My Heart's on Fire for Elvira

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I want a new washer. I actually just want a new set. We got this set used and they've paid for themselves like 100 times over. Since we only paid $60 for them. haha. They've been so great, they still work great. Just stinky. Its so weird. It still stinks and I have to get the pod things to clean them. Actually, I think I'll go tonight to get them rather than wait for Friday which is my errand day. haha.

I hope that if Ellie gets a friend, is a calm bunny. I don't need another crazy bunny, just a calm nice bun who likes to flop out and maybe be snuggled. Thats probably a little too much to ask though. LOL

Yes, I did find my coffee. Hahaha.
I'm making some kickass chicken noodle soup tonight though! I'm pretty excited about it. We'll have grilled cheeses with it. Maybe I'll make some turkey bacon, to put on the grilled cheese? On sour dough bread? Sounds delicious.
Mm, we used to eat chicken noodle soup like every day when I was with my grandmother in Slovakia a long time ago, lol. She was always making it.

I love bacon! Its probably my favorite kind of meat. Sourdough bread sounds really good! We make our own sourdough bread. Its actually really delicious and its a lot denser than fluffy white bread which I like.
My chicken noodle soup was pretty delicious. I put some in bags and in the freezer to eat on a day when I'm not feeling like cooking too much. LOL My husband liked it a lot though, he usually doesn't like soup that much.
I think its because I boiled the bones and got all the delicious flavors off of them! LOL

I got these things at Lowes last night, to clean your washing machine. It worked a little bit, but there is still a funky smell. I think its a mix between the laundry detergent and the water. When I run out of laundry detergent, I'm going to switch to a new brand and see if that helps. Hell, I'm going to make my own laundry detergent and fix that problem. Borax doesn't have any residue! LOL

So last night, Ellie started pulling fur again to put in her nest. I think its because my old cat was in there. I swear, she loves when Ellie makes the nest, so she can get into it and sleep. I got a picture that I'll put up in a bit. Its so ridiculous. I don't know if I should clean the nest up though? I don't want her to pull anymore fur, since she is already bald in one place. But if the cat is laying in it, its sort of weird. Well the whole thing is weird, but its like the rabbit built a bed for the cat using her fur and paper products. Why are animals so weird? hahhaha. I think I'll clean it up today.

I went to bed way too late last night, I'm tired today.

Happy Wednesday!
So I wanted to share somethings that I've learned as an adult. Of course, I'm not as wise as some other adults and I don't get out much. So around the house stuff is what I know most about.
-There is constant poop. Whether its animal poop or child poop. If one of them stops pooping, thats when theres a problem and the vet/doctor has to be called.
-An empty laundry basket, is a myth. The bottom of the basket is like Big Foot. Few have seen it, but only for a brief second. I saw it yesterday for a brief hour, then AJ spilled something on himself and my Big Foot ran off.
-The floor is the biggest shelf you have, when you have a toddler. Not that you want it to be a shelf. You pick stuff up constantly, but it always manages to find its way back to the floor. Or as your toddler thinks, the shelf that everything belongs on.
-There is not enough coffee.
-A good night's sleep is also a myth. But its like a Unicorn, its never been seen.
-There are not enough hours in the day to get done all the things that need to get done.
-Its impossible to get rid of gnats.
-Sometimes your fridge gets a weird smell.
-When one thing falls apart, everything falls apart.
-You never have enough money, but you always have more than enough crap!
-The only way to have a perfectly clean house and no laundry, is to have no husband, no kids and no animals.
-The only time your husband asks where the rabbit is, is because he thinks he's killed her.
-Children are baffling sometimes.
-You can only watch so many cartoons before your brain starts to melt.
-Bananas never get eaten before being too ripe. Then you wind up with a freezer filled with black bananas because you can never remember to peel THEN freeze.
-Eating healthy is a lot more expensive than eating junk food. Its not fair.
-Sometimes you sit on the couch and time lapses, you think its only been 5 minutes but its been 4 hours. Its called Couch Time, much like Football Time or a Country Mile.
-To fight the bored eating hunger, you have to get up and do something.
-Keep calm and shine your sinks!

