My Heart's on Fire for Elvira

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OMG! You were at Snpwshoe Mountain? That place is half an hour away from us. We go there every year to see fire works! That's so cool!

There's nothing that I'm allergic too. At least nothing I know of. I hope you can get some new detergent soon.

Ellie is so funny! Maybe she is trying to train you to give her raisins! LOL.

I don't have any tattoos, I've always thought they were weird, lol.
I do the same thing with Gain, I switch between two scents. I used to use Tide but then when we bought the house my hubby's cousin gave us his washer and dryer as he no longer needed them. His washer smelled amazing. I could just stand there all day smelling the inside of the washing machine so I asked him what he used and it was Gain so I switched. Unfortunately I don't have the same smell so I think his cologne must have gotten onto his clothes and the two smells mixed to make that wonderful smell. But I still use the Gain. That and Downy and I switch through the Downy as well.

When I was younger I was allergic to citrus fruit, peanuts and chocolate but I outgrew the allergies and I have been making up for not being able to have chocolate when younger ever since. Ha! Hubby can't eat fresh fruit or his throat swells but he can eat processed and frozen fruit.

I get a rash now every time I get sick. I'm not sure why but it started out of the blue several years ago.

You could try switching to giving Ellie pellets twice a day, once in the morning and again in the evening so she doesn't beg. But I do believe she is training you, there is not a doubt in my mind as that how the buns are! Ha.

If hubby wanted something matching I so would but he has no tattoos. He actually says he didn't like tattoos at all until I came along. I have always wanted to get my kids names but now with the girls that's quite a list and I'm only so big. Ha! I also would never get my hubby's name, never, ever, ever just in case! There are so many different things I would like as a tattoo but I'm not sure I'll ever get another. Although I love them I don't want to be covered head to toe but yes, they are addictive.
That's such a pain that you have to rewash all of your clothes!!! I think I'm allergic to grapes, because most often after I've eaten some the roof of my mouth and back of the throat gets really itchy, and my ears become itchy too. I'm also allergic to rabbits and hay, lol.

And Ellie totally has you trained to give her raisins, she's got it all figured out ;)
I really want a gigantic skeleton key tattooed on me. I just love skeleton keys! haha. I wish my husband would get a lock or something to go with it, that would be nice. But if not, I still might get a giant key. I think I would put AJ's name somewhere in it or on it and that would be nice. His real name is Anderson Jacob, but thats long and I only call him Anderson when he's doing something bad! haha. But I would get his name is a pretty script and put it in the key.
I love tattoos, mine are a little silly but I do love them!
Yes, Denise, 5 kids is a lot of names to have on you! LOL But you could probably get a big piece and put the names in there as part of it. That way, you wouldn't have a shopping list of names!

I haven't had this sort of reaction from the washing detergent in a long time. Since we used Tide like 1 time when I was a kid. Its like where my arms rub my shirt, on the inside of my arms and my bra line is a rash. LOL Its ridiculous.

I used to feed Ellie in 2 feedings, but it got to the point were I was super lazy and I wasn't using the measuring cup and I was feeding her much more than she should have been eating! haha. I don't know what happens, like I put the measuring cup on the counter and wind up washing it and putting it away. Then I just use my hands to give her pellets and they're not measured. HA! So when I feed her one big amount in the morning its easier for me to remember. I'm pretty sure that she's just training me to give her a raisin at night. I refresh her hay at night, then refresh her water and give her a raisin. So I guess thats our thing. She's so crazy though. And she's a total attack rabbit! I just threw a romaine heart into her enclosure and she jumped over a box and attacked the romaine! I bet I could sick her on someone and she would attack! LOL
So Ellie's been super grumpy lately. She almost bit me yesterday! I was trying to give her something and she nipped at the other finger that didn't have the food. AND this morning when I let her out of her cage to run and get her pellets, I went to give her a pellet and she nipped my finger. Its like she took this HUGE bite instead of just grabbing the pellet. LOL Now she's binkying around and doing some bunny 500's. So I don't know whats going on.
But the last week or some when I go to give her pellets she knocks the pellet cup out of my hand and spills the damn pellets everywhere! Its so irritating.

