I had just gotten a 4wk old female holland lop on Thursday. She was my everything. She was eating fine and when I left for work yesterday she was just sleeping. Well I got home from work at 4pm yesterday and found that her nose had been running and she looked like she was sneezing. I called the vet and they couldn't get her in any sooner than Tomorrow. Well I had put her in a storage tub while I cleaned out her cage and all of sudden she kept trying to jump out. I finally put her back in her cage and she was fine. The "snuffles" had stopped and she was sitting by the door just staring at me, letting me pet her. All of a sudden it looked like she might of had some small convulsion and then she took off around the cage and it looked like her one side was paralyzed because she wasn't using it, when she got back around to me she just fell over and looked at me and stopped breathing. I think I cried for 4 hours last night and I am still very upset. Is there any out there that has had a similiar problem?Please, any advice would be suffice.