Well-Known Member
Okay I read the info, and I've never seen greengrapie like poops, so does that mean she's eating them?? I've seen hera few times with her head between her legs... wasn't sure if she wascleaning herself or what....
Yes -- a rabbit ingests the cecotropes directly from theanus. They normally do not eat them off the cagefloor. These droppings are normally moist and very dark incolor.Okay I read the info, and I've never seen green grapie likepoops, so does that mean she's eating them?? I've seen her a few timeswith her head between her legs... wasn't sure if she was cleaningherself or what....
I think we have established that it is common opinion that rabbits donot vomit. I just wanted to add that this is the reason thatrabbits do not need their food withheld before surgery. Theonly reason to withhold food is to keep the anesthetic from making theanimal vomit while under. Since rabbits do not vomit,withholding their food is unneccessary and could lead to GI stasis (Thecease of the function of their digestive tract, caused by an emptydigestive tract) which will rob your bunny's life from you.itsays that rabbits, just like dogs, cats, and humans, are capable ofvomiting