Tina : awww ThankYou so much honsetly i dontknow what i would havedone with out youthat first night . When Carolyntold me i should PMyou i was a bit skittishto say the least , iwasnt sure how anyone would react to mydilema but I as sureglad I did , Friendslike You and Carolynonlly come by oncemaybe twice in a life time , Iam still saddened bylosing Darlin butwith youLadies beside me i can get thruthis .
As anyone will tell youwho know me , im not thetype to ask forhelp nor am i one whogenerally needs it , But the problem with Darlinwas so outof my control ,Uaually i am the onewho sits in thebird seat helping everyone else, and handle my problems inquiet , I am Verygratefull you Both werethere when i needed you .
Bunnylover lol i have 30right now , atone point i ad over 40 babiesat one time lol ,
As anyone will tell youwho know me , im not thetype to ask forhelp nor am i one whogenerally needs it , But the problem with Darlinwas so outof my control ,Uaually i am the onewho sits in thebird seat helping everyone else, and handle my problems inquiet , I am Verygratefull you Both werethere when i needed you .
Bunnylover lol i have 30right now , atone point i ad over 40 babiesat one time lol ,