Thats my list. I woke up with a headache, thats the worst.
Ellie is acting SO weird today. She's still in mama mode I guess. I hope she snaps out of it soon!
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Maybe Ellie building a nest for the cat is a good thing. I'm sure it seems strange as It is unusual but maybe as long as the cat is using it she will not feel the need to build a nest. If you take it away then maybe sooner rather than later she will feel the need to build another.

I haven't ever had a washer get stinky but maybe it would help to run it with bleach in it.

The only time I have had gnats was either from something going bad or from something that was too ripe. I swear the gnat eggs are on the fruit at the store and as soon as the fruit is very ripe it signals them to hatch and grow and then you are stuck with a swarm for weeks even though the fruit has been long gone.

I agree with everything you have learned.
I think thats what happened. I told my husband I'm not buying anymore bananas. It seems like every time I buy bananas there is a new swarm. Its freaking terrible. A few weeks ago, I had a bad apple in a bag and a bad potato in the cabinet that I didn't see and thats what caused it the first time. I threw that away, cleaned everything, but everything away they were gone for like a week. Then this passed week, they've come back and I think its because I got a bunch of bananas at the store on Friday last week. I won't get anymore bananas for a while I know that. Probably not until summer is over. AJ isn't even eating them anyway, so my whole freaking freezer is filled with black bananas. I started taking everything out of the boxes and putting them in the containers, so hopefully that will help. I also take my trash out like twice a day. Anyway, hopefully they'll go away. I hate it.

I got the things for the washer and they seem to help. I've been using less detergent and thats helped. And I've been washing somethings with vinegar, so thats also helped. Its a lot less stinky than it was a few days ago, thank god. Because I was tempted to just throw the damn thing out.

I left Ellie's nest. I need to put it in a box, to keep it contained. The cat still lays in it and I'm scared she might die in the rabbits nest. LOL That would be terrible.

I've decided that I'm going to start running. I'm going to get some nice running shoes this weekend, I'm pretty excited about that. I've been eating really good lately, and I feel pretty good so I think now is the time to start getting into better shape! haha.
So my husband has been sleep walking the last two nights. Talk about the scariest thing ever in the middle of the night! The night before last, I heard this weird sound, I pulled the chain on the light so hard it busted the lightbulb. But in the flash of light, I saw my husband standing in the corner over the dog. I was like WTF ARE YOU DOING?! Then he went downstairs to pee.
Then last night, I woke up to the sound of someone rubbing carpet. I thought it was the dog, so I turned the light on and it was my husband sitting on the floor in the same corner rubbing the carpet. He was startled by the light and was like WTF! I was like I DUNNO WTF ARE YOU DOING? WHY ARE YOU RUBBING THE CARPET?! It was crazy. Then I told him this morning and oh my god, we laughed so hard. I'm laughing so hard right now as I'm rethinking it. haha. I told my mom and we were like in tears laughing.
I think its because he's eating apples before bed. He's NEVER done this before. But he just started eating an apple before bed. So I'm going to make him not eat one tonight and eat one tomorrow night, do a little test. And see if thats what it is. His mom can't drink orange juice before bed or she has nightmares. I can't read Harry Potter before bed, or I have dreams that I'm at Hogwarts. LOL
But talk about the creepiest thing in the freaking world. To see your husband facing the corner in your incredibly dark room. And our room is painted like Little Mermaid blue so its terrible. We have an old school green desk lamp as a side lamp and that green light affect with the blue room makes for horror movie type lighting. I was terrified and I almost had a heart attack the first night, but last night I had to laugh. A grown ass man sitting on the floor petting the carpet.
The dog was next to my side of the bed on the floor, so its not like he was even trying to pet the dog. The dog probably got up and was like 'WTF guy? What are you doing?!'
LMAO. I'm laughing so hard.

Anyways! I'm taking a big bag of dog food to a dog rescue today. My dog won't eat, but maybe the rescues will. Plus, its a nice thing to do. I think I'm going to donate some washing detergent to them too! haha.
Also a bunch of kids stuff to take to Goodwill. This weekend is going to be crazy busy and I already feel a headache coming on. haha.

Oh and I got a really good deal on some grass-fed ground beef from the healthy store! 2.5 lbs for $10. Its usually $20 for the 2.5 lbs. I love savings!

Happy Friday and everyone have a great weekend!
Hell, have I missed a lot. Dishwashers and washing machines, disappearing coffee and naughty rabbits.

