other bunny. Make sure she doesn't come into contact with anything that Miffy did, including your own clothes/shoes. I'd wash everything you can.
Once again thanks everyone it was very peaceful in the end.We calculated that Miffy was probabley about day 8 -10 when we gave up the fight, my vet was excellant and they have been very reasonable with vet fees I have only ever paid for one consultantation fee and meds and we were back X4. Lil buns going to the vets for a health check tommorow and I have bought a new carrier. As I am a nurse I have used hosptial streangth detsol on everything.Washed all shoes and all cloths jackets ect so to avoid cross contamination Fingers crossed for little bun, it continues to rain rain rain here we have had a third of our anually rain fall in 2 days and more on the way. Am being highly vigallant of mozzies and not leaving doors/ windows open at my place....!!!! I hope never to have to live through this again its a shocker, I really thought that myxo was history.....Does anyone know what to do with the rabbit place Miffy lived in a large Chicken coup made out of fir wood, should it be disinfected, I am assuming that it would not be fit for other rabbits for a long time and I will be keeping mine indoors from now on.....

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