whoah boy here we go , ok
Lil Darlin was oneof Kissys babies , they all were born onthe 18 of March , atthat timeeverything looked and seemednormal i had counted babies andcame up with 8, on the 19th inthe afternoon i was recheckingcount for ya never know whenone will pass sudenly . while iwas pulling out the lastabay something touched my hand, well needless to saythe baby went into thebox i was usingand i started feeling around in thenest again . i felt theslight touch again and i pulledout the tiniest baby i haveever seen in my life , hewas no bigger than a babymouse, i yelled for my husbandto come over and see what ihad found , i was intears needless to say , ihave read often theatpenuts are generally a fatality , i wasnot prepared for that , myhusband wanted me to have himput to sleep but i refused as iwanted to give him every chance there was tothrive. The Frist thing i didwas jump on here andcontacted Carolyn , i was devistated andheartbroken all at the same time ,Carolyn suggested i contact Dajeti2 (Tina ) which i did and thruthis forum and everyonestremendous strenghth i knew ihad a fighting shot at helping him, There was a lot of upsand downs , reasons to rejoice witha slight growth or aslight weight gain .
Between us all we got him tohis first weeks birthday , thohe was still tiny andstill week he was alwaysthe little king on top of themountain , always first in line to befed so to speaklol it always made myheart jump with joy to see himthere . Sadly on the 8 th day iwent down to check on himand he wasnt king of the mountain , iyelled to my husband to get me a box or somethingto put the siblings in, and proceeded to yank babiesout uncerimoniously , and plopped themin the basket he vrought me ,there was no sign of Darlin ,he wasnt there , i was shaking so hard icould barely move orspeak or even breathe , i happendto glance toward the front ofthe cage and saw himlaying there , oh gosh the tears againbear with me . I will spareeveryone the detailsof what i found ,needless to say Lil Darlin isbow buried in my Faery Garden, right in front of theRainbow Honeysuckle , withaPeace rose to keep him company. My Husband is working on agranet marker for himwhich we will be placeing forhim as soon as it isdone .