I am not sure what to do. It's time to describe my veterinarians as I desperately need an advice.
There are 2 vets I am dealing with. One is "All Creatures animal hospital" owner who is probably about 60 yo male. I will call the second one "The Lady Vet" for simplification.
The Lady Vet is self-proclaimed rabbit specialist, but I don't think she is. Her bio says that lack of info about her own guinea pig's and a rabbit's health encouraged her to become a vet. However, over the course of several years she did several things that really discouraged me to deal with her.
1. When Thumperina had urine scald, the lady vet said it was because the rabbit was "too furry" and there was no problems. I had to take her to another vet (paid again!) , they found an infection.
2. Sold me kitten dose of Revolution, when I researched and came back to exchange it for a more adequate dose, she didn't wish to talk to me and sent the receptionist to tell me that she was a certified vet there and "knows better".
3. Last November she took Thumperina's XRay and said she had spread out cancer, 2 days to live and nothing could be done. Sent us home with pain med only. Again, I had to go get another opinion, I had digital copy of XRay but another vet said he needed his own XRray after which he said "Who knows what it is"
4. A week ago I brought Paul with diarrhea. For some reasons, the only thing the Lady vet suggested was an Xray again (is it the most important diagnostics with diarrhea???), I refused due to lack of funds, then she prescribed Baytril and metacam. Diarrhea is an emergency... nobody ever even called to see if he survived.
The only thing I like about her office - she has affordable and more bunny friendly meds.
Another guy vet in All Creatures. I don't think he is a rabbit specialist either but he at least trying hard to do it right and he is always offering solutions ("nothing can be done" isn't his credo). He isn't lazy to call the Vet medicine department in our state university if he needs info (he did when he wasn't sure how to treat my sick bird). "Rabbit" is listed third in "animals seen" after dogs and cats. He has more possibilities in his office than the Lady Vet - they do blood work, some labs - something that Lady Vet has never offered me. No ultra sound though. They saved Thumperina when she had fly strike. they always call to check on your pet. Their drawback - they are expensive. He isn't trying to keep his clinic affordable like his Brother does in a suburb, he is trying to keep it elite. Also, I have a feeling that he doen't know what meds are optimal for bunnies. However, this office authorized online purchases for me couple of times, which I appreciate.
Now Paul's situation (since this, all info is recent for the last month or a little longer). It was probably beginning of May when he got worse the first time, and I took him to All Creatures guy vet. Due to not having unlimited wallet, we only did the exam, blood work (which was OK) and he prescribed a bunch of stuff for motility, pain control, etc. We decided that we could do an Xray later. Since this, Paul has been doing better or worse, on and off... So I am thinking that his main problem isn't found and not addressed yet. The guy vet didn't find any problems with his teeth from a simple visual exam. however there is a strange thing when I feel flaps of skin by his cheeks. He has a large dewlap and if I feel where his cheeks are, there is some kind of mass (rather large!) by one cheek but nothing at another cheek. The guy vet said he could feel it too, but he was unsure what it was (maybe some asymmetric fat distribution, maybe increased lymph node, he said).
Then, a weekend of Memorial day, Paul got worse and we could barely wait for offices to open on Tuesday. Tuesday morning is when he had diarrhea, but the guy Vet in All creatures called in sick. So I HAD TO take him to the lady Vet. We did no Xray because I am already afraid that her Xray doesn't offer any solutions anyway and has to be retaken by another vets. She said that Paul had overgrown teeth...
I regret about not starting him on Baytril that she gave a week ago. Today he was so passively lying on the ground on his own urine that I got real scared and today we finally started Baytril. However, I am scared... If we go to All Creatures to do an XRAY, they already said they would charge the cost of an Xray AND exam (again). I just paid a bunch of money to online pharmacy for 100ml of Metacam.
I am afraid he might have an abscess in his mouth (hence that strange mass on one side when you feel his cheeks). He is eating on his own, not very well, but still. He hasn't got any treats for a long time. I just gave him a small piece of carrot to see if he eats. He ate it.
Any thoughts, ideas??? please.