My Elf....My Heart

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i clicked in.
i xed out.
i cried. right now i am cryoing.
i know elf was an important rabbit on ro, i have not been on a year and see that.
i am the same as becca. i say stattis. so i though, oh, she will pull through. only 2weeks ago was i looking at pics in your blog.
miranda. i am so sorry. i think the majority of this fourm can relate to losing a friend, a life line, and soul mate.
im sorry. i think they are all looking down on you now, laughing and binkying.
telling you not to cry. you should be happy elf met new friends in the rainbow bridge. maybe even a boyfriends.
saying she was a v. beautiful fun bunny.

she is my other eyes that can see above the clouds; my other ears that hear above the winds.
she is the part of me that can reach out into the sea. she has told me a thousand times over that I am her reason for being; by the way she rests against my leg; by the way she smiles at my smallest smile; by the way he shows she hurt when I leave without taking her. (I think it makes her sick with worry when she is not along to care for me.) When I am wrong, she is delighted to forgive. When I am angry, she clowns to make me smile. When I am happy, she is joy unbounded. When I am a fool, she ignores it. When I succeed, she brags. Without her, I am only another woman. With her, I am all-powerful. she is loyalty itself. she has taught me the meaning of devotion. With h
er, I know a secret comfort and a private peace. she has brought me understanding where before I was ignorant. Her head on my knee can heal my human hurts. Her presence by my side is protection against my fears of dark and unknown things. sh has promised to wait for me... whenever... wherever - in case I need her. And I expect I will - as I always have. She is just my heart, Elf."

my condolenses
"If there is a heaven, it's certain our animals are to be there. Their lives become so interwoven with our own, it would take more than an archangel to detangle them."
Thank you to everyone who has come by or PM'd me to share their condolences about Elf's passing. I haven't had a pet so close to me die in such a long time. Always they were the pets of my parents or inlaws and I didn't actually experience the part where they were put to sleep. The last time I actually had a pet die with me was Brindy, my Flemish Giant when I was 12. I held her in my arms when she passed. I was inconsolable for a long time and because of that, my dad refused to get me another rabbit.

This time...I just don't know. I don't think I can be without a rabbit for very long.

I'm going to take Elf's cage down. I can't pass by it without breaking down. I'll keep the tiles for the next rabbit, though.

I know this is random, but it's how my thoughts are coming out.

I'm going to take a few hours away from the computer today and go out with my best friend.

Thank you again, everyone...I do know you care. It is a real comfort.
Do whatever feels right in your heart. Trust yourself.

If you got a new friend, then they would absolutely be the luckiest bunny around.

Do whatever feels right for you.

I hope having a day out is helpful for you.

I am so sorry for your loss of Elf. I am in tears reading all of the posts in the Infirmary and on the Bridge. I am almost glad I was bothersome for pics of Elf and her boy this past week...

So many prayers are coming your way for healing. Thanks for posting all of the beautiful pictures of Elf here on the Bridge. Elf was probably the inspiration for many people getting a Pal to cherish, I know I wanted one because of Elf.... I hope you are able to cherish all of these good memories during your healing.

Please give Elf's boy extra hugs from all of us on RO. I am sure he is taking Elf's passing very hard.


I know I post about Elf and her boy an awful lot. But Elf had a girl, too. She came with us to the vet's office and gave her kisses right up til the end...and after. She loved Elf and is hurting just as much.

Elf and her girl...













There is a saying that i find so true and it says "it is better to have loved and loss then to have never loved at all" I love that saying. As much as it sucks to loose a beloved family memeber it makes us better people, and when the time is right you will find it in your heart to get another bun. No bun will ever take the place of Elf but sometimes it will help you heal. When Sooty was put to sleep i couldnt even say his name, every morning his cage reminded me of him, he had a special bowl that i put away until just recently , my thoughts were so scattered and jumbled feeling, i wrote posts that after reading later where just all over the place because my thoughts would just race around my head. I still think about him, and i love Charger but he is not Sooty, and i feel bad for Charger but he is loved. When putting Sooty to sleep the vet was consoling me and said that it was ok to cry (i knew that i was a blubbering mess) and that i was human and it meant that i had feelings for him, boy i would have paid a million dollars not to be human and not feel. Although it doesnt seem like it now it does get "easier", we will never forget those special animals that we have had but it does get a little easier.

I hope that you are able to find that ok place soon. If i could hug you it would be a bear hug of a hug, i would squeeze you and cry with you. Send my thoughts to your kids too, i too know how it can be so hard on them to , to understand, at least as adults we have a better understanding about the loss of an animal but kids dont always. Help them celebrate Elf and what great memories they have of her. I got a frame with three pics of Sooty and put it up on the wall, maybe you and the kids can go to the store and pick out a special frame and each of you pic out a pic of Elf that you loved and hang it up to always remember her.

I am sorry i am rambling so much but i truly do feel your pain. Hugs to you and your family.
I don't even know you as I am new here, but I'm typing this through tears. My heart goes out to you and yours on your loss. YOur Elf is beautiful! I will keep you all in my prayers.
Loved the pictures of Elf and her girl... sending prayers and hugs your way.

You can tell from Elf's expression in her pictures that she knows she was loved.


I'm so sorry that Elf has passed :cry2.

She won't ever forget her very happyhome with you and all the love you and your family members gave her.

Binky at the Bridge sweet Elf rabbit :rainbow::rose:

Jo xx
Minda, looking through those pictures makes me so sad yet so happy at the same time. Elf was such a beautiful, gentle, fun-loving rabbit.I remember back wheneveryone on the forum loved Palominos, especially our own special forum Pals; Elf, Bub and Tank.:)Elf made me love Palomino bunnies, and I still want one, some day.:)
Hello Minda,

I just received word this morning via emails about my friend, Elf. I'm sure I can't add much to the sentiments that have already been expressed, but I had to come in to tell you how deeply sorry I am for this huge loss.

The devastation you and your children are feeling is felt throughout the world in this forum. When bad news would come in about other rabbits, I would sometimes go find an Elf post and flip through the pictures and read the wonderful stories you shared with us. She was always there overflowing with happiness and contentment. She had a way of picking up a broken heart and filling in the holes through her beauty and the incredible life you blessed her with. She was truly meant for you and your family. You were a perfect fit. The love was so apparent from the pictures you shared of how happy, loved, cherished, and SPOILED she was! The lessons she taught you and yours and all of us were of unconditional love, patience, and to take joy in the smallest things. I'm glad the kids had some years with her and got to know her as they grew up. A bond that they, you, and many of us were deeply moved by and will not soon forget.

She is a special soul and will continue to touch our lives and hearts for many years to come. Thank you for making a difference in the world and giving such a wonderful life to Elf and setting an example of how incredible rabbits are. She will continue to follow you and the family and will be there when you search your heart.

My thoughts and prayers are with you during this terribly sad time.

With deepest sympathy,


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