New Member
For reference Kush is my first rabbit , and Mush is my second!
So , i first got Kush in august of last year. She is the sweetest little bunny ever. Very chill , and extremely friendly , playful when she wanted to be - just a lovely addition to my family! We had her for about a month , when my sister insisted that we get another one because Kush seemed "Lonely". I don't think that was the case. My family consists of my two younger siblings , and my mother. My brother is disabled and was fascinated with Kush , so she most definitely got more than enough attention , and she just seemed happy all round! Regardless we bought rabbit number 2 , Mush.
The bonding process was rough. They were together in a large cage , Kush was friendly straight away , licking and laying near mush - but mush was always skittish , and violent towards her. Biting her or fighting with her. After 8 days they finally reached a point where they could exist in the same space without tearing each other up. My rabbits are free roaming , and are only in their cages for a few hours a day. I usually sleep around 2- 4am , and my sister will let them out around 8 am. At first they were okay , then mush started terrorising Kush in their cage , biting her and bullying her out of the spaces she chose to lie in. Literally the fist thing Kush would do in the morning once she was out was run away and hide. She wouldn't even eat straight away , or want to play like she used to. So I separated them at night to prevent this. Then every morning , mush would run to my room , and jump straight into Kush's cage to antagonise her. every. single. morning. biting her , not letting her eat - just being all round what I would consider a bully. I left it alone because i assumed maybe this was something rabbits did. Then came the problem of mush pooping and peeing everywhere. Kush was potty trained and would RARELY have accidents - but once mush came that all went out the window. It has now been 7 months. Now mush continuously humps kush , kush will only hump back when she is in heat - whereas mush has been humping her , chasing her aggressively , biting her and bullying her every single day since she has arrived. I love them both to death. Mush is so energetic (definitely a scaredy cat) , loves binkying down the hallway and digging in sawdust. Her favourite treats are apple slices - I really don't want to let her go. But Kush hasn't really seemed happy since she has been living with her , and this behaviour is showing no signs of letting up.
Please correct me if I am interpreting this behaviour wrong , and please please please help me out
Extra info: Kush is 11 months , Mush is 10 months - neither are spayed
So , i first got Kush in august of last year. She is the sweetest little bunny ever. Very chill , and extremely friendly , playful when she wanted to be - just a lovely addition to my family! We had her for about a month , when my sister insisted that we get another one because Kush seemed "Lonely". I don't think that was the case. My family consists of my two younger siblings , and my mother. My brother is disabled and was fascinated with Kush , so she most definitely got more than enough attention , and she just seemed happy all round! Regardless we bought rabbit number 2 , Mush.
The bonding process was rough. They were together in a large cage , Kush was friendly straight away , licking and laying near mush - but mush was always skittish , and violent towards her. Biting her or fighting with her. After 8 days they finally reached a point where they could exist in the same space without tearing each other up. My rabbits are free roaming , and are only in their cages for a few hours a day. I usually sleep around 2- 4am , and my sister will let them out around 8 am. At first they were okay , then mush started terrorising Kush in their cage , biting her and bullying her out of the spaces she chose to lie in. Literally the fist thing Kush would do in the morning once she was out was run away and hide. She wouldn't even eat straight away , or want to play like she used to. So I separated them at night to prevent this. Then every morning , mush would run to my room , and jump straight into Kush's cage to antagonise her. every. single. morning. biting her , not letting her eat - just being all round what I would consider a bully. I left it alone because i assumed maybe this was something rabbits did. Then came the problem of mush pooping and peeing everywhere. Kush was potty trained and would RARELY have accidents - but once mush came that all went out the window. It has now been 7 months. Now mush continuously humps kush , kush will only hump back when she is in heat - whereas mush has been humping her , chasing her aggressively , biting her and bullying her every single day since she has arrived. I love them both to death. Mush is so energetic (definitely a scaredy cat) , loves binkying down the hallway and digging in sawdust. Her favourite treats are apple slices - I really don't want to let her go. But Kush hasn't really seemed happy since she has been living with her , and this behaviour is showing no signs of letting up.
Please correct me if I am interpreting this behaviour wrong , and please please please help me out

Extra info: Kush is 11 months , Mush is 10 months - neither are spayed