My Lawn...

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
Cork, Ireland
Inspired by the thread about rabbit poo as fertilizer and not wanting to hijack I'd like to ask people how do they keep a healthy green for their bunnies to forage and play on? I move the location of my runs every couple of days and two of my bunnies are free roaming the garden so their damage isn't that concentrated. The digging isn't actually the worst bit but I am beginning to think that the high concentration of rabbit poop is damaging the lawn. I somtimes try and rake it to spread it a bit but and I'd actually would love to find a way to remove it completely from the lawn (what lawn, ha ha)
How does everyone else preserve their green area?
Carrying on the conversation from the other thread. I can't move my run around and there is a rabbit in it anytime it's not raining and the grass stays healthy and green, maybe it's the different soil type?
It's more likely that the urine is the problem if you're finding brown spots in the lawn. Watering well can help dilute the urea.

Our lawn rarely dries out due to our climate but i did notice that the areas with poo clusters loose their grass unless i rake them apart asap
Your lawn looks a lot like mine. Only the problem with mine was never the rabbits; here it's white grubs (the larvae of June bugs). The adults burrow into the soil and lay the eggs, which then hatch into larva and slowly kill the grass by eating the roots.

I'm wondering if you might have an insect or grub problem?
Ours is the same, where the poop is the grass won't grow back for ages, they do it all in the one spot. I guess a sensible thing to do would be to put a litter tray out there but I've never bothered with that. Our garden is absolutely covered in holes though, Ebony and Ruby LOVE to dig! I couldn't care less but it does annoy my dad a lot. We have a rougher area to the side of the main garden that my parents have decided the bunnies can dig up as much as they want, so it's all good.

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