My Rabbit Is Taking Off Her Fur

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Mar 1, 2005
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She in a way eats it... then after 20 minutes orso she throw's it up...But I mean big chunks of her fur, Almosthandfull's...What does this mean?!?!?!?Help Please
Sounds like somethingis missing from her diet ,She souldnt be eating herfur then throwingit back up, more what it sounds like is: has she been exposedto any males in the last30 days ? If so she isgetting ready t o have babies. get a nest box, If this keeps up and nobabies are born take her to avet immediately.
ayglnu13 wrote:
I thought rabbits couldnt throw up? I thought I wastold this somewhere...maybe I'm wrong :)

I thought this too. I know my vet told me that rabbits can'tthrow up and that's why it's ok to feed them up to time ofsurgery. I've also seen it posted here before. AndI'm sure I've read it different places. Is this incorrect?


Rabbits cannot vomit and I can tell youwithout a shadow of a doubt that she is not vomiting up the hair she ispulling. It is very common for does nestingto pulltheir fur, hold it in their cheeks, then use it to line their nests.

It is unlikely this doe is missing anything in her diet.She is simply going through "nesting behaviors" common in hormonaldoes.

I repeat -- she is *not* vomiting the fur up -- simply holding it in her cheeks and spitting it back out.

Pam :cool:

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I've just got to add that handfuls of fur from arabbit may seem like a lot, but i dont think it's anything to worryabout. A while before my rabbit Carmelita had her newest litter, I gaveher a long, intensive brushing. I got so much loose hair from her thatwe saved for future nest boxes. Then, when she pulled her own fur forher most recent nest box she pulled so much out. You couldnt even tellwhere she had pulled it from, she was just as furry as ever. Looking inthe nestbox, though, you would have thought there was a whole otherrabbit in there!

When we got our bunny neely who sadly died last year, she did somethingsimilar. We were aware that it might be normal (ifphantom)nesting behaviour but it continued for some weeks. Ilooked it up in various places and read that sometimes a stressedrabbit might exhibit this kind of behaviour for prolonged periods.Apparently, things like irregular dark/light cycles, other animals whopose a (percieved if not real) threat and big changes tolocation/routine can stress a bun out. Thiswebsite (whichannoyingly I can't find the link to) also said thatthissometimes becomes habit-forming even after the oiginalproblem has been removed.

This info may well be wrong as rabbit info books/sites seem to varysooo much. If anyone who knows better disagrees, please put me straight- its never good to stay misinformed.:)

Really hope your bun is ok - best wishes from our lot!

Ditto what Pam stated.

Brindle has built 2 nests since we've had her, that we guessed were dueto false pregnancies. She was pulling so much fur I thought she wouldgo bald, but we couldn't find any bald spots. She would sit and pullfur for quite a while and then add it to her nest. I couldn't imaginehow she could hold so much fur in her mouth, but it seemed perfectlynatural to her. I wish I had taken some pics of her with a big wad offur hanging out of her mouth.

Yeah we have another male rabbit a bit younger,Maybe that's why??
Are they both spayed/neutered? Like gypsysuggests, this would be the most obvious reason. If the real risk ofpreganancy is not applicable in this case then I should thinkitis more likely to be a phantom pregnancy than stress causedby a male bunny who isn't a constant presence. I was thinking morealong the lines of dogs, cats etc...

Is she still pulling fur?

R x

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