My Elf....My Heart

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No no no no... not Elf... :'(
I'm so so sorry.. I can't believe this i haven't checked the in infirmary section much, I didn't even know. I'm very sorr Minda, for you and your family.

Binky free, beautiful bunny.
What a pretty lady you were.

with all my heart
Some of my favorite to see large sizes...

When the cage was new and the kids could sit in it.

Watching her kids do homework on the porch

He was HER boy

My favorite telescoping shot

Mommy's Bunny

Gorgeous Elf
Chinning my knee

The happy Easter bunny

Scaring the puppy

Her boy

Starry young Elf

Look at Me!

Chinchilla bun

Meeting of the minds
Jealous puppy
Baseball bunny

My Elf

Watching the filming of Lonely Hearts

She was a such a beautidul sweet girl!!!!

I had to leave this afternnon.; I still cannot believe this


I started to worry last night a little when you said she was "just laying there' which isn't a stasis " look" but I never imagined that it would be anything like this
I am so very very sorry !! :cry1:

We are so sorry for your loss. Been following the thread and was hoping for some good news from the vet. Each loss diminishes us. We lost our Commander almost a year ago and still miss her so much. Elf looked a lot like her, except bigger. Take consolation in the fact that you loved her, gave her a very happy life, and she's no longer in pain. It was hard to say goodbye to our Bun-Bun, but, it was so hard seeing her in pain and suffering. Binky free at the bridge little fur baby. :bunnyangel2:
Aww no! I'm so very sorry!

I was so shocked when I saw Elf's name here. She was one of the forum's special stars and she'll be greatly missed.

But she lived a happy life and will never be forgotten.
Binky free gorgeous Elf! :pink iris:
Oh Minda, I can't believe it. Not Elf. Not our sweet, beautiful girl :bigtears:

You know how much I loved Elf. She was such an ambassador for rabbits, always so good with people, especially kids.

I am breaking my heart right now, so I can only imagine how you and your family are feeling. I can't write any more, just I am so very, very sorry.

God Bless, Elf. You were loved by us all.

I was so shocked when I saw Elf's name....that I had to see if it was the Elf I thought it was, and it is.

I am so so sorry. I can't believe sweet Elf is gone:bawl:

R.I.P and Binky free Elf. You will always be loved.

Minda, my heart is breaking for you.

Elf was such a sweet and special girl. She will be missed.

Binky Free, sweet Elf.

Minda I am so sorry. She was beautiful and sweet, I really liked her too.

She hid her illness for so long, what a strong little girl. I am so glad she was with you, you did everything right for her.
I am still reeling from the news on Elf...we lost our Winslow, our first bunny, in May.

Hugs to you, Minda, having lost special bunnies over the years, I know it hurts a lot. Eventually, some bun may hop into your life to ease the pain... but until then...:hug:

Binky free, Miss Elf...

I'm so sorry Minda. I haven't followed the forum for very long but I have seen pictures of Elf and she was beautiful and anyone could tell she was a happy girl. Binky free, Elf. My condolences to you and your family.
I'm so sorry to hear Elf has gone to the Bridge, Minda.
She went so sudden. I know how hard that is, what a shock it must be... we lost White Chocolate just the same way.

It must be very hard on your son, too... I know how hard it was for my daughter.
My thoughts are with you, and your family.

Binky free, beautiful Elf :pink iris::hearts:
I'm so sorry for your loss, Elf was such a character from what I have read. We all know that she had a really good life.:cry1: