My Heart's on Fire for Elvira

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Hey, it's not tinypic's fault! Photobucket fails at video too. Image hosts in general suck for video. Youtube works tons better for video, but if you don't want random people seeing your stuff, it will embed here if you set your video privacy to "unlisted"
sorry to answer this but i have been trying to litter train my rabbit for the past
yeah know at all she does is move the spot she wants to go next , i have tryed
every thing eg : put some of her dropings in the litter box , put hay and grass
becuse she likes her grass ! but none of that works ! know it is really bad
know and i would really like it if someone could help me or even just say that there rabbit did that ! sorry for interrupting !
Oh, those chicks are getting cuter every day and I love your hen as well. The rooster is so funny....looking down like he´s saying, don´t you dare move me from here...can´t wait to see the video.

I´ll have a look at pinterest...there are lots of sites like that which make you buys loads to do things and when you set about doing them, it never turns out the same. That´s a bit like flat pack furniture which looks dead easy to put together but when you unpack it, you either have bits missing or too many bits and it´s always really complicated...

Photobucket always takes ages to upload videos and that´s if it manages to do them. I might have a go at youtube...that has to be easier.
L.M.A.O!!!! You are hilarious. I haven't been on in like 3 days and the second I read your blog t turns into: Ellie is driving me nuts!! I love gnome and giraffe decorations, yelling at your plants, ragging on your rooster (who I must say has quite the personality). Then OMG Ellie has stasis (and btw I'm sure it happens to all bun parents bc my boyfriend has learned to ignore my irrational thinking and panicking and always finds a way to justify things). Then back to your roosters.

For someone who claims to be exhausted you type a LOT... Oh and how'd your hair turn out? I'd love to see that :) im not going to lie my hair is like an ugly ashy brown with like a tint of red in it and for the first time in ten years I let it grow out and it's really not all as bad as I thought it was and it's nice and healthy :)

Awh ou should bake healthy hay treats for Ellie that way you don't have to worry about feeding too many treats when you're clicker training. I love the pictures and I adore her tiny front paws, they remind me of Peters or even phoenixs front paws (her back ones are huge though). Oh and the digging is completely normal for most females from what I've heard from people at the rescue :p
Yay, that´s Morgan´s blog....never a dull moment.

I´m doing the same as you though, stressing about the buns. Houdini doesn´t seem to be eating much, he´s not even that interested in his hay and his veggies from this morning are uneaten. I think he´s pooping OK but I need to leave him out all day today to see how he is in general. The food I bought to replace the burgess, they don´t really like it now and the new food I bought yesterday, I mixed some in but they havne´t eaten all that much this morning. It is really making me anxious as the two of the boys are fairly Ok as those love their veggies and wolf them down but Houdini is quite a slow eater so I´ll keep my eye on him but I do worry just in case.

I just love your rooster and can´t wait to see him in action....I´d be s**t scared of him too, he´s just so big.

Just had another look at the chick pics.....:heartbeat:
sorry to answer this but i have been trying to litter train my rabbit for the past
yeah know at all she does is move the spot she wants to go next , i have tryed
every thing eg : put some of her dropings in the litter box , put hay and grass
becuse she likes her grass ! but none of that works ! know it is really bad
know and i would really like it if someone could help me or even just say that there rabbit did that ! sorry for interrupting !

What I would do is move the litter box to the place she wants to go to the bathroom. Rabbits sort of pick a spot to go and thats where they like to go, so put the box there and hopefully she'll go in it.
Also continue to put the poop in the box and wipe up the pee with a paper towel and put the paper towel in the box too.
OR what you could do, is get another litter box and put the second litter box in another place she likes to go potty. I have 3 litter boxes, two in the kitchen and one in her cage and she uses all of them. You can never have too many boxes, as long as they use them then you have enough.
Is the bedding in the bottom of the cage? If there is, take it out and just use the bedding in the litter box, when the bedding is all over the cage it confuses the buns into thinking the whole cage is a litter box.

