Buck Jones
Well-Known Member
Yeah, I don't believe eating their own regularfeces will do them any harm. I've seen all our rabbits do iton some occasion or another and they all survived the practice.
Sorry I cant help with all the questions but.......A youngrabbit will most definitely pee on you. LOL Mine have done so manytimes. I have had older ones do it also but usually when I've held themtoo long and they couldnt get to a nice place to potty. (besides on methat iswhen i first got him home he peed on me. is thisnormal?when he runs and jumps does that he iscomfortable in his new home? he also lays flat on his belly. what doesthis mean?
I think that this book should be withdrawn from the library. Perhaps its old??I'm in the middle of auseful rabbit encyclopedia I got from the library and it says thatrabbits, just like dogs, cats, and humans, are capable of vomiting. Sothere.