My rabbits had babies, what should I do?

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Apr 25, 2020
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I’m 15 and my two rabbits had babies there’s around 6-7, both my mom and her ex boyfriend are suggesting I set them out into the wild. I of course don’t want to do that because I want to take care of them. I want to find them a home. Is finding them a home better for them? Or will they be better off in the wild? My mom says it would make them happier and give them freedom but obviously I’m scared and worried. By the time they are 8 weeks I wanted to find a job so I could get money to take care of them myself but my mom thinks it’s stupid. Please reply with what you think is the best option.
Domesticated (house) rabbits don't have a very high success rate in the wild. Add to that that they are babies and that even lessens their odds.

I'm pretty new to bunnies and hopefully someone will respond with a proper course of action. My newbie thoughts are finding a rabbit rescue. I don't know if them being new borns will make a rescue not possible. Please wait for some experienced person to respond.
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DON'T let them into the wild!!! That's the worst thing you could do right now and I'm glad you are hesitant to do so. I don't have many answers to your other questions but..... no, they won't be happier in the wild. They will be super scared all the time and most likely eaten by other animals.
Yes, please do not do that. The babies are not equipped to know how to properly survive in the wild. I suggest finding a rescue, surrendering them to your local shelter, or finding them proper homes.
Domesticated (house) rabbits don't have a very high success rate in the wild. Add to that that they are babies and that even lessens their odds.

I'm pretty new to bunnies and hopefully someone will respond with a proper course of action. My newbie thoughts are finding a rabbit rescue. I don't know if them being new borns will make a rescue not possible. Please wait for some experienced person to respond.
DON'T let them into the wild!!! That's the worst thing you could do right now and I'm glad you are hesitant to do so. I don't have many answers to your other questions but..... no, they won't be happier in the wild. They will be super scared all the time and most likely eaten by other animals.
Yes, please do not do that. The babies are not equipped to know how to properly survive in the wild. I suggest finding a rescue, surrendering them to your local shelter, or finding them proper homes.
Okay thank you all! I just feel terrible and a lot of anger towards my mom because I don’t want to do that to the rabbits. I will look around and see about rescue areas and see if they can take them in.
You do need to separate your two rabbits or you’ll be dealing with more litters
I’m 15 and my two rabbits had babies there’s around 6-7, both my mom and her ex boyfriend are suggesting I set them out into the wild. I of course don’t want to do that because I want to take care of them. I want to find them a home. Is finding them a home better for them? Or will they be better off in the wild? My mom says it would make them happier and give them freedom but obviously I’m scared and worried. By the time they are 8 weeks I wanted to find a job so I could get money to take care of them myself but my mom thinks it’s stupid. Please reply with what you think is the best option.

Hi Haharabbits,

First, I want to say I am sorry that you are in this difficult situation.
Second, I want to tell you that I am proud of you. You are very responsible and acting in an intelligent and adult way in this situation. You are a good person, continue being strong. Bravo to you.
Now on to the advice:
I don't know how to put this mildly, so I'm going to just be blunt...
Your mother are her ex boyfriend are completely wrong. To release domestic rabbits into the wild is not only irresponsible, heartless and reprehensible, it is a crime in most places. It is animal abandonment and anyone who does it can face fines and charges. It is absolutely no different than abandoning a cat or dog on the street. Domestic rabbits, and babies especially, have almost no chance of survival in the wild. If they do survive and become feral, they are usually treated as nuisances and killed by cars or humans. Please continue to protect your bunnies. Ignorance about rabbits is rampant, I'm afraid.
Try to contact the House Rabbit Society and ask if they have a local chapter. Someone there may be able to help you if you explain the situation to them. Next try to locate a rabbit rescue--many of them will help find homes for babies--good homes. You cannot just give them to anyone who wants one. Many people eat them, feed them to snakes, use them to train dogs to kill, abandon them, etc. you also need to separate the female and male and keep the female with the babies until they are about 10 weeks old. I feel for you. Please let me know if I can help more.

You can pm me for more information, questions, or if you just need moral support.
That's very heartless of both your mom and her ex to suggest to release the babies in the wild. It's no different than if someone abandons their dog or cat. Domesticated rabbits do not do well in the wild and it's unfortunate that your mom is speaking based off ignorance and is merely assuming stuff. I'm sorry that she is putting you in a difficult situation.

Being that you are younger, I understand you may not have as much control over this even though you want to keep them. If you're unable to financially take care of the babies, your next option would be to contact House Rabbit Society or a local rabbit rescue to see if they could take them in. Explain your situation to them. Also separate your two rabbits so the doe doesn't get pregnant again. You should consider neutering them so that you're not put in this situation in the future. I wish you all the luck.
I’m 15 and my two rabbits had babies there’s around 6-7, both my mom and her ex boyfriend are suggesting I set them out into the wild. I of course don’t want to do that because I want to take care of them. I want to find them a home. Is finding them a home better for them? Or will they be better off in the wild? My mom says it would make them happier and give them freedom but obviously I’m scared and worried. By the time they are 8 weeks I wanted to find a job so I could get money to take care of them myself but my mom thinks it’s stupid. Please reply with what you think is the best option.