Love the new brushes, I have also found a brush to get the hair and crumbs off furniture, I just love it.

I don´t have a dishwasher either. can´t say I miss it, I´m sure it´s just quicker to do it in the sink. when I used to live at home, we used to laugh and say that we had a dishwasher called Alan, that was my dad.

Can´t believe Ellie is nesting again, what is wrong with than little lassie. Maybe she does need a little pal. I dread to think what her and Houdini would get up to together, I think you would have trouble then. She could do with a pal like Bandy, he is just so laid back and he would be her little slave lol.

You are the wise one, Morgan. Love your list and it is all so true. And what is it with bananas, I never manage to finish them all, I always end up throwing at least one away cos it´goes all black and soggy. You really should write a book, oh wise one.
You could try putting the bananas in the fridge as soon as you get them home from the store and only take one out when someone will be eating it. We rarely have bananas so I haven't tried it myself but the cold might keep you from getting gnats, like they may not hatch or whatever if they are too cold. Or you could wind up with a fridge full of gnats.

That's weird and funny that your hubby has been sleep walking. Ha! I wonder if in his mind he was petting an animal and not the carpet. That would be a strange sight to wake up to. My ex sleep walked once. He walked into the kitchen and started peeing in the trash can, thank goodness it was the trash can and not something else. My son walked in on him and then he got my attention. Hubby now has bad, crazy dreams if he eats anything with tomato sauce after like 9pm. Me I just have crazy, weird, bad dreams every night.

I started running back when I was boxing. I never did come to like it. I don't know if I just never found the right stride for me or what. I have always liked walking from the time I was young. Used to walk with my daughter all the time. Had people stop and ask if we needed a ride as we walked in the pouring rain but just never got the running. Wouldn't be bad to do with my dog to help burn his energy but we are not in a good area for that. The road here is pretty narrow plus the dog would somehow find a way to get me killed cause he's just goofy like that.

Glad the washing machine is smelling better.
None of us are really eating the bananas so I'm just not going to buy any more for a while. I have like 2 bunches that I have to make banana bread with and then they're out of the fridge and no more for a while. haha. I started putting the apples in the fridge, my hub likes them cold anyway. I haven't bought any potatoes in a few weeks too, because I keep forgetting. lol
So hopefully I can end the cycle of the gnats. They're just such gross little things.

So here are some pictures! Its been a while.
Its Wonder Ellie!

Here is my old cat in the nest. haha. Probably where she'll die.

My husband is crazy. I can't believe that he's been sleep walking. I really hope he doesn't pee anywhere in the house, other than the toilet. I told him if he pees in the corner of our room, I'm going to beat him. haha. I'm going to test the apple theory and see if its the apples that are causing this.

My head is killing me! Ugh. Is it nap time yet?
LOL I laugh so hard on your blog. I cant wait for him to sleep walk and pee on something. I'm waiting for that post.
All I can say is if I had a husband and he peed in the corner, I would NOT be the one cleaning it up. Yuck! Bunny pee-yes, kids pee-if I really have to. Grown up pee-they're on their own.

Love Wonder Ellie! She just needs golden bracelets and a lasso :)
Ellie is so cute. I love seeing her cute little self.

Your cat is the same color as our one cat we call Momma or Funny Face. I call her Momma because I think calling her funny face is rude. She's the one that showed up at our place and wouldn't go back home and had a few litters before we decided we would just have to have her fixed. We think she was the neighbors and they were mean to her. But hubby remembered seeing her as a kitten and the first time in the dark as she approached he thought she was a rat or something, says she was an ugly kitten but pretty now. hence the name.
Yes, my old cat, her name is Smedley. She's Fat Cats mom. She's the best mama cat you could ever imagine. She nursed Fat Cat for a whole year, seriously. haha. She cleans all the other animals, the dog, the barn cat. She's great. She cleans me and she used to sleep in the crib with AJ. When its winter time she hops in bed with him and cuddles up to keep warm. Thats his cat for sure. She loves him.
I have to share this picture of my cats. They're so crazy, we just got the new couch and they love it! They all sleep on the back of it. So there are three cushions and three cats. HILARIOUS.

From closest to furthest away, its Smedley, Fat Cat and Smokey. haha. They're so ridiculous.

