My sick bun

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the daily amount they receive is 0.8 mg per kg, I split this into two intakes. so every 12 hours they receive 0.4mg/kg
unfortunately I don't see much improvement since the day I give baytril (started on Tuesday).
yesterday was a very hot day, they spent a day inside the house, then some outdoor time in the evening then a night in garage with AC unit that is making it cool. I didn't see him eating much. very few poops that are all dry and tiny but what is more concerning i don't see him producing any pee at all. I am out of critical care too. Out of sub Q fluids, and out of money. (I got critical care, and saw him eating some veggies but still no urine traces)
It was raining this morning, sort of cooled down a little bit. I wonder if my rabbit has kidney failure (since I see no urine) ... I am also suspecting maybe a stone. Can't do XRay at this time (they want to charge for Xray and exam at least). NO money at all.
Not sure about continuing AB...
JBun, I would really appreciate your opinion please (I understand that you probably think - borrow the money, take him to the vet. There are no sources for me to do it )
Not much more I can say as more diagnostics need to be done if you want to help your bun. Good luck and keep us updated.
thank you Popsicles. I saw him pee. Not much, but probably his usual amount. You asked if he struggles to urinate. Well, he is raising his tail and sort of lifting his butt but this is the same that my another rabbit does. Does it count as struggling? However, the question about giving or not Baytril any longer remains.
It would more be if he is making that stance for a long time a, nd urine not coming out, or only a little bit. Keep on the baytril, it's only been a couple of days and can take several to work if there is a severe infection. You said you saw no urine? If there was kidney failure there would be excess urine as it means the kidneys can no longer concentrate it properly anymore - he would also be drinking more. So a lack of urine indicates a blockage or infection.
I agree with Popsicles. I would keep up with the baytril and meloxicam, and keep trying to keep him hydrated and food in him. If you haven't seen any improvement after 7-10 days on the baytril or his condition worsens, then you've got a difficult decision to make. If additional diagnostics aren't going to be possible, the kindest thing may be to let him go rather than having him suffer.

You also need to consider that if you were to have additional tests done, they still may not determine what is going on. Or if the cause of all this is discovered, it may not be something that is treatable, or could be extremely expensive to treat. So these are all considerations to take into account.
thank you. I think that combination of not getting critical care for 3 days + heat that we had for a few days caused this decline (they are not kept in the heat, but its still stressful to be inside or stay in garage while small AC unit is cooling it down). He is doing better after being fed critical care and after the weather cooled down (for 1 day only). I think he has some stones... but I may be wrong of course. Now he seems to be doing better but Thumperina is acting strange and shows some decline. Here we go again.. I think that simply being in a normal moderate climate would help a lot.
I am ashamed to admit it, but yesterday I was searching up different rabbit rescues and sanctuaries. not that I have guts to do it, but since my own life is absolutely stolen from me, it was nice to imagine that I can get my life back to myself again.
You also need to consider that if you were to have additional tests done, they still may not determine what is going on. Or if the cause of all this is discovered, it may not be something that is treatable, or could be extremely expensive to treat. So these are all considerations to take into account.
that's the scariest part.
For now, I decided to try to increase their water intake. Critical care, maybe even syringe feed some water in them. I would hate to do sub q fluids again (too much hassle, from even ordering it) , I also switching treats. I just realized that even a piece of carrot (nothing excessive) is better than Oxbow simple rewards (its fresh food and has water in it). I will try to find dry cranberries with no or little sugar.
besides changes in climate, I abruptly limited their treats which is also probably causing them stress
this is day #7 for Paul on baytril. I think that he is doing somewhat better. Still overweight and nutrition habits are far from being right, and the heat doesnt make them feel better, but I still think that he has improved recently.
How long should I continue with Baytril? I really don't want to give it longer than needed. Would 7 days be enough? (remember, its not even confirmed he needed AB)
Among other problems that may be causing him not to feel well: I am really suspecting his urinary tract to have some problems due to limited water intake and diet that is mostly veggies. Like stones, etc. Obesity, too. Not enough fiber.
It won’t hurt for him to be on them a bit longer, say 10-14 days; it’s better to be on them too long than not long enough.
If you are suspecting stones or other urinary problems you need to pay for a vet - that is the only way of diagnosis and treatment. A limited fibre diet is unlikely to cause stones though (they can however develop as a result of excess spinach and other high calcium veggies).
I’m sorry to tell you that it is difficult to come up with any diagnosis without seeing him, and without proper testing by a vet.
update on Paul. He is doing allright health wise, eating and pooping OK. But he just lost his companion bun and I don't know how it will affect him in a long run. He is not much of a human interacting bunny.
I am definitely not getting any more rabbits. Sorry for saying this and I hope people will understand. I will be seeing if I can find him a new home that has bunnies (for HIS benefits). But since he is not young and he is overweight, I am not sure if we can easily find him a home. I might consider a rescue/sanctuary. Willing to transport him to a better climate. If somebody knows a good rescue where buns are allowed outdoor playtime time, let me know. In US or even Canada.
I am of course not rushing anything and I will see how he does on his own. We should take our time.
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Now, when my hands and arms are covered with blisters, and who know what it is (scabies? it matches the description. or maybe auto-immune rash from all the stress?), Paul decided he doesn't need to eat. Maybe it finally struck him that Thumperina isn't coming back. Maybe he thought at first that she is gone to the vet appointment like it happened in the past. He did have time to spend with her body but who knows. I hate my life. Now I don't know how to get around all these pets with my rash. I am applying neem oil and who knows how toxic it can be. The problem is that I am the only caregiver around here.
It sounds like you might have hives, which would be from an allergy. It could be the oil you are applying or possibly something in relation to the rabbits, or maybe a plant in the yard.

