WHAT IS IT WITH COMPUTERS TONIGHT!!! I'm right there with you Morgan. I just had this whole thing typed up and one wrong button and, POOF, it's gone. I'm ready to kill this thing. Ok, well here I go again!
Great pictures! I just love seeing her cute little face
I love the action shot and the picture of her cleaning herself. It's so hard to catch a binky cause they happen so fast... Is Ellie getting fluffier? She looks fluffier to me in these pictures.
Chris, Houdini sounds like a bundle of energy, and like he's up to all sorts of mischief. I've had a few rabbits like that, and they were usually my smartest and most clever rabbits, which is why they always seemed to be getting into trouble
Yeah, watch out! You now have a spider bunny
Mine would take flying leaps onto the back couch cushion, and then proceed to climb the rest of the way up. I was always having to watch out for them cause they would tend to leap before they looked, thinking they were invincible, hence the now injured Riley(nearly better though). He tried to take a flying leap out of the playpen. BUNNIES!!! Roo is fun to snuggle with but my more energetic buns are alot more fun to watch doing their bunny tricks, especially Toby. I swear he has ADHD. He is always bouncing off the walls. So, I think you'll find having an energetic bunny is very entertaining
And at times, may drive you insane
Toby is the bunny with the digestive problems. It's called megacolon. There can be various causes, one being genetic, which is what Toby has. It's something that breeds of white rabbits with dark spots and dark eyes, can be born with. So Hotots carry this trait, but it doesn't often come up. Toby is my only baby with it, but I now know that Dash had it, and Zeus has it as well, but his came about because of his repeated bouts with stasis, because when I got him, his poops were normal. So that's one way to tell. Megacolon rabbits will have very odd droppings. They are extra small and extra large, and irregular shaped at times, and this is because of the nerves in the digestive system not functioning correctly. It also causes them to not absorb nutrients as effectively, and can make them prone to stasis. So far both my boys are doing well. Acting fine and have plenty of energy, but I want to learn as much as I can about it, and maybe try and find things that can help them, in case at some point they start to have problems. The poor boys will never get treats though, because of this
I'll bet after a while of Ellie using her litter box, that you will be able to separate the hay. And I don't think not having the grate will be a problem. I think Foo must have had some sort of urinating challenge cause the grate seemed to work really well clearing up her problem, but usually a rabbit in a clean environment won't have that problem. The one nice thing about a grate though, is that they can't track litter out of there, so it stays a bit cleaner.
Wow, 400 cookies, really? i don't think I could ever look at another cookie again if I tried to do that. Talk about cookie overload!
ONE chocolate chip? Haha, I would die from withdrawl. I live off chocolate
Ok, get ready for cuteness overload! I got a pic of Roo snuggling with his stuffie
In his hay box, which was once his litter box, but he decided to stop peeing in there and to pee everywhere else. Now he just sleeps and eats in it :foreheadsmack: