Well-Known Member
Greeting All!!
Our bunnie Chippy smells like cinnamon!!
I noticed it a few days ago. I had everyone else in the house make sure it wasn't my imagination...walked around going....
"Here, smell da bunnie!!... What do ya smell??"
We made sure that we hadn't used anything that would smell similar and then handled the bunnie. Nada!
She's the only one of the 6 that smells like this. It's a nice smelland has stayed with her consistently over the past few days (we beensmelling da bunnie a lot ). In every other respect she'snormal...well as normal as a bunnie can be!! Clean, healthy, happy, etc.
Hotot mix, 10 months, not spayed, has her own wire-bottom cage, litter pan.
Note: She does have the appetite of a small horse..or maybe a largehorse. She's on the same diet as the others and eats everything wegive her...except the green pepper ( can you say.."lead balloon"..?).
I was thinking that it might be something related to what she consumes.
Timothy hay, alfalfa-based pellets, tap water, oats, raisins, craisins,bananas, romaine, parsley, cilantro, basil (no basil for the past 3days, though)... and maybe a nibble of Woody Pet .
:~) Jim
Our bunnie Chippy smells like cinnamon!!
I noticed it a few days ago. I had everyone else in the house make sure it wasn't my imagination...walked around going....
"Here, smell da bunnie!!... What do ya smell??"
We made sure that we hadn't used anything that would smell similar and then handled the bunnie. Nada!
She's the only one of the 6 that smells like this. It's a nice smelland has stayed with her consistently over the past few days (we beensmelling da bunnie a lot ). In every other respect she'snormal...well as normal as a bunnie can be!! Clean, healthy, happy, etc.
Hotot mix, 10 months, not spayed, has her own wire-bottom cage, litter pan.
Note: She does have the appetite of a small horse..or maybe a largehorse. She's on the same diet as the others and eats everything wegive her...except the green pepper ( can you say.."lead balloon"..?).
I was thinking that it might be something related to what she consumes.
Timothy hay, alfalfa-based pellets, tap water, oats, raisins, craisins,bananas, romaine, parsley, cilantro, basil (no basil for the past 3days, though)... and maybe a nibble of Woody Pet .
:~) Jim