Thankfully my husband didn't pee on anything and I hope that he doesn't. He didn't eat an apple tonight so we're going to see if he sleep walks tonight. I'm going to have him eat one tomorrow night and see what happens. haha. I think the whole thing is hilarious.

I gave the dog a bath tonight. Blew him dry. Oh my god, there was so much fur everywhere. I was covered in it. My bathroom is covered. Still haven't cleaned it, but I'm about to go do it. I don't want to wake up to dog fur bathroom in the morning! LOL

Hopefully my husband doesn't sleepwalk down the stairs tonight!
I like all of your cats.

That's one thing I like about summer. I bath the dog outside with the house so I don't have to clean my bathroom after. Plus I have the girls take him outside a while before I plan on bathing him and have them run around and play with him so he gets hot. Then he doesn't mind being bathed as much. Plus it's easier to trick him to going over by the hose than into my bathroom. I have to drag him through my room and into my bathroom then lift his back end then his front end into the tub. Since he outweighs me and is strong by that point I need to just sit for a few minutes to recover and catch my breath. Then he leans on me the whole time I'm bathing him so it's a pretty tiring experience.
My dog hates the hose more than bathes in the tub. haha. I can't come near him with a hose, so thats why he has to be bathed in the house. It sucks.

I have to tell you guys that I saw the funniest thing today. We have this herd of wildish horses that live down the road from us on like 200 acres. There is probably like 15 or so in this herd. They have a few foals every year. As we drove by today, I saw this horse nursing on a mare. But the horse that was nursing was at least 2 years old, and almost as big as the mare. I was like, you're two you're not supposed to nurse! Thats a good mama horse! haha. It was so funny though. Its like my Old Cat, she nursed Fat Cat for a year, what a good mama.

Ugh, off to do some stuff. Lots to do!
So the last two weeks I've been working on decluttering my house. Its working out really well. We got so much done yesterday, my husband and I. Then by myself, I got a lot done in the kitchen. I decluttered the animal cubby, got all of Ellie's stuff together and her blankets are in the dyer as I type. Got the big kitchen utensils, like serving spoons and spatulas all organized and got a bunch of stuff to donate. Got some clothes to donate, some toys.
I've been doing the Flylady system and its really helping. I already had a routine with AJ during the day, but with the system, its helped me modify my routines and make them better. Like I still do the same things, but add stuff into whatever I'm doing and make my normal 5 minute thing more efficient by adding another chore into it. Know what I mean?
So my house has been looking really good in the last two weeks and its only getting better! I love it!

I just have to explain to AJ that we're giving his toys to some other kids who can't buy brand new toys, so we're giving the gently used toys to those kids. He doesn't understand yet. haha. Maybe one day he will and he'll like to donate things.

I made my own coffee creamer. haha. We're trying to cut costs on everything, and coffee creamer is stupidly expensive and at Bi-Lo they don't have a store brand like Walmart did. So I would have to get name brand and I don't like the price of name brand. haha. So I got some just plain coffee creamer, it was like $1.40 and then I already had some condensed milk, and vanilla. I added the coffee creamer, condensed milk and vanilla together, BAM tastes like my usual coffee creamer! And now, its got this really nice rich creamy taste to it, which I like. So I'm going to start making my own. It took me like 2 minutes to make, and most of that was trying to work the dang can opener! LOL

I took Ellie's nest away. Poor thing. Not really, she was starting to poop in it and I didn't like that. So I swept it all away with my rubber broom. She's okay. My cat was more upset with the loss of the nest, more so than Ellie. The cat searched and searched, because she missed her bed. LOL They're so crazy.

My mom is taking AJ to a kids museum today. I think they're going to have a good time. He's being a little brat today though. My husband is changing his diaper right now and he's yelling for me. He's so dramatic.

Happy Sunday, hopefully everyone gets to rest and have a nice day!
LOL oh lord, Morgan I do miss my daily dose of your blog!
I need to read more but at the top of the page it says something about you being thankful your husband didn't pee on anything??!

Anyways, I can't believe Ellie is making nests! I can't wait to see pictures of her! I'm sure she's gotten so big :) hopefully everything is going well with you and your family! It's good to hear that AJ is going to a kids museum, I'm sure he'll have a blast! Now I'm going to catch up with the rest of your blog!

So glad to be back and reading up on everyone again. Missed you so much!! :)

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