Hope that helps!
L.M.A.O!!!! You are hilarious. I haven't been on in like 3 days and the second I read your blog t turns into: Ellie is driving me nuts!! I love gnome and giraffe decorations, yelling at your plants, ragging on your rooster (who I must say has quite the personality). Then OMG Ellie has stasis (and btw I'm sure it happens to all bun parents bc my boyfriend has learned to ignore my irrational thinking and panicking and always finds a way to justify things). Then back to your roosters.

For someone who claims to be exhausted you type a LOT... Oh and how'd your hair turn out? I'd love to see that :) im not going to lie my hair is like an ugly ashy brown with like a tint of red in it and for the first time in ten years I let it grow out and it's really not all as bad as I thought it was and it's nice and healthy :)

Awh ou should bake healthy hay treats for Ellie that way you don't have to worry about feeding too many treats when you're clicker training. I love the pictures and I adore her tiny front paws, they remind me of Peters or even phoenixs front paws (her back ones are huge though). Oh and the digging is completely normal for most females from what I've heard from people at the rescue :p

Michelle! I type like 100+ words a minute, so I type a ton and to be honest, sometimes I go a little crazy and I have to delete it because it makes no sense or is totally irrelevant. lmao. I mean, more irrelevant than most of my other posts. hahaha. Sometimes it gets pretty bad.

Yes, I should make some healthy bunny treats for Ellie. That would probably be better than too many craisins. I think I still have the recipe for some good bunny treats, I might make them this weekend and hopefully she likes them. If not, the chickens will! haha.

I haven't done my hair yet, I'm going to do it next week. But right now, it looks crazy as hell and needs to be done. I'll post pictures next week when I color it and cut it. :) I'm excited.

I love Ellie's little front paws too. I was scared that she was going to be like some other dutches and have little stick legs that looked weird with her ball body, but she seems to be pretty proportional. lmao. I'm insane.
This weekend my husband is going out of town to work, so I'll be here alone. I think I'm going to send my son to his grandmothers so I can have a craftastic craftacular weekend!
I'm going to paint a spice rack I have, then antique it. I'll post pictures. Also an end table is getting a makeover and I'm super excited about that! haha. And I think what I'm most excited about is this trunk lid I have. Its from a steamer trunk from the late 1800's, I found the rest of the trunk in my barn last summer and returned them to their proper owner, it was filled with handmade clothes and aprons and letters from the Korean War, which was 1951-1953. It was like stepping back in time and it was totally amazing.
Anyway, the lid of the trunk is still here and it has this really ornate tin of the top of it that is now really rusted, but I think I can either seal it or do something with it to preserve it even more. I also have the shelf/tray that goes in the trunk. It fits in the top of the truck and was for toiletries and small stuff like that.
I'll take a picture of it too, because its hard to imagine just by a description, especially when its my crazy person description! lmao. I'm going to stain the shelf/tray to preserve it. And then I'm going to hang them up and make them into wall decorations.

I'll take before and after pictures of everything that I do!

I'm excited to do all this stuff, hopefully I can get it done! I'm going to start small to get into the crafty swing and then go for the bigger stuff! I think I need a sewing machine, I want to make my own bean-bag chair for my son! I also learned how to make chalk board paint and I'm going to make my son a 'chalk board' on his wall in his room, with a frame and everything so he can draw with chalk, that will be fun for him! And such an easy clean up.

Okay and now I'm done. Off to pinterest I go...
Last edited: are priceless...craftastic and craftacular...I think they should add those to the Oxford English Dictionary.

You are going to be so busy this weekend´if you do all that, I don´t know where you get the energy but I can´t wait to see what you end up with. The trunk lid sounds fabulous and that is old. How good of you to give the stuff back to the owner....letters from Korea, had they left the stuff by mistake maybe forgotten about it...that is such a great story.

I´m useless at sewing. I remember at school, they made us make things and mine were always weird and I could never wear any of them but I did try, it´s just not my thing. I´m better at baking lol.

I love those bean bags. A friend of mine bought like a bean bag chaise lounge and I tried it at her house and it was fantastic. Course here´s me thinking of the buns and it would have been great to sit on in the house cos they could walk all over you but when she told me what she´d paid for it.....I think it was around 400 Euros proper price although she got it on sale and it was still expensive....nice though so maybe it is better just to make them yourself.
"I remember at school, they made us make things and mine were always weird and I could never wear any of them"
Chris, that made me laugh so hard! haha. I don't know why. I think its because I pictured you with your British accent saying it was weird and I loved it and made me laugh!

