My Heart's on Fire for Elvira

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Merry Christmas everyone! Its like 1 am, my husband just woke me up off the couch, to open presents for us! lmao He's nuts.
We did Christmas dinner and presents at his parents on Christmas Eve, so we could relax and spend Christmas day at home with our son and my mom and dad. My in-laws got my husband a new playstation 3, which is REALLY wanted, but would never buy himself! He said its too much money to spend on himself. hahaha.
He LOVES it! lol
He got other random items and some clothes. His grandparents shipped their gifts to us, so we got those too. We got sweaters and I got A LOT of Christmas ornaments. MY most favorite gift though came from my mother in-law. She got me "Mastering the Art of French Cooking", the Julia Child cook book! It was WAY too expensive for me to ever justify buying myself and I happened to flip onto an old episode of "The French Chef" on tv and Julia was making my FAVORITE French onion soup! So we talking about her and the book and my MIL remembered that I wanted the book! Its amazing and I CAN NOT wait to start cooking French food!
And my son! That kid made out like a bandit this year! He got this huge radio flyer, all-terrain wagon. This huge teddy bear, a monster backpack/rolling suitcase, a truck that will go by itself, a big wooden train table, a sit and spin. I'm forgetting so many things, but those are the big ones. He got a ton of books and PJ's too and lots of clothes! He got some good "big boy books" that I can read him! I can't wait. He also got some Cars slippers, that are shaped like Lightening McQueen. He got a Tow-Mater pillow pet too! Its funny. Thats just the stuff from us and his grandparents. He hasn't opened the stuff from us yet, since its like 1am, but I figured I would share what he got. My mom is coming over in the mid-morning and she got him a bunch of stuff too! haha.

We will be eating easy this holiday. I'm going to make a ham, a sour cream and cheddar potato casserole, some kind of veggie, and some biscuits. And probably some left over london broil from Saturday night. NEXT year, we'll be dining on some seriously delicious French food, thanks to Julia Child and my MIL. haaha.

I've got to go back to bed now, I had too much Chianti with dinner and my head hurts. My MIL likes to push the wine! She says that if your glass never fully empties, then its always counted as one glass! SO I had one glass, 5 times. lmao She had about the same! She's a nut, but we had a very nice meal over there. She made a standing rib roast, these twice baked potatoes-that I have to get the recipe for, and carrots and biscuits. My son and father in law slept through dinner, so it was just my MIL, my sister in law, my husband and I. And our wine and we laughed and talked. It was really, very lovely. A lot better than any of us expected! (if you can't tell, I'm VERY food oriented. I think sometimes, moments in your life are measured by the meals you eat. I LOVE to cook and I LOVE to eat! hahaa.)

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night! With much love from my family to yours, Merry Christmas!
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Haha Morgan sounds like you've already celebrated, you certainly do start earlier although I also open presents on Christmas Eve, after midnight of course.

So glad you got the cook book you wanted. I love cooking as well and have lots of recipes. I get load of them off the BBC website as they have tons of great recipes for every occasion. I love also watching the cookery programmes, at my friends house, I've been watching them every day, loads of ideas and special food for Christmas. You'll have to tell us some of the stuff you're cooking, yummy.

I'm doing traditional today, Turkey and pork, sage and onion stuffing which I love and all the veggies with Christmas pudding to follow. My spanish friend absolutely loves it so will get some leftovers to take for his lunch tomorrow as well :biggrin2:

Have a fantastic day and just enjoy to all your family from me and my little boys :adorable:
Well, Christmas is finally over. My son is exhausted and finally asleep. He got so much stuff, its unbelievable!

Ellie decided she doesn't like the Sherwood pellets anymore. lol I went in to check on her this morning and to give her some breakfast pellets and her bowl was full of Sherwood! lmao. She is so silly. So I waited until she ate all the Sherwood to refill her bowl. I can't believer her, the little brat! She WILL eat them!
She has gotten SO big. Even my husband said something about her size today and he is oblivious to the world. I feel more comfortable letting her out in the kitchen unattended now. She can't get into anything, but she also can't get lost as easily. She's so skittish around the cats and especially the dog. I hope she warms up to them and gets used to them. Foo never cared, even when she was little, she always had the dog.
I'll try to post some pictures of Ellie later, try to show the size difference between now and a few days ago. haha.
Her ears are getting bigger, I hope they stay big! I love big ears.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! I'm kind of glad that its over, but we had a really nice time.