I've been a little missing lately. I've posted here and there, but I haven't really had much to say I guess about the workings of this house! LOL
AJ is totally in the terrible two's place. Its terrible! hahaha. We went to a playground the other night and when we were leaving, he slapped me in the face as I was putting him in his carseat! I was so mad. He's never really acted like that, but he I guess he didn't really want to go home. He was so tired though. And in the last few days, he's been throwing a lot of things at us! If you don't take something from him, then he'll throw it at your or slam it down or hit whatever. Then if you tell him to stop throwing things, he will pick something up and slam it down. Its...frustrating. But he's two and what more can I expect?
He also still has a runny nose and I don't know whats causing it.

I barely drank any coffee yesterday, I ran out. I ran out of was terrible. I came down and opened my little canister and there was none. I dumped it over and like 3 little granules of coffee fell out and I was like OH NO! Then I had to drink left over coffee warmed up in the microwave. I seriously couldn't get off the couch yesterday, then the migraine set in. So I moved to the floor and laid on AJ life sized bear. My husband came home to the explosion that was my house and was like "omg are you okay?" I was like "no, migraine. It hurts." I made a frozen pizza and that was about all I could do. haha. So I went to the store at like 10pm when I was feeling better and got coffee and made this strongest pot of coffee I've ever made today. Like I could take it outside and fill a pot hole with it, its what you call Mississippi Mud coffee. hahaha. I can taste the sounds right now. I put like double the recommended scoops in there, and it tastes like butt but its working! No headaches today! AND maybe I'll be able to clean my house right!

Back to Ellie. I think she's shedding a little bit. She's been cleaning herself a lot and her fur has already grown back on her chest! I was shocked because she was bald to the skin when she did it and now you can hardly tell she's been bald there. So I think she's going through a shed, I wouldn't say molt because I haven't seen much fur but the rest of the animals are shedding bad and my dog is blowing coat like a mofo. But I think she has a little bit of a line on her back where her fur is different. Maybe thats why she's been so grumpy? I don't know how dutches shed though. I'll try to take some pictures of her later, so you guys can see her. Plus, you'd probably rather see her than red all my ramblings!

Happy...Tuesday? I have no idea what today is.
Wow she's a grump! LOL. Ash hasn't ever bitten me before, he has nipped me though. Bunnies can really get grumpy. lol.

AJ reminds me of my sister when she was young. Whenever we took her to a playground she wouldn't want to leave and when we got in the car she would just stand there and not get in with us. But if we waited a little she would get in. She could be quite annoying then, lol.

My brother used to have migraines a lot. And I knew a friend that used to have them, she said she started eating honey by itself and it helpd her migraines and allergies a lot. I myself haven't ever really experienced a really bad migraine I have had headaches though.

Ash has been shedding a lot too. When I pet him you can see fur flie off his back like every time I pet him. Its crazy and its annoying. LOL. It sticks to me and gets in my mouth and makes me cough its driving me crazy!

And yes it is Tuesday, lol. I know because I have to get a tooth pulled in an hour.
She must be grumpy to bite. I know at first I was a little nervous feeding Thumper anything by hand because of those teeth but after watching him pick one strand of hay out of a handful I felt more comfortable. I have also fed the two new buns both pellets and hay by hand and all of the buns are always so gentle that all I ever feel is their tickling fur and whiskers.

It's horrible when kids are in that stage and act that way. The best thing is to be consistent with not letting them get away with it without some form of punishment but that can wear you out since some days it seems to be a constant battle of wills.

I get migraines too without coffee. I know it's the lack of coffee because usually when I finally get some the headache goes away or gets better at least but not always. Now whenever I know I will be somewhere for hours with no coffee available I pack a thermos like the races that way I have a better shot at enjoying what we are doing and not being miserable.

Thumper is going through his first molt and it's crazy but he has shed before. Right now he's all kinds of strange patterns.

A skeleton key would be cool. I like most old things, like antiques. Items with a history to them, even older houses.
Yes, right now it is a battle of the wills. I'm freaking exhausted! He's just insane and he's trying my patience. I don't have much to begin with, so I start out the day with like a level 3 and end the day with -4. I feel so depleted at the end of the day sometimes.
He's really bad about getting into stuff too, like going through my purse. I put it up high, I try to keep it out of his reach, but I swear he always gets into it! So he goes through my wallet and takes everything out. I actually, have no idea where my debit card is, he took it out and its freaking missing. Thank god, I don't use my bank account...just my husbands. LOL

Anyway, Ellie's super grumpy. I don't know whats going on. Molt? Hormones? Just being a big B? All of the above? I can't believe she ate part of a dang crayon! I mean, really? A CRAYON! She's such a crazy little rabbit...seriously. They don't even smell good. I think all rabbits suffer from Pica and they're all insane. Then she binkies around and then flops out and she looks so cute, then turns around and grunts and lunges at me! Insane.

I can't wait to get a new tattoo.
I don't envy you having to deal with the terrible two's. I once took a toy sword off my son for hitting with it and put it on top of a huge entertainment stand we have. Caught him later with his little sister on his back, she was holding a coat hanger and trying to get a hold of the sword with it.

It will get better, at least until he turns into a teen. It sounds like AJ and Ellie are in cahoots to drive you crazy! A child going through the terrible two's and a bad, hormonal bun would be enough to drive a very patient person nuts. Hopefully at least one of them if not both will calm down and give you a break soon.
So Ellie is really fat! I don't know whats going on. I don't know if she's eating too much and not getting enough exercise? I let her out every day and she runs around the kitchen but she flops out a lot!
Could it be a blockage? I don't know if it is or not. I'm freaking out a little bit. LOL I don't think it is a blockage because she's pretty fat all I can't feel any of her ribs or her spine or when she sits see her feet. hahaha. I actually just think she's a totally huge fat round ball who weighs like 4 lbs now.
I feel like I should maybe stop giving her so many pellets and maybe that whole strawberry she ate tonight wasn't that great for her. Are they supposed to be fat? What is a Dutch supposed to be like?
I'm also worrying about her pooping out the crayon and the plastic she ate last week. Will she poop that out? I made a separate thread for others who don't read this, to help me out. I'm a little worried. But possibly (probably) overacting.

I just started watching The New Girl and its pretty dang funny! I wish I had a group of friends like that, because they always seem to have each others back! haha. I suggest that everyone go watch it, if you haven't already. It is on netflix.

Now to try to get Fat Ellie in her cage, she's difficult and rude. Oh and I've totally started calling her Fat Ellie, like Fat Amy from Pitch Perfect. Just call her that out in the open, so no one has to call her that behind her fat back. LOL its like when I renamed Cali cat Fat Cat like 8 years ago when she first got fat. She is a fat cat though, the name was so fitting. Just like Ellie is a Fat Ellie now. Fat ball.

And about AJ, I'm SO over the terrible twos. My husband comes home and AJ acts so good and listens and is perfect. Then he goes outside and AJ acts like demon span again and I'm like WTF! Then the hub comes back in and AJ is good again and I just want to rip my freaking hair out. Its so crazy and I really don't like it! I feel like he acts terrible for me because he hates me and he's so good for my husband because thats the one he really wants to spend his time with.

Oh and I spilled sugar on my couch tonight. I brought my little sugar jar in the living room, like a total fat ass to eat some strawberries. I was getting off the couch and spilled a whole thing of sugar on the couch. I may or may not have gone to get more strawberries and dipped them in couch sugar. Hey, waste not want not! Hahaha. Then I had to vacuum my couch at 11pm. True story.
Ellie fat? Nooo :) Ok well maybe she might be. Put it this way... She gets a half cup of pellets a day doesn't she? My 5 lb Holland lop AND 8 lb mini lop mix SHARE a half cup of pellets a day. So she might be getting a bit too much, especially if she is looking a bit chunky.

I'm sorry AJ's giving you such a hard time right now. I don't have kids so can only go by what I've observed from my siblings kids, but it sounds like AJ maybe thinks he can get away with some things with you but not his dad, so maybe that's why he is misbehaving so much more when he's around you. Hope you're able to sort it out for the sake of your sanity :)
I have a feeling Ellie is eating too many pellets.

I know buns hide pain well but I would think if she had a blockage she would not run around, flop or binky as much. Has she been showing any signs of pain. Sitting hunched up or tooth grinding?

