My rabbit pictures

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Apr 29, 2005
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These are my 2 domestics: The black one is a 2year old girl from the pet store. The gray one is her new boyfriend,who I got from a shelter. Don't know his age.



Hello and welcome.

She is so pretty. I love his color and markings.

What are their personalities? What are their names.

Ilook forward to getting to know you and your rabbits.

awwwwwwwwwwwwwww what dolls!!!! thelittle girl looks like the male i just had in my rescue thisweek!! i just love how she is laying out for her pose hehe :p
Thanks. She is "Baby Bunny". She's friendly butdoes not like too much touching. She loves for you to rub herhead/ears, but runs if you try to pick her up. She used to makesqueaking noises ifshe knew you were going to pick her up,but ever since she got spayed no more noises! She also liked to poopall over, but the spay fixed that too.

He is Mr. Mulder. Got him at a shelter a few months ago and don't knowwhy anyone would have gave him up. Supposedly someone left him at theshelter door last fall. He lived there for along time until I foundhim. He is the friendliest bunny. He just got neutered too. He justrecently started getting close to the girl bun, laying with her andcleaning her ears.

What a beautiful pair! The "black"ones color is called "Otter" and the lop is a "Sable Point" -- you have2 of my most favorite rabbit colors! :love:

awwwwww what beauties they are
Bunny Babe looks like a rex , is she as soft and silky as she looks Oh My and Mr mulder what a doll he is .
gypsy wrote:
awwwwww what beauties they are
Bunny Babe looks like a rex , is she as soft and silky as she looks Oh My and Mr mulder what a doll he is .

Not a rex, but certainly very beautiful!!! :love:

They are absolutely adorable, enginerd!



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