PS. I think Ellie is starting to show more of her personality here and feel more comfortable. Yesterday and today I noticed that she was in her box a lot. So I would go to her cage and pet her. Yesterday, I checked her belly and everything she felt fine. I would put her down and she would go to eat, then back to the box. I did the same thing today. Then I realized that, its day time out and she is probably trying to sleep! lmao. She doesn't feel like she needs to be awake all the time anymore. So she sleeps in her box or in front of it, in the bunloaf position. She seems pretty content. She'll get up, stretch then eat and then go back to sleep. hahaha. But when she's awake, she always come to say hello to me at the door of her cage. And right now, she's out in the kitchen, running and binkying around. She's fine and I was just worrying because she was laying down a lot. But sometimes I forget that rabbits like to sleep during the day! haha. Foo was like that, a carpet lump during the day, but in the evening she was active; but some days she would be wide open all day and night. hahaa. Ellie is like that too I guess.
Oh and her poops are totally normal, so is her appetite and water drinking. lol She's just getting comfortable and showing her real personality. I'm going to take some pictures now!
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Here are some new picture of Ellie. I will give a warning though, there IS a pistachio bag in two of the pictures. It was empty, so no baby was harmed in the taking of these pictures! I was eating them whilst sitting in the floor with her. She decided that ALL of the HRS and EVERY other list of rabbit safe foods were wrong and rabbits WERE allowed to have pistachios. She was trying to tell me that all of my research and my time spent making a great diet for Foo was all in vain, since SHE was allowed to have the pistachios. I had to get a pictures.


Here she is reading the back of the bag telling me that pistachios ARE safe for rabbits.

She's like "mama, please let me have a pistachio"


"pleeeeeeese?! Just one bite?!"

Yep, that is exactly how that went in my mind. lmao. She tried really hard to get into the bag, but it was salty in there so I took it. She had it for like 5 seconds, enough to get the pictures of her with the bag. lol She doesn't need any nuts, because she's already a nut!
Oh one last thing. Elvira keeps shaking her head when she is out of the cage?! I don't know why she's doing it. She isn't scratching or anything and she isn't holding her ears at odd angles or favoring an ear. So why is she shaking her head? I think they shake their head/ears sometimes when they're happy. I've noticed she'll shake her head and lift her front feet of the floor and kind of hop away after she's done it. Is she happy?
Her behavior is SO much different than Foo's. Foo was just content to be around me and be out of her cage. She would flop where ever just 'be'. She didn't binky or show many 'happiness' behaviors, other than cleaning or flopping. BUT Ellie, she binky's all around and does whatever. I don't know if its a baby thing or an Ellie thing, but they're SO different.
Merry Christmas!!! It sounds like you guys had a really nice holiday. That french cooking book sounds fabulous. I'm sure you'll have a ton of fun with it. I don't like to cook myself, but I love to eat yummy food. Wish I lived closer. I would be a more than willing taste tester :) When you start to try out some of the recipes, you have to make sure to tell us about it in this blog. I would love to hear how it goes.

Well, I'm a little bit sorry that you are now experiencing the pain of having a picky eater. Just a little sorry :) But at least you know what me and Jennifer are talking about now. I now have Toby that has decided he's not going to eat the sherwood pellets I put in his dish. He just goes and eats the hay instead. I really HATE transitioning pellets! It's such a pain when your rabbits won't cooperate. I mean, really? Do they really taste that bad? So this morning I think I mixed too many of the sherwood pellets in with Roo's old food cause when I went to clean and feed this afternoon, he hadn't finished his pellets and didn't coming running to the door. He's ok now and is eating and pooping, but boy did that make me feel a little panicked. I let Roo play in the living room for the first time today. Once he got used to it, he had fun running around and doing little mini binkies, and no accidents, yay :)

My rabbits always sleep during the day too, and if I happen to disturb them, they look at me like 'did you really have to wake me up!'. Except Zeus. He doesn't care if I wake him up cause he always wants nose rubs :)

Awww, look at Ellie begging, how can you resist that face :) She does look like she's getting more filled out in the pictures. You're little girl is growing up. By the little head shake thing, do you mean like when they do a partial binky? It's like a little head shake, body shake, and maybe a little jump. My babies especially used to do it alot when they were younger. Roo still does it.

So I took a picture of what the poop looks like from a megacolon rabbit. I thought you might find it interesting. The first picture is of Zeus' poop. He's the one that had stasis problems. The second picture is of Toby's, who was born with it. Zeus' actually looks more normal in the litter box, but gets really irregular when I've let him out to play, which is what the picture is of.


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A lot of Foo's poops looked like that. makes me wonder.

I'll share everything I cook from my French cookbook! I'm so excited to start cooking from it! hahaha.
It's such an unheard of illness even now. You can't find a lot of info on it, and I've heard of some vets not even believing it's a real illness. It can be a real battle to keep the rabbit from slipping into stasis, and it seems to just get worse as they get older. One other symptom is difficulty putting on weight because nutrients aren't absorbed properly. I'm hoping I can find a way to help keep my boys stabilized. I've read of people using probiotics and vitamins/electrolytes, to help these rabbits stay healthier. I'm trying it out with Zeus, so if he seems to do better with them, then I'll start giving them to Toby too.