Hopefully I'll be able to do all the stuff I want to do this weekend. With no husband or child distractions I should be able to get a fair amount done! I might start on the spice rack tonight. I can't wait. I love being crafty, as long as it works out for me. lmao.
Well, they were weird, a waste of material and all chucked out years ago....I can just about manage to darn socks, I buy stick on patches to repair jeans and trousers and I can take a hem on something but that just about covers my sewing skills...ask me to change a plug, put up a light, fix a switch, fix a chewed wire (lol) and I´m your girl lol.
That's so cool that you will have a craft filled weekend!! I used to love doing stuff like that, now I'm just always running around like a chicken with its head cut off! Normally I would also type more but my laptop charger broke yet again and I'm on an iPad, this thing is so glitchy !!!

Yeah can't wait to see your pictures :)
UHg I'm so jealous you have grandparents (or parents, grandparents to AJ) that will take your kid for overnight. Neither of our parents will do that! My MIL is flipping clueless and I wonder how she raised two boys into adulthood. And she hates babysitting her grandkids and basically refuses to do it or complains when you ask her. So I haven't asked her in probably 3 years. I sure as heck won't leave my child with someone who doesn't want to watch him. And then my mom works full time still, is married and busy, she will watch him gladly and she does babysit from time to time but she would never ask to do it and I never want to ask her too much. So I'm always envious of my friends who have baby sitting options like that. I would do ANYthing for a free weekend with just me and my husband........

Anyway, great craft ideas! I'm not craft. Wish I was, but im not. I'm not patient enough, I want it done NOW haha. I've been on pinterest, I like the recipes. But everything else, UHg, I joke it's a great waynto make yourself feel like a failure in life because it's all these great kid ideas, crafts, projects, kids games...stuff I will never take the time to do, hahahhahaha.

Yes post pictures of your hair and crafts! I want to see. Hope little Ellie has been doing good. She is such a character and definitely keeping you on your toes. My two aren't diggers at all thank goodness. Arch will dig at phone book pages.....have you tried a phone book for her?
My MIL doesn't live here, she lives in Chicago, so she always wants my kid. Which is fine with me. She's only keeping in today until this evening, because shes leaving to go back to Chicago early early in the morning. My son loves to go over there, he loves to play with the toys that he doesn't see all the time and my MIL is so good with him. She loves him to pieces. The only time I worry when he goes somewhere is when he goes to my dads house and I don't really know why. I guess because I don't really like my dad that much, so it makes me a little wary. But oh well. My mom is the only one who doesn't really see my kid that often, she lives like 20 minutes away but works full time and goes to school full time, so she doesn't really have the time. She does try to come out on Sundays, so its okay. We have all the time in the world.
Lisa, if we were closer, I would watch your son for you so you and your hub could have some adult time!

My son just left, and I'm having my first cup of coffee at 10am, sad. So I figured I jump on here and catch up on stuff and share what happened last night.
We went to walmart to get some stuff for me for this weekend. Now, usually I go to the store myself the night before he leaves and get what I need, so I don't have to worry about him breathing down my neck. haha. But last night we went together after going to get something to eat. So for food I grabbed a bag of salad and a box of snack bag goldfish. lmao. Thats what I grabbed for eating for the whole weekend. Ridiculous. My husband gave me a hard time for only eating salads, it was pretty funny. I did grab other things, like kosher hotdogs to make my own corndogs for the kid. hahaha. We were wandering around walmart aimlessly, it was so silly. But we were laughing and thats all that matters. lol
BUT the best part of this is after we left the store, we live on a main road so we have to turn on blinkers on to turn into the driveway way before the driveway, so people don't crawl up our butts while we're trying to turn. So this jerk last night decided he would crawl up into our backseat with us while we tried to turn, so I threw my drink at him! lmao. I was like f that! this is happening! I threw it at them and it was like inches from hitting the car. The car behind the car I threw the drink at, they saw the whole thing and I bet they laughed so hard! I would have if I saw a big ass cup flying out a car window! I went a picked the cup out of the road, so it didn't blow into my neighbors yard.
My husband laughed so hard at me. He was like "wow baby! Usually your aim with the cups aren't nearly THAT good! You almost got it!"
Yep, thats what happens when you tailgate me! I will throw all kinds of stuff at your car!

