My Heart's on Fire for Elvira

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That's horrible Morgan! I hope your finger is ok. Try an ice compress, if you haven't already. Should keep the swelling down.

Well, at least he'l be gone soon and you won't have to deal with his craziness anymore. Now you can raise you up a sweet and friendly roo from your babies.
I know once I'm actually able to get to the babies, I should be able to get a really sweet baby roo out of the flock. I hope so.
I feel so nauseous because it hurts so bad. I don't know what to do for it! I've only ever broken a toe. But now this is a finger I need! You don't realize how much you need the middle finger until you lose the ability to use it.

What should I do for my finger?!
Haha, no more flipping anyone off for a while, jk :) Taking some ibuprofen would probably help, and the ice. I think if you keep it slightly elevated above your heart, the throbbing won't be as bad. If it really is broken, you may need it seen to, and you may need antibiotics. You could just wait and see how it is when the pain and swelling subside. I would probably place my hand on a pillow in what ever way is the most comfortable.
Your finger sounds super painful. Have you gone to see a doctor? Maybe ice it for now, Tylenol or Advil for pain and swelling.

Also, are we discussing Honey Boo-Boo now??? One of my friends was constantly referencing that show, so one night I sat down and watched THE WHOLE THING on YouTube. In one sitting. So many shocking things.. the fact that they eat road kill, their recipe for "sketti," their idea that a great anniversary dinner date takes place in a buffet.. THE REDNECK GAMES where they kept flinging themselves in this pit of watery mud!! But really, you can tell they love each other and have a great sense of family. But again.. THEY EAT ROADKILL. Which they probably don't have to do with the amount of extreme couponing that goes on in their house. I think she said something like "Well none of us has gotten sick eating roadkill burgers yet!" YET.
Hahaha Jenny, I still have the left hand to flip people off with!
I actually think I'm going to have to go to the doctor, which sucks!

I feel so tired and weird. I think I'm going throw up then pass out. This is terrible, I've never felt pain like this and I had a kid! And I have tattoos and I've had my foot stepped on by a horse, barefoot.

Sorry for being a big girl, but this is absolutely terrible. :(
You may need something stronger than advil then, if it's hurting that much. It probably is broken then, or dislocated. He may have even severed something important in there. I think you should go get it looked at. That does suck! Good to know that you aren't restrained from flipping people off with your other hand though, haha.
The smaller bones are sometimes worse than the larger ones but I´d get off to the doctor and have it seen to just in case it needs relocating or maybe he got a nerve as well. THey should also give you something stronger for the pain which you´ll probably need.

I walked into the bathroom door a couple of years ago and broke one of my toes...hell, did it hurt like hell.

If Ellie´s not had any strange poops with the new food yet, sounds like she´ll be OK , she´s obviously decided for herself what she wants. You could maybe start her on a few new veggies and see how she goes. No market for me this week cos of the cold so mine are on store bought salads and stuff....not complaining yet though haha.
I hope you have gone to the doctors by now. If it swelled up immediately that is one thing but if it took some time to swell then it could be infected which could be why it hurts so bad or the spur could have hit some nerves. I was sitting on my couch once and playing around with my dog. Somehow I managed to impale the palm of my hand on his huge canine tooth. Blood running down my arm and it hurt so bad yes I felt like vomiting and I couldn't cuss because I had one of the girls sitting right next to me. It also took me five minutes before I could even get up to clean it since it hurt so bad.

And yes, I had two kids, lopped off the top of a finger, chipped my shin bone, stepped on a hoe (my husbands fault) and the handle cracked me right above the eyebrow. Should have gotten stitches but was too tired. Passed out pregnant with my daughter, feel on my face and needed stitches in my eyebrow and chin. The list goes on. Some things just hurt way more than others. Also, you have to watch with fingers. My uncle broke a knuckle and the stupid dr splinted it. Well the knuckle fused as it healed and he couldn't bend it. Another dr had to rebreak it.
Omg how did I miss all of this about your finger!?!? Ive been struggling lately with keeping up with these blogs. Haha, I was good for a while but I swear I turn my head for a sec and boom I lose track.

