So I have been taking care of a rabbit for the past say 8-9 months and she was about 9-10 for all that time she was incredibly active and just all around happy, this morning I get up go to the fridge and get some carrots and she charges me wanting the carrots and I hand feed her and my other rabbit the carrots the rest of the day goes by and usual and I feed them there pellets and give them there carrot yogurt treats like usual. the day is closing and she just starts slowing down like I go to pet her and she doesnt even like twitch a little I didn't think nothing of it because I thought she was tired I go online and play a few games with my friends than we call it a night and I go to find that she is under my bed gone, I don't know what went wrong and I really just wanna know why she was perky and happy this morning and than just like that gone. If anyone can tell me why or if they think they know how it happened please tell me because I have one rabbit left and I have had him longer and I don't wanna have this feeling in my gut anymore.
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