I have a 2 year old Netherland Dwarf Miffy. Normally extremly active and lively. It's currently summer here, Miffy lives in an outdoor large hutch that is insect proffed and has a very large run attached. 2 Days ago she was off just seemed lethargic and off colour. Her eyes looked funny just a little larger around the rims, took her to the vets who prescribed her antibotic eye lotion 2 times daily.Thought she had a case of conjunctivitis, or possable teeth problems. We disscussed myxomatosis however my vet said there had been no reported cases in the area for over a year and she had no other symptoms that would suggest myxomatosis. I was delighted left the vets with a spring in my step. applied the eye lotion as directed, This evening however her eyes are more swollen, there is currently no discarge but she is listless and a bit aggressive grunting when delivering care, she has always been a littly fiesty but never aggressive.:? Her ears also look a bit odemtaus Is this sounding like myxo??? currently in Australia we are unable to vaccanate against myxo, she had her calcci virus shot. from what I am reading Myxo sounds like a death sentence is there anything I can do??? I started her on a small amount of silver colliod in her water and have been bathing her inflammed eyes in saline. We are off to the vets tommorrow
ray: addit: she is also shedding a lot of fur. Diet manily veg and hay small amount of oxbow pellets.