I hope Paul starts eating. Some rabbits can get depressed from losing their partner. Sometimes giving them extra attention and pets helps, but if he's a hands off rabbit that might just stress him.
I also agree it sounds more like an allergic reaction. You could try taking some antihistamines to see if that helps?
All my love to Paul
thank you JBun and Popsicles
I started using oil after it already looked rather bad (like scabies). I bought oil today. However, I agree that oil doesn't seem to make it any better. what could it possibly be in relation to rabbits if nothing changed? plant? maybe. but we have the same plants here - nothing new. Oh, I buried Thumperina in a huge nature park (don't tell me it's illegal...). Maybe there were some plants there that I came in contact with?
The very first time I developed rash in April and was pretty sure that it was shingles. I was afraid that my child would catch chicken pox but she never did (this can be an indication that my rash wasn't of contagious manner but not necessarily) Now I keep asking her if she is itching (scabies are very contagious) she says she isn't
it's not that Paul is very off hands rabbit. When I was feeding him critical care and such, he didn't mind at all. I think he likes attention. I just don't know how to approach him with this rash on my hands. right now his residence is in the basement. Birds are upstairs. Of course, I spend much more time upstairs. I don't think there is an option to keep them all on the same level. I am about to send my birds to boarding until I clear all major problems. too much stress!
unfortunately Paul isn't doing well. He doesn't eat much on his own - and he always loved all his veggies, at night he makes some sounds... probably crying. It doesn't look like he is trying to find his food even though he is hungry. Sometimes I have to put the food under his nose and he starts eating hungrily, then stops. He is again having urine scald...not sure if it's a medical problem or he just doesn't care where he pees. He doesn't use litter box anymore, we have lots of wet spots on the carpet (and this property is a rental :( But! he is always hungry for his treats (which is at least tells that he is probably not very sick - just heartbroken)
He has had a problem with one eye and it's been this way for some time but now the fur under affected eye is soaking wet all the time. The vet thinks its prolapsing (something) gland that presses on tear gland and producing tearing. He thinks it's more a cosmetic than health problem. Another vet said it's a third eye lid. However, it only bulges out when he tries to bend over one shoulder or when he is lying down a certain way. Of course, his obesity contributes a lot. I try to clean the fur but it's all tough and can't be easily cleaned. I post a picture and would like to hear your opinion. His second eye looks normal.


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Yeah looks like a third eyelid to me, both vets are right, it’s the gland of the third eyelid (nictitating membrane) that can prolapse. It is largely cosmetic unless it gets really red and sore or he can’t close his eye properly anymore.
I’m sorry to hear he isn’t feeling well :( I wonder whether it is pain that is stopping him eating (apart from yummy treats!) potentially from some sort of UTI (urine scald) or maybe an issue jumping into the litter tray or something (arthritis?).
Bless you you have been through so much!

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