Hahaha. Yes, I'm a crazy person. Now I'm going to eat my tastykake and drink the rest of my coffee and fight off the snow to do my crafts! Stupid snow!
I'll post pictures later! Of the things that I'm doing today, I've got so many ideas for my house now, I need to start writing things down. Pinterest is the best thing to happen to my house!
So I painted my little spice rack thing and it looks good. I still have to sand it down again and put the doors back on it. I'll post the pictures today to show you guys. Its blue! I love it. Its my favorite color blue, its super beachy and lovely. I figured since my kitchen has green appliances and half pink walls, then I should make my whole kitchen into one giant freaking rainbow! I can't wait! That means, I won't be limited on what I can put in my kitchen because of color. haha.

So Ellie, I let my friend paper mache this giant letter in my kitchen today. She was using this giant box lid that I have as her work surface, so was sitting in the floor. And let me tell you guys, this rabbit...this rabbit is the most friendly-personable rabbit I've ever seen. She just let my friend scoop her right up, she sat next to her while she paper mached. She just hung out with us most of the afternoon and was so sweet! Then after we went back into the living room when my son got home, she got into the box lid that the paper mached L was in and started to eat the box! haha. She left the letter alone thankfully. We used flour and water paper mache glue, so it wasn't poisonous to Ellie or anything. But this box lid is HUGE, she looks so small in it, but she LOVES it! I can hear her eating the edges and digging in it and tearing up pieces! She's having a blast. I'll try to get some pictures of her too!
So my friend didn't realize I made the cabinet into Ellie's cage, so she goes into my kitchen and was like; 'why is there wire on your cabinet door?' Then she looked in and was like 'omg! Ellie's in there! Is that her cage now?' I said yes and she was like 'WOW! NOW THAT'S CRAFTY!' lmao.
I also wanted to say that my heart goes out to Christina. I feel so bad about Taz. Its so sad because its so hard to lose them.
I'm just totally shocked!
Binky Free Taz, you were not here long enough and you will be dearly missed! :rainbow: :hearts
My road rage is outrageous. Its calmed down a lot because when I'm driving for the most part I have my son in the car so I can't let loose like normal. But when its just me, watch out! haha. I would call my dad and he would put me on speaker phone so the guys around the office could listen to my amazingly awful-sometimes racist-and completely outrageous road rage rants. Its pretty bad. My dad always said that I should have a camera in my car to capture my rages and then put them on youtube and I would be famous! lmao. I just SAY what everyone is THINKING! haha. It gets real.

Yes Ellie is a special bun for sure! haha. She just doesn't care who picks her up. Shes just so friendly.

I'm scared of the craftiness thats coming out of my brain right now. I'm like having to leave notes in my phone of things I think of because I can't remember all of them. But I'm tell you guys, pinterest is going to be the best thing to EVER happen to my house. lmao. My house is going to be like one of those amazing little gnome cottages you see. Its going to be amazing! I have such plans for my sons room and for his new PLAYROOM! I'm so excited for his playroom. Its going to be super de-duper awesome! He's going to love it!

OH. I just got had to seriously man-handle my rooster! He's been sleeping on top of the pen they're in. I've been locking him out of the coop during the day because he's been really rough with the hen and I don't like it. Its not fair to her. Anyway, I haven't been putting him up at night because he hops up on the 6 foot tall pen and sleeps on the tarp, he seems pretty comfortable up there. BUT this morning it snowed and all day its been over cast and cold out, so tonight its FREEZING! I had to go out there and get him and put him in the house, I turned the light on for the chicks and hen. He wouldn't get down off the coop, so I had to grab him...I caught a spur to the palm! He drew blood, like a puncture wound! haha. I had to grab his legs and *try* to gently pull him down to the ground. Didn't work. He started flapping and going nuts and trying to bite my hand. It was crazy, so I sort of slammed him down to the ground and stunned him a bit. He's okay and nothings broken because I thought that I DID hurt him. I didn't. I was terrified that I was going to have to bring him in the house to splint a broken leg or something. Ugh. Stupid bird. He should have just gone with it. Anyway, he went into the house and laid down in the light with the others. So they're warm, now I have to worry that my coop is going to catch on fire. lmao.

