Chris, I did start watching Tudors. Its okay, but its one of those that I really have to pay attention to. I will say that I just watched the first episode of series 2 of Sherlock and I could not take my eyes away from it! haha. He was a little broken in the episode, like mentally and it was almost heartbreaking to watch. But then there was a plot twist at the end and it wasn't AS bad. But I've decided that Benedict Cumberbatch IS handsome. haha.
This weekend was a really good weekend. Well, except I almost killed my husband on Saturday. So my husband is a really go, go, go guy. He can't sit still for longer than an hour, he can't just watch TV and be okay. He likes to do stuff. Which is great! Especially since I've been exercising a lot more, so I've got all this energy and I have to go walk or run now, like everyday. Saturday, I got up with AJ and my hub went back to bed, which is fine. He got up at like 11 and sat on the couch. Drank a huge coffee and still didn't want to do anything. So at 12, I was like, I'm taking the dog hiking. I was getting his vest packed and weighted right and my hub was like, "why don't you wait until AJ takes a nap and then we'll all go?" I told him it was already 12 and he would take like a 2-3 hour nap and thats the whole day wasted. And I also had to take some stuff to a dog rescue to help with their yard sale. So he begrudgingly got up at like 1:30. Yes, like an hour and half later, after I said that I wanted to leave. So for that hour and a half, I got dressed, shaved my legs, did 2 loads of wash, washed dishes, vacuumed the floor, and sat in a rocking chair and considered the way I would murder my husband if he didn't make a decision soon.
Then we had to go pick up the truck from my FILs house and the wood splitter. With that done, we FINALLY made it to the dog rescue and then finally made it to the park to walk. My mom came to the park with us and her butt was cramping so I only walked half a mile, which is nothing. So I wasn't happy with my walk, plus AJ was acting crazy and his stroller is really dumb.
BUT Sunday is where it all came together. My mom took AJ for a few hours, well, more like half the day. We went to this really wooded disc golf course, walked it. It was a little intense. haha. It was hilly and the paths were covered in roots so it was really good for muscle variation. The dog did really well with his vest, though he was exhausted and slept in the car on the way back home. We did stop at our regular course and walked nine holes, but the dog couldn't handle it so I called it quits. But we did walk a few miles and it was pretty awesome. I felt really good. So that made up for the crappy walk I had on Saturday.
I also told my husband that if he ever had a day where he wasn't sure what he wanted to do, to just let me know before hand. So I wouldn't have to waste a whole day waiting for him to do whatever. I like to spend time with him on the weekends, ya know? So I wanted to do stuff with him and not just go off by myself. BUT if he acts like that again, I swear I will leave his ass in skinny minute! I know some people have off days, but it was so bad. He made no decisions that day. He couldn't even decide what he wanted for breakfast, eggs or grilled cheese, or an egg sandwich?
Then Sunday I ate like 12 friend chicken livers and was so ashamed of myself! haha. Not really, because they were SO delicious!
And now to Ellie. She's such a good bun...right now. She's been out of the cage since Friday. I took her cage litter box and put it right in the door way of her cabinet on the floor. And she still has her white litter box thing. The weird thing is, she hasn't gone potty in her cage litter box. She's only getting in that one to eat the hay and not going potty. Then she goes potty in the other box. Its so strange.
And I definitely kicked her this morning. She was so underfoot, she got kicked. She's fine, I just sort of pushed her really hard with my foot and she did a 180. haha. And she was been biting my pants! They're like super baggy and tan colored and she really likes the bottom of them, so she bites them and then bites my ankles. She's been so strange this morning.
I actually think shes sort of lonely.
That was long! I have stuffs to do! I have to find my litter scooper.
Happy Monday! But is a Monday ever really happy?