Well-Known Member
Over Labor Day weekend, I took advantage of the extra day off to re-do my Rabbit Room. Previously, it was not arranged well, so it was very cramped. There is now plenty of room to move around in.
The rabbit room, from the door. The room is 9' by 15'. Hardwood floors with two cotton rugs.
Tobi's cage can be seen at the far end, with Ben just visible at the right. The white cabinet at the far end has buckets, a hand broom, and a litter scooper; the white cabinets at the left have food, treats, paper towels, and their webcam.
Two x-pens for fencing areas off, and a big rubbermaid container for hay.
Closet in the Rabbit Room. Litter supplies in the big bins, with extra hay on the top. Shelves have extra building supplies, toys, medical supplies.
Tobi's new pen. Previously, she had her condo, but had an x-pen attached. The NIC pen is larger; she gained about 3 square feet of floor space.
Ben's new condo! I had wanted it to be all silver, but the only pack of old-style cubes "small square" cubes I could find was blue, and only one pack. So he got blue and silver. Previously, he just had the 3x5 cube pen, no condo. He now also has a fancy litterbox like the other bunnies. I hope this makes him feel more comfortable here, as his cage is no longer "temporary."
The plywood is between cages, to prevent Amelia from becoming agitated when she sees Benjamin. The white part on the wood is a leftover piece of coroplast. The top is against the wood, the bottom is between the cage and the lip of the coroplast tray. This keeps stray hay bits from the hay bin inside the cage instead of all over my floor. Every bunny has one of these now. (It also functions as a urine guard for Tobi, as she sometimes pees over the edge of her litter box.)
Ground floor view of Benjamin's cage.
Looking into Ben's condo. There's a step on the left, then a small area on the second level. There is another step between second and third level. Third level is L-shaped. Ben's condo is identical to Nick and Amelia's; Tobi has the mirror image.
Nick and Amelia's cage, from the front. They are just inside the door of the room. The only thing new for them is the coroplast tray. I made a lip around it, that goes on the outside of the cage so they can't chew the edges. The lip prevents poops from rolling out. Woohoo!!!!
Every bunny got one of these trays. I wanted to do a 3" tall lip on all sides, but I couldn't get coroplast in a big enough pieces, so the long sides only have 1.5". Still good enough to keep the poops and stray hay inside.
My Nick, running out of the cage! The door is in the middle, opening in.

The rabbit room, from the door. The room is 9' by 15'. Hardwood floors with two cotton rugs.
Tobi's cage can be seen at the far end, with Ben just visible at the right. The white cabinet at the far end has buckets, a hand broom, and a litter scooper; the white cabinets at the left have food, treats, paper towels, and their webcam.
Two x-pens for fencing areas off, and a big rubbermaid container for hay.

Closet in the Rabbit Room. Litter supplies in the big bins, with extra hay on the top. Shelves have extra building supplies, toys, medical supplies.

Tobi's new pen. Previously, she had her condo, but had an x-pen attached. The NIC pen is larger; she gained about 3 square feet of floor space.

Ben's new condo! I had wanted it to be all silver, but the only pack of old-style cubes "small square" cubes I could find was blue, and only one pack. So he got blue and silver. Previously, he just had the 3x5 cube pen, no condo. He now also has a fancy litterbox like the other bunnies. I hope this makes him feel more comfortable here, as his cage is no longer "temporary."
The plywood is between cages, to prevent Amelia from becoming agitated when she sees Benjamin. The white part on the wood is a leftover piece of coroplast. The top is against the wood, the bottom is between the cage and the lip of the coroplast tray. This keeps stray hay bits from the hay bin inside the cage instead of all over my floor. Every bunny has one of these now. (It also functions as a urine guard for Tobi, as she sometimes pees over the edge of her litter box.)

Ground floor view of Benjamin's cage.

Looking into Ben's condo. There's a step on the left, then a small area on the second level. There is another step between second and third level. Third level is L-shaped. Ben's condo is identical to Nick and Amelia's; Tobi has the mirror image.

Nick and Amelia's cage, from the front. They are just inside the door of the room. The only thing new for them is the coroplast tray. I made a lip around it, that goes on the outside of the cage so they can't chew the edges. The lip prevents poops from rolling out. Woohoo!!!!
Every bunny got one of these trays. I wanted to do a 3" tall lip on all sides, but I couldn't get coroplast in a big enough pieces, so the long sides only have 1.5". Still good enough to keep the poops and stray hay inside.

My Nick, running out of the cage! The door is in the middle, opening in.