Ok, this french cooking thing is starting to sound really good! I may actually have to break down and cook something if you share a recipe that sounds extra delicious :)
I really hope that the probiotics help with Zeus! It must be really difficult and so worrisome. I wouldn't be able to handle it, I would be nervous wreck all the time. Like, I would be so worried about it all the time I probably wouldn't even be able to leave my house or leave them alone at all. It would be really bad.
I spend a lot of time worrying about my animals anyway and they're all pretty healthy. I'll be honest, I find myself getting totally overwhelmed with worry when I leave my house and go to my in-laws for a while. Like on our drive home, I'm so worried that one of them will have been hit by a car and I'll drive up on it. Or that our house will be on fire or that Ellie will have gotten hurt in her cage or my chickens have been attacked by something. That's what goes through my head when I leave my house. I have a really hard time. So I couldn't imagine if one or more of my animals actually had some kind of health issue. I would never be able to leave my house. I worry about my son too, but he's always with me and he shows signs of pain and/or sickness a lot better than an animal, so my worry for him isn't nearly as overwhelming.
Yes, thats how I live most of my day. Constantly checking my animals. Thats the reason I walk into my kitchen so much, no one needs to go into a kitchen 400 times a day unless they work in a kitchen. But I go in there that much. Its pretty bad. I like to know where my animals are at all times. I check windows to find my cats, and chickens. I'm constantly calling my chickens back to me so I know they're alright. And god forbid one of those birds has a misplaced feather or something, because if they do; they get a whole body check and make sure their wings aren't broken(which they really hate. They HATE being held, more than any bunny ever.) Yes, I've been torn up by my 15 lb rooster on numerous occasions to try to check him to make sure he's okay and dust him for critters. I am so fearful with them because my rooster got attacked by a raccoon last year and I had to nurse him back to health. The only time he was ever tolerant of me touching him or holding him, was when I was cleaning his leg and babying him with pedilyte and yogurt, lol. I was worried he would walk right again, but he does. He does well, but when it gets really cold he still favors that leg.

Wow, sorry for the animal rant. I got a little carried away. I'm just by nature, a total worrier. Its a little scary. I might not be the only one, but I really struggle with it.
Hey, it's great to see Ellie growing up. Pics are fantastic, I just love that little cute face, half white and half black, who could resist it. Houdini favours the bunloaf like Ellie and will stay like that for hours in the afternoon. Pistachios, bet she'd have liked a taste but it's funny seeing her playing with the bag. I've seen my move their head like that, it's like they're nodding, Bandy used to do it a lot when he was investigating new places, doesn't do it as much now as he's so use to the room and everything in it.

Jenny, is that poop all from the same rabbit ??? Wow, if it is, what a difference. I think we all obsess about tummy problems as they are so serious and Morgan, as for worrying about your animals when you're away, I'm just the same. I left my three yesterday evening and have been worrying about them all night as they were a bit off yesterday. Bandy wouldn't touch his banana, that is unusual for my rabbit dustbin and the parsley plant I put down stayed there a while until they started eating it. I can't wait to get back today to see if everything is OK.

Wish I live nearer so I could try the food. I hope you do share some of your successes and failures haha, I love trying out new things but sometimes they don't go exactly to plan :nosir:
Chris, I bet your boys are just adjusting to your new strange schedule of going back and forth. I bet its very strange for them. My animals would probably be the same way if I was doing the same thing.

I THINK I SAW HER FLOP! AHHH! I walked into the kitchen and flipped the light on and slammed my glass down on the counter like a jerk and scared her! But I'm pretty sure I saw her little back leg stretched out behind her like she was flopped! Its so hard to see her with her dark blankets in her cage though, I can normally pinpoint her through her white markings, lol. I think I saw her little white foot sticking out!

Its raining really hard here, I'm so sick of the rain.
I'm like that too. I'm a chronic worrier to the point where I make myself sick with an upset stomach. It was really hard for me when Dash was sick, then I got Baby that didn't know how to eat or drink like a normal rabbit, so I worried about her constantly, then I had Zeus who was sick for forever. I was so stressed with all of it, but I love rabbits, and I love my animals. I didn't want to just give them up. So it was when Zeus was sick that I got to the point where I was on major overload with a seriously ill rabbit that needed constant attention, medicating, and feeding, and I just had to tell myself i was doing all i possibly could to help him and that it was going to have to be good enough. I just had to shut out all the rest. I still worried but not to the point of making myself sick. Now when they get injured or sick, I know I'm doing my best and can't do anymore than that, and that just has to be good enough. The worrying is always there, just not as bad. I don't know about you, but I think that I worry about things so much cause I'm very sensitive to other's emotions and feelings, and I feel like I need to be able to fix things.

