unfortunately I don't see much improvement since the day I give baytril (started on Tuesday).
yesterday was a very hot day, they spent a day inside the house, then some outdoor time in the evening then a night in garage with AC unit that is making it cool. I didn't see him eating much. very few poops that are all dry and tiny but what is more concerning i don't see him producing any pee at all. I am out of critical care too. Out of sub Q fluids, and out of money. (I got critical care, and saw him eating some veggies but still no urine traces)
It was raining this morning, sort of cooled down a little bit. I wonder if my rabbit has kidney failure (since I see no urine) ... I am also suspecting maybe a stone. Can't do XRay at this time (they want to charge for Xray and exam at least). NO money at all.
Not sure about continuing AB...
JBun, I would really appreciate your opinion please (I understand that you probably think - borrow the money, take him to the vet. There are no sources for me to do it )