My boyfriend is jealous of my bunny (as well as my other pets).

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I can see I've hit a soft spot and I really didn't mean to in anyway if I have hurt anyones feelings. I'm really sorry.

I think it's just hard for me to relate to the situation because I handle things differently which I didn't take into consideration. sorry.
Bonnie Lee, I think we all know that you mean well and are trying to help :hug:

I have to admit to being a bit frustrated by the continuing contact. When I broke from an abusive bf it was cold turkey, but he had also progressed to hitting me. I think this sicko is still in the mental anguish game. When he threatens to sleep with random people just to hurt you, I would respond "good, hopefully you will get an STD for your toubles and you might learn a lesson". LOL That would sting his ears!

Seriously though, it's great you are learning to stand on your own again. You do have friends here that care for you and won't stab you in the back by reporting back to him. You don't need thoes frenimies in your life. Weston has your back and will give you lots of love to get through this. :hug:
MiniLopHop wrote:
Bonnie Lee, I think we all know that you mean well and are trying to help :hug:

I have to admit to being a bit frustrated by the continuing contact. When I broke from an abusive bf it was cold turkey, but he had also progressed to hitting me. I think this sicko is still in the mental anguish game. When he threatens to sleep with random people just to hurt you, I would respond "good, hopefully you will get an STD for your toubles and you might learn a lesson". LOL That would sting his ears!

Seriously though, it's great you are learning to stand on your own again. You do have friends here that care for you and won't stab you in the back by reporting back to him. You don't need thoes frenimies in your life. Weston has your back and will give you lots of love to get through this. :hug:

I just blocked him on my phone. I'm not sure if it is limited to just calls or what. If he is still able to text me I'm going to have my number changed.
It's just hard because I still have that thought that maybe he isn't aware that what he is doing is hurtful. I know that i'm doing the right thing, but even though he has hurt my feelings so many times, I still don't want to hