I adopted my rabbit in October and now it's March of 2022, this whole time I've been doing my best to litterbox train her but it's almost impossible. At the shelter they told me she was litterbox trained, she also came from a bad home so she was used to drinking her pee and they likely didn't give her hay. I've already litter trained a rabbit before but I've never found it this difficult, I've done everything, minimized her space, placed multiple litterboxes (she used them until she realized she got tired of using them), given her different sized litterboxes, filled her litter box with pee soaked napkins, sprayed down everything with vinegar, put hay in her litterbox, used wood pellets as litter, put her pellets in her litterbox so she eats and poops there, gave her treats when she used the box, and scooped every poo and puddle. I'm getting frustrated at this point because I'm tired of waking up to the smell of pee, and I feel like it's a joke because immediately after I clean her area up and throw away everything, I come back to a new puddle, usually, I catch her as soon as she's finishing, this sometimes she'll do it twice because I go back and forth.
She was adopted so she is spayed, and her hair hasn't grown back from the area she had her surgery. After I brought her home I thought she'd be ready to introduce to my main rabbit since I wanted to bond them, they told me that she'd be healed in 2 weeks, but failed to tell me that she actually needed a whole month because she still needed her hormones to go down, so I was okay with it. A month later I tried to train her, and that's basically where I still am. She also doesn't like to eat hay that much, she's gotten really boney since I got her because she would only eat the 1/8 cup of pellets I would give her in the morning and night; she would rather starve all day than eat hay. I make sure to fluff up her hay so that she'll be drawn to it more and I put her pellets under the hay as well. I've been giving my rabbit's orchard grass hay but she still seems to like timothy hay more (although she still starves to eat pellets, only eats this hay occasionally). The problem with timothy hay is that I get terrible allergies from it, my throat gets really itchy and I've even gotten a fever from it before, so I try to avoid it as much as possible. My rabbit used to pee and then drink it until she realized that the water bowl is always full, but I still can't get her to stop. She'll usually finish eating her pellets, hop out, and pee right in front of the litter box. I do admit there might be some things in her environment that are influencing her to do this but I don't think so; I have another rabbit in the same room as her, but she's caged to a small part of the room and they've both gotten used to each other being there, but I think that if it were the cause of her behavior she would be predominately peeing at the cage bars, but instead she's peeing on the other side of her cage, for the most part.
here's a picture for sizing purposes:

Here's her current setup:

So to sum up:
I've tried everything you've seen in a litter training tutorial, as well as some new things. My rabbit is spayed but still refuses to use her box even after 5 months. She's lost a lot of weight because she doesn't like to eat orchard and would rather starve and wait until I give her pellets, I'm really allergic to timothy hay so that isn't an option. She used to drink her pee even though there was always water, but she still has the habit of peeing in the wrong spot. I'm contemplating putting her up for adoption at this point, but I've grown attachment and I love her so much and I'm not ready to give up on her. Her name is Mushroom by the way.

She was adopted so she is spayed, and her hair hasn't grown back from the area she had her surgery. After I brought her home I thought she'd be ready to introduce to my main rabbit since I wanted to bond them, they told me that she'd be healed in 2 weeks, but failed to tell me that she actually needed a whole month because she still needed her hormones to go down, so I was okay with it. A month later I tried to train her, and that's basically where I still am. She also doesn't like to eat hay that much, she's gotten really boney since I got her because she would only eat the 1/8 cup of pellets I would give her in the morning and night; she would rather starve all day than eat hay. I make sure to fluff up her hay so that she'll be drawn to it more and I put her pellets under the hay as well. I've been giving my rabbit's orchard grass hay but she still seems to like timothy hay more (although she still starves to eat pellets, only eats this hay occasionally). The problem with timothy hay is that I get terrible allergies from it, my throat gets really itchy and I've even gotten a fever from it before, so I try to avoid it as much as possible. My rabbit used to pee and then drink it until she realized that the water bowl is always full, but I still can't get her to stop. She'll usually finish eating her pellets, hop out, and pee right in front of the litter box. I do admit there might be some things in her environment that are influencing her to do this but I don't think so; I have another rabbit in the same room as her, but she's caged to a small part of the room and they've both gotten used to each other being there, but I think that if it were the cause of her behavior she would be predominately peeing at the cage bars, but instead she's peeing on the other side of her cage, for the most part.
here's a picture for sizing purposes:

Here's her current setup:

So to sum up:
I've tried everything you've seen in a litter training tutorial, as well as some new things. My rabbit is spayed but still refuses to use her box even after 5 months. She's lost a lot of weight because she doesn't like to eat orchard and would rather starve and wait until I give her pellets, I'm really allergic to timothy hay so that isn't an option. She used to drink her pee even though there was always water, but she still has the habit of peeing in the wrong spot. I'm contemplating putting her up for adoption at this point, but I've grown attachment and I love her so much and I'm not ready to give up on her. Her name is Mushroom by the way.

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