Anyway, how's it today? Gosh that is horrible Morgan and it sounds so painful. I agree maybe you do need something more than advil..........?
Well, I went to the doctor this morning and its not broken, just SUPER infected. Like gravely infected. Its what you called an insta-infection! Because all the bacteria on the roo's spurs/foot area. The doctor said if I had let to go on much longer that there is a possibility that I could have lost my finger.
I knew last night after getting 3 hours of sleep, between the crying that there was a MAJOR problem.
So I got a big ol' shot of antibiotics in the ass, couldn't even feel it over the pain of my hand and then a prescription of some other super strong antibiotics and some vicodine. I took half the vicodine and I feel a little bit better, but I don't want to take a whole one until my husband gets home from work. I don't want to be loopy with AJ! haha. The antibiotic seems to be working, my hand is a little smidgen less red right now.

Ugh I need a nap. Ohhh, I did take pictures that I will post later, of my beautiful hand and this time you guys can make fun of my fat finger! But remember, I still have the left hand to flip you off with! haha.
Speaking of left hand, I'm so stupid with my left hand. I can't do anything with it, I can't even swipe a debit card with it. Its like a stranger. I never realized how much I actually use my right hand, I thought I was pretty good with both...I was SO wrong. BUT I can draw a sweet-ass fish with my left hand! haha. The things you do in the doctors office to keep your kids occupied...perks of being a mom. I'll tell about that later.
Its nap time.
The thought of infection occurred to me yesterday, with it being a claw that impaled you, kind of like a cats scratch being so bad. But I thought there was no way it could be infected so quickly to be the cause of all your pain. Boy was I wrong! Good to know- Never get impaled by a rooster, hahaha. I'm really glad you got it looked at. It would be bad news to have one less middle finger to tell people off with, haha. No, seriously though, I am glad it seems to be doing better. It would really suck to lose a finger over a stupid rooster. Oh, well I guess it would suck to lose a finger period! Once when I was a teenager, I was on a trip with my sister and her kids, from Florida to Utah, and I was burning the end of a rope to keep it from fraying, and a small piece of the rope fell off onto my leg and caused a small burn wound. It was really small, smaller than the size of a pea, but I didn't think much about it. Well it got infected and even got to the point where I couldn't hardly even use my leg to walk. Do you think I told my sister that I needed to see a doctor, no. Being a stupid teenager, I slapped a bandaid on there with some neosporin. Surprisingly, it actually got better, and not exaggerating at all, but I'm actually really lucky I didn't end up losing my leg, cause it was really infected with the red spreading up my leg and all. Thank goodness that neosporin is some strong stuff :) Can't wait to see your pictures! Haha, a little morbid, I know.
I came on here just hoping to see you post that you went to the doctors. I was afraid it might be an infection. Years ago my mother was bitten by one of her cats. It was freaked out because we were giving the cats worm medicine to prevent worms and panic was just flowing from one cat to the next until they were all acting insane. well my mother is a nurse so knowing how many germs reside in cats mouths we stopped giving cats medicine long enough to clean the wound and dress it. The next day my mom went to the doctors. It was infected, swollen and really hurt a lot from what she told me. The doctor made her come back in 2 days to check on it. He told her that if he hadn't seen improvement by the second day on antibiotics then she would have been in the hospital. Wounds from animals aren't anything to mess with especially if they are deep.

I hope you feel better soon and that AJ, your husband, chickens, rooster, crazy cats and Ellie all behave and give you a break while you heal.
Thank goodness you got to the doctors and he gave a bad ass injection (sorry about the pun haha) and you´re now feeling much better than you were. You rooster has a lot to answer for and I hope he´s realised he´outstayed his welcome now. You could never risk that happening again. Now you´ve got the right treatment, you should heal reasonably quickly and i¨m sure you´ll be an expert with your left hand then, you´s a quick learner lol.

And yes, I agree, hope they´re all giving you a bit of peace and quiet while you´re mending.
My dad took AJ last night because he's leaving to work out of town for the next week so he won't be able to see him. So I actually got to go to bed at 9:30 after I watched The Office and I got to sleep in until 11! It was MUCH needed sleep, it was great!
You would think that my husband would be nice and try to help me, but nope. He doesn't.

I think there comes a time in ever marriage or relationship when... you just want to choke your spouse/partner to death. Today is that day for me. As most of you know, when the woman of the house falls ill or injured, the whole house falls apart. Well for some reason this time, I thought my husband was going to help me. I think that he would have helped pick up the toys from the living room or done some of the dishes. But no. Instead, he adds to the dishes in the sink, he doesn't pick anything off the floor and he actually told me to "clean up the living room before your dad gets here", I thought I was going to kill him.
I got some rubber dish-doing gloves last night, somaybe he took that as a sign that he didn't need to do anything about the dishes. Who knows what goes through a mans head.