You are with AJ all day, every day so I'm sure some of it is that he is just so used to you. Like with a spouse you will just be more relaxed and more your real self where with someone you do not know so well you are on your best behavior and not so relaxed. Because he does not see his dad as much I'm sure he's also happier to see his dad and of course when someone is feeling happy they are less likely to act up or misbehave. That has nothing to do with his feelings for you, it's just the situation.

He may also feel like he can push things with you more. For one he knows your buttons to push more than he knows your husbands because of all the time you two are together.

I'm not sure what each of your parenting styles is like but I know the girls will do some things when it's just me that they wouldn't do if hubby was around. Luckily they have learned over time that I will and do punish bad behavior plus they know I talk to hubby about everything so they never do anything major it's just little things. I am a little more relaxed and less stern than hubby. Hubby is the type that will scare boyfriends in the future as he looks very stern, even angry except when he is smiling and he just has that stern parent demeanor about him. If that makes any sense. I had a friend who's dad was like that. You were always on your best behavior around him simply because he gave off a feeling that you had better be.

I understand how it is though. When hubby and I first got together he was doing all of the parenting and I got to just have fun with the girls, coloring and what not. Hubby had days when their bed time just could not come fast enough. Now that I am home with them all day while hubby gets to enjoy work I am the one ready for their bed time. Sometimes I have to remind him what it was like for him.
I'm pretty stern. I'm nice, like I let him take all his books out of his bookshelf and then I make him put them back up. The thing is, I don't know how to really punish him because he's only 2. So timeout is a joke and I will not continuously put him back in a corner 100 times until he finally sits there. So I just try to divert him from what he's doing, by giving him something else to do. So I guess positive reinforcement? Until he pushes me to the point where he gets put in his crib for like forced nap. haha. I don't know, I think maybe I over react on somethings, but sometimes my patience level is so low that I just can't handle it.
I don't know, maybe I need a parenting book?!

As for Ellie, no she hasn't shown any signs of pain. She binkies around and popcorns and runs. She also flops out all the time, hardly ever lays in the bunloaf position anymore because its warmer in the kitchen. She is still pooping normally and eating normally and everything.
I know she's getting too many pellets, I need to cut her down. So what, like 1/4 cup a day? That seems reasonable right? I think she's gotten up to like 4 lbs though, she's a little heavy. But I think she might trim down to like 3 or so. Or she could be at her right size. I don't know what a dutch is really supposed to look like though, so maybe I should google it. LOL
So after googling the dutch rabbits, like 4 seconds ago. I think she's the right size! I think she's supposed to be round and ball like! LOL I think she looks pretty normal.


Does she look round to you guys?
Ellie looks nice and round to me lol. I don't know if she's getting fat or not. To me she doesn't look really fat at all but that's just me, I don't know if that's how dutchies are supposed to look or not but you were researching pictures and she looks good to you so your probably right. I don't know. She is pretty cute though! :)
I'm sure Ellie is fine as far as eating some crayon and litter box go. They do seem to take tiny bites so I would assume it would pass. As far as her being too round, I'm not sure how she should look. I sometimes wonder if Thumper is heavy but I think it's mostly just his fur. It's not like rex fur that is really short. When he's flopped and all he looks fine but when he is meatloafed or sitting up then I wonder. I can feel his spine but he's not skinny feeling.

maybe a parenting book would help although it seems so many of them are written by people that have no children so what do they know. Oooh, you could try to get on that nanny show where the lady comes in and shows you how to get the kids under control although AJ doesn't sound bad like the kids I have seen on there.
No I don't think AJ is bad enough to warrant a nanny show! haha. He's not that bad I don't think, but when you deal with everyday for weeks at a time with like 12 hours worth of break during the weekend, then it wears on you. Ya know? I know what you mean about parenting books though, they're written by the "worlds best parents", aka the people with no kids who think they're the best parents. And the things they say sound good in theory but aren't good when you put them to the test. I think I do a good job because AJ does well at other peoples houses and when he's with others, but he's really comfortable with me and he shows it! Over all I think he's a good kid, but sometimes repeating myself gets old old old and its irritating.