My brain needs a break.
So this morning I woke up a little on the ill side, on the wrong side of the bed if you will. haha.
I think I have also found that kids shows make me more ranty than usual. Take yesterday for example, I watched 4 minutes of spongebob and then turned it off, only had one rant about stupid girls. Then this morning, I've been watching the backyardagians for like 10 minutes and I've already made 4 rants in my head. One of which I will share and one of which I will NOT share, I don't think ya'll can handle it. lmao.

So here we go. This show, the racist...against pirates. They're pretending to be pirates and I would like to know where people got this idea that pirates actually said Aaarrrgggg? That just seems like a ridiculous word to say, even for a pirate. I sort of get where the peg legs come in, its like the first prosthetic. But why was there so much buried treasure? Why are all these shows about pirates trying to find buried treasure? I mean, how many people go out to a deserted island and bury their life's worth? It makes no sense. And I'm pretty sure that in this show they were singing "what do you do with a scurvy pirate?" It took a few minutes to realize they replaced 'drunken' with 'scurvy' and it made me mad, like don't sing that song if you can't sing it right. BUT what bothered me the most is...they never said the cure for scurvy! So I'm in the kitchen staring my coffee maker down, who is slower than molasses in the middle of a blizzard on a mountain top and this is whats"what do you do with a scurvy pirate?" and I'm all "GIVE HIM AN ORANGE!" haha. But not like happy yelling to add to this song, its like manly-angry yelling "GIVE HIM A FREAKING ORANGE...AHHHHHHH! STUPID SHOW! YOU HAVE TO SHARE THE CURE TO SCURVY ALONG WITH SINGING THAT STUPID SONG!"
I was also like to add to the pirate thing by saying WE STILL HAVE PIRATES, even in this day and age. They're still here. They just don't sail around in Cog's or Argosy ships anymore, they're on sail boats and catamarans and they're wearing regular clothes and Nike sneakers, they probably don't say aaarrrrgggg they probably speak Afrikaan's. Anyway, pirates aren't an extinct species of people, they're still here but in tv shows they tend to only focus on the 17-18th century pirates. They don't talk about vikings too much, do they? Do they have a problem with vikings?

I'm going to leave my Christopher Columbus rant out of it, because its a little rowdy. But I will say that he was one of the ones to bring back a venereal disease to England. So you have that moron to thank for that England! He brought it back from the Caribbean. Too bad there wasn't penicillin back then! Jerk.

I've had some coffee and gotten that out of my system, so I think I could be okay now. I'm going to finish my coffee and finish my spice rack.

OHHH! I wanted to talk about Ellie. I left her out of the cabinet last night and she went TOTALLY INSANE IN THE KITCHEN! I could hear her when I was trying to go to sleep, she was running around and thumping and binkying and digging in that giant box top. She was going nuts. She was also playing with her food measuring cup, so I could hear the plastic cup thud sounds for like an hour. It was nuts! Then I came down this morning, there are like 10 stray poops, pee from where she put her big butt over the edge, a sheet had been dragged out of the cubby next to her cage(it is an animal sheet), the box has this huge hole dug in it. lmao I don't know how such a tiny rabbit packs such a tremendous punch.
So her little litter boxes, her butt is too big! I guess the way a dutch is shaped is...ball-like. So she has this smaller front end and this MASSIVE ball butt! haha. She has a hard time with the litter boxes that are small I think. But I'm not replacing the small ones with big ones, she just has to put her big butt all the way in the box. lmao. She's still not fat, but round. Just as in the shape round...ball-like. hahahaha.

I have this fantastic idea for AJ's easter basket, I'm excited for it. And now I'm really done. I'll post pictures later!

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