Firstly immediately separate male from female and her babies. Otherwise he can hurt them and also she can get pregnant same day after giving birth so you will have more babies in 31 day. That would be very difficult for her as she will be still feeding so needs to produce milk and here's another litter, she will be very exhausted and can get sick and die, also old babies will be 4 weeks and will need milk and new babies won't get enough milk so that would be a very difficult situation for all of you.

Babies should stay with their mother until they are at least 6 weeks old (normally until 8 weeks) because they will die if they don't get her milk and they need to stay warm in their nest. If she doesn't have nestbox you can give her some cardboard box stuff with hay and put her fur and where they are on top. If you could post some photo we can advise on how to deal with it and how to make a nest etc.

Rabbits are very good mothers and she will take care of them, you need to provide safe place for her and extra food so she needs to produce lots of milk to feed the babies. She will feed them once or twice a day, usually at night or early morning when no one's watching, first few days you can check them every morning to see if their bellies are full. If not you need to give her some extra food, rolled oats, lots of water, and avoid stress.

By day 10 they should have some fur on them and will open their eyes and will start hopping out of nest. They will start nibbling on hay by week 2 and also some mother's food, but their main food is mother's milk until they are 6-8 weeks.

If you let them into wild now they will die, also their chances won't be high if they are still very young. As suggested you can contact your local rescues and explain your situation they might be able to help you maybe they can take mother with babies and raise them if you feel you won't be able to make it but as I said mother is taking good care of them normally so you just need to take care of her and any question you can ask here, post some pics and we can walk you through it.

If babies survived by week 6 you can start looking for new homes for them, since you are still young and don't have your own income I would suggest to contact a few rescues they might be able to help you with finding new homes for them as well. Remember, babies need to stay with their mother until they are 8 weeks old, in emergency cases until 6 weeks.

That would be great if you can get a job and be able to take care of all of them, but even for now when they are still under 8 weeks they can stay with their mother you don't need extra room for them just more food and hay they will start eating a lot of dry rabbit food from week 4, they will need that to get protein and calcium so you will have to feed them 4-6 times a day, and maybe tell us what food you feed her now maybe you'd need to get food with 16% protein and higher calcium.
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Firstly immediately separate male from female and her babies. Otherwise he can hurt them and also she can get pregnant same day after giving birth so you will have more babies in 31 day. That would be very difficult for her as she will be still feeding so needs to produce milk and here's another litter, she will be very exhausted and can get sick and die, also old babies will be 4 weeks and will need milk and new babies won't get enough milk so that would be a very difficult situation for all of you.

Babies should stay with their mother until they are at least 6 weeks old (normally until 8 weeks) because they will die if they don't get her milk and they need to stay warm in their nest. If she doesn't have nestbox you can give her some cardboard box stuff with hay and put her fur and where they are on top. If you could post some photo we can advise on how to deal with it and how to make a nest etc.

Rabbits are very good mothers and she will take care of them, you need to provide safe place for her and extra food so she needs to produce lots of milk to feed the babies. She will feed them once or twice a day, usually at night or early morning when no one's watching, first few days you can check them every morning to see if their bellies are full. If not you need to give her some extra food, rolled oats, lots of water, and avoid stress.

By day 10 they should have some fur on them and will open their eyes and will start hopping out of nest. They will start nibbling on hay by week 2 and also some mother's food, but their main food is mother's milk until they are 6-8 weeks.

If you let them into wild now they will die, also their chances won't be high if they are still very young. As suggested you can contact your local rescues and explain your situation they might be able to help you maybe they can take mother with babies and raise them if you feel you won't be able to make it but as I said mother is taking good care of them normally so you just need to take care of her and any question you can ask here, post some pics and we can walk you through it.

If babies survived by week 6 you can start looking for new homes for them, since you are still young and don't have your own income I would suggest to contact a few rescues they might be able to help you with finding new homes for them as well. Remember, babies need to stay with their mother until they are 8 weeks old, in emergency cases until 6 weeks.

That would be great if you can get a job and be able to take care of all of them, but even for now when they are still under 8 weeks they can stay with their mother you don't need extra room for them just more food and hay they will start eating a lot of dry rabbit food from week 4, they will need that to get protein and calcium so you will have to feed them 4-6 times a day, and maybe tell us what food you feed her now maybe you'd need to get food with 16% protein and higher calcium.
Okay thank you I appreciate it! Do you know how I can tell the genders of the baby rabbits? I know I have to separate them at some point and I’m not sure how to check
You will have to separate them at 9-10 weeks, it is quite difficult to tell genders right now, when they will grow a bit you can try maybe around 8 weeks, some will be obvious and some will be hard to tell, so you will need to check next week if not sure, and around 12 weeks it will be much easier. You still have time anyways.

Here's link you can use then for reference, also you can take clear photo and post here if not sure and we'll try to help with sexing them. It is important to separate boys from girls before they become sexually active, this is depending on their breed, for small breeds sooner, from 9-10 weeks, for larger breeds could be 12-14-16 weeks, so you'll be safe if you separate at 10 weeks, if not dwarfs.

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