Chris, I hope you had a nice birthday and Christmas! I hope everything ends up being ok with Bandy and it was just a mild tummy upset, if anything.... So, those are two different sets of poop from just a few minutes of playing for each rabbit. The top group is Zeus, the bottom is Toby. Yes, there's quite a difference, especially with Zeus', and his are more drasitic in size when he's been playing. But you can see how they can have those really large ones. Well the problem is that if they get a super large poop, that it can then cause a blockage. But aside from the poops and modified diet, you wouldn't know there was anything wrong with my boys, as they act totally normal.

Awww, your first bunny flop, isn't it the cutest :) Haha, I'd rather have rain than snow. It's supposed to snow again tonight. I'm freezing my butt off, and I'm IN the house WITH a blanket on!
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I'm also very sensitive to others feelings. I can't watch the news, I can't read bridge posts, I cried over your buns with the stomach issues Jenny. I cried today reading a CHILDRENS BOOK! It was the Jingle the Husky Pup book, it made me sad because he didn't have a home and when you read certain words he whines, it made me so sad.
I have a really hard time with things. All things.
I didn't used to be like this, I used to be able to handle things, but now I'm broken. My brain wiring is on the fritz I guess. I make myself sick with worry too, I also have to tell myself to calm down. Or I'll go into a full on panic attack before I get home and can calm down.
I'm kind of glad to know that I'm not the only one who feels like that. I only have a handful of animals, but you would think I has hundreds or something. hahah.
Ellie decided she doesn't like the Sherwood pellets anymore. lol I went in to check on her this morning and to give her some breakfast pellets and her bowl was full of Sherwood! lmao. She is so silly. So I waited until she ate all the Sherwood to refill her bowl. I can't believer her, the little brat! She WILL eat them!

that's how I was about the sherwood, lol - I told the girls "you WILL learn to eat the sherwood, 'cause mommy's not getting you any other pellets - these are the best for you!"

I love the pics of her... that cute wittle face just makes me want to smother her in love and kisses!

I know what you mean about the worrying - I've always been really bad about it, too. xanax helps, when I actually remember to take it :p
I can hardly read the bridge posts either, cause I know I'll cry and I hate crying all the time. The news makes me stressed, but I find some of it interesting, so I'll use the dvr and skip to the parts I want to see. I didn't use to be like this either, though as a kid I did worry about things and get upset stomachs, but nothing like it is now. I think you'll find a lot of people have the same problem, just they don't talk about it.
What a load of worriers we are on here but I´d prefer to be like that than not to worry about anything. And Jenny, I also have to get the box of tissues ready when I read the bridge dedications, they all make me cry like a baby thinking of the owner who will be so devastated to lose their little baby.

All these Christmas movies are getting to me as well, I always end up with tears down my face at the end. I must be getting old lol.

Boys are fine today and worries over for now. They were getting a bit nippy with each other last night but not fighting. Just like when kids get a bit boisterous and ones had enough but the other just keeps going. I think it´s because they´re used to being out most of the night when they´re most energetic and I´m putting them away at around 8pm at the moment. Only 12 days to go...will I be glad to get back to normal.

Ellie doing a cool. You have to get a pic of that, it just has to be so cute. I love it when they flop as though they haven´t a care in the world.

A normal day here today in Spain as they don´t celebrate Boxing Day. It´s a lovely, sunny, warm day lucky are we. Although, I do miss snow at this time of year...there´s no pleasing some people :spintongue
Oh one last thing. Elvira keeps shaking her head when she is out of the cage?! I don't know why she's doing it. She isn't scratching or anything and she isn't holding her ears at odd angles or favoring an ear. So why is she shaking her head? I think they shake their head/ears sometimes when they're happy. I've noticed she'll shake her head and lift her front feet of the floor and kind of hop away after she's done it. Is she happy?

Monty does that all the time! It'll look like she's going to periscope, but instead she shakes her ears around while she lifts her front paws off the floor, then she'll binky or take off in a 500. You can hear her giant ears flopping around, and it cracks me up. Sometimes she does it right next to me and slaps me with her ears.


I'm so happy I get to go home and see my big baby tonight!
Wow, Holy moly Monty has seriously big ears, no wonder they hit you lol. He´s luverly.
OMG, can´t believe how big those ears are. Mine have such small delicate ones in comparison but I think they´re so cool. Who´s a very pretty girl :adorable:

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