Well, today after my big shot in the butt and my couple doses of home antibiotics my hand looks a little better but not great. Its also now oozing pus and this oily liquid. Like from the wound part of it. Its pretty gross and I don't know if its normal or what. My husband said its normal, but I'm not sure. So is it normal?
The pus is a yellowish color. I'm grossing myself out now, sorry guys.

I'll post pictures later. I have to do some house stuff now.
I forgot to mention earlier that Ellie is SO mad at me. She has been in her cage for 2 days solid because I haven't been able to clean her litter boxes in the kitchen, so I haven't let her out. She was so mad at me today when I tried to let her out that she wouldn't come out and she looked at me like she hated me when I was petting her.
She finally came out and now she's binkying around and being happy but she still looks at me like she's so mad at me. haha.
Also I think she's gotten bigger. She seems bigger now than she did a few days ago. Maybe its because I haven't really looked at her too much or its because her food switch. She looks older in the face and in the body. She can also jump like 2 feet in the air, haha. She was binkying around and popcorning, she was jumping at least 2 feet in the air, it was crazy! I'll try to take some pictures and post them along with my finger, haha.
Thanks Michelle, I'm hoping for it to get better soon too. I feel super crippled.

I would like to say that there is nothing more scary than hearing your shed door open then close when no one else is home or outside. Stupid wind! I almost just peed my pants because the door is really squeaky and horror movie like. Scary.

Anyway, here are some pictures!
These pictures of my hand are from yesterday morning. I don't know why they're so dark, I had the flash on and it was light in the kitchen.
I'll take a picture of my finger today when I take my bandage off, so you guys can see the the grossness of the wound.



And now for some pictures of Ellie! haha.
I kind of caught one her flopping, her head isn't really in it though! She was in an awkward place. haha.


First thing I thought when I clicked on your blog and saw the top half of the first picture is, ok, Morgan's showing us her green nail polish :headsmack: Wow, that is really swollen! I bet it feels like it's about to pop. Ouch!!! I had a swollen finger once, and I can just remember the intense throbbing. It killed! You could try putting a bandiad on there, with some neosporin. It worked for me :) I don't know, maybe it will help it heal quicker. Your poor hand :(

Haha, Ellie being pissed off, is too funny. These house rabbits are so spoiled! They have this sense of entitlement, and don't like it when we mess things up for them, hahahah. The banana chip looks like it made it all good with her :) It's amazing what a little sugar will do, I know it sure makes me happy!

Love her all flopped out. She looks so comfey! Roo is finally starting to flop too, but only in her litter box. I love seeing a happy comfortable bunny, all flopped out. My favorite are the ones that flop right onto their backs with their little feet sticking straight up in the air, haha, so funny to see.

So now that Ellie raided the feed bag and self transitioned herself over to her new food, does that mean she's all done with the sherwood? Roo tried to convince me she was done with the sherwood too. She finished off her new food and was frantically looking for more, leaving the sherwood untouched. She eventually ate it. Ellies's such a rascal!!! I'm glad she didn't make herself sick. I bet you're happy to know you are one of the lucky ones that has a bun with an iron gut. I don't forsee you having any digestive problems with that one :) I feel like that's all I ever deal with, with my rabbits. Though Dakota and Flopsy are pretty hardy. Never had any problems with them. I think maybe it's just a hotot thing. A lot of them just seem to have sensitive stomachs. Maybe it's a bit like being a red head :)
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I think she's pretty done with the sherwood, I'm going to spoil the baby chicks and give them the rest of the sherwood I have. haha. The chickens love it. Except the rooster doesn't get anything because he's a *******.
I think she's got a pretty hardy tummy, even when she was a teeny tiny baby her poops were always solid and never soft. I got REALLY lucky with that!

I think that the banana chip made her happy again, silly bun. She's so crazy and they are so entitled! She seems pretty happy again and I got all her litter boxes cleaned and refilled with hay, so I've at least accomplished a little bit today. lol

I do have my finger covered with a bandage and some tape because the bandaids aren't really working for me. My hand still really hurts though. The back of my hand is so sore and it feels SO bruised and terrible. The swelling has gone down quite a bit, but the redness hasn't and thats whats worrying me.
Ugh, this whole thing really sucks and I feel so stupid.
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