So I've become addicted to crossword puzzles! haha. I found this book that has over 100 in it, and I've done like 80 in the last week or so. I really like doing them. My husband makes fun of me. LOL

I'm going to cut Fat Ellie's pellets back by like 1/4 a cup, so she'll be down to 1/4 of a cup. That way she'll trim down a little and she won't be eating so many pellets! Because 1/2 a cup is a lot for such a small bun. Plus she eats a lot of other sugars that I need to cut out too. I like to give her raisins and sometimes thats the only way I can get her into her cage! haha. Then that whole strawberry that she ran off with last night. I'm not going to wrestle her for a food item because I'm not going to get bitten.
I just heard her opening her pellet tin, as I was typing that paragraph about her being fat. LOL Wow, she's such a fat!
My little black and white bundle. She doesn´t look fat to me, she looks quite normal. She is such a funny little lassie. Houdini has bitten me a couple of times although he hasn´t done it for ages now. He used to do it when I didn´t put his food down quick enough or I put my hand in on his blind side.

I´m sure AJ will settle down, that´s why they call it the terrible twos when they finding out who they are and what they can get away with so it´s good to be firm with him and set boundaries.

I´ve just changed bars for my morning coffee. They´ve started to get sloppy and the last few weeks their coffee has been awful, more water and not enough milk so I´m protesting and not going there. Hate paying for coffee as I only drink it out, so it has to be good. I drink tea at home. I hate it when people or places get complacent just because you spend money there all the time, they should be taking care of you more cos you leave money with them all the time and not just assume you´ll return whatever...thanks, rant over.
If he behaves elsewhere and just not at home with you then you are doing something right. That just seems to be the way it is with kids. I know how it wears on you, Oh how I know! Ha.

With the three girls I definitely get tired of talking some days. they are good kids and usually all it takes is to say something but with the three of them somedays it feels nonstop and I just want to be able to Shut Up!

I like crossword puzzles but haven't done any in a while. I keep a puzzle book in our explorer for when I get bored. Like if I forget to take a book with me to a doctors apt then I can just grab that. I have done the soduko ones lately. Two of the girls will do them as well.

Sounds like you better hide that tin from her. I would suggest distracting her with something yummy first so you don't lose a hand. Ha! It's funny because Thumper went nuts over pellets when I cut him back when he was having soft poos. Well I have increased them since then and he still goes nuts. He's absolutely crazy!
I try to keep the pellet tin put up, but somehow it gets put down and she always manages to get into it. LOL
I give her raisins to get her into her cage or out of something she's not supposed to be in, but if I don't give her the raisin fast enough she will grunt and lunge at me! She's nuts and so grunty all the time! haha.

She also ate one of my cowboy boots. I'm pissed. I thought that she was over nibbling on them, but I picked my boot up this morning and she has eaten like half of one side of the shaft of them. I was like WTF! You're a dead rabbit! I was not happy, so she's spent the day and the rest of the day in the cabinet. I'm not messing with her today, until its time to change her litter box and feed her.

Also, I didn't mention anything earlier about it because I wasn't sure what we were going to do. But we found a house to buy, BUT we didn't qualify for the loan! It sucks, but the type of loan it is, its a 100% loan for $129,900. So thats a large sum of money and I guess we don't have enough credit to get it or whatever. Anyway, so we're a little disappointed but its not the end of the world. We're just going to stay in our house and fix it up some more. I'm going to put linoleum in the kitchen to cover the unfinished wood so it will be MUCH easier to clean and maintain. So now I have to go pick out linoleum and figure out what will look good in the house. And my toilet is leaking. :foreheadsmack: Its like when you flush it, it comes out of the bottom where it touches the floor. So I think we need to replace something in there. Good lord. And redo the shower. And redo the front room and paint our bedroom. As much as I love this house, sometimes I think its more trouble than its worth and we need to move into another rental house thats newer and nicer. BUT I'm not spending any more money a month for rent without owning it! So we're staying here. My brain hurts.

Chris, I know what you're saying about buying coffee. I never really go to a cafe to get coffee because I don't like to pay the prices. Basically when you get a Starbucks coffee you spend as much on ONE coffee as you do for a bag of coffee that lasts me a week. Like I pay like $3.68 for a bag of Chock Full O Nuts and like $5 for a large coffee at Starschmucks. So I prefer to make coffee at home BUT I do love the cold coffees from the gas stations. haha. I'll break down and buy those, because they're so delicious.

I spent the whole day at my besties house and now I have to clean my whole house. I've been really slacking! I need to have a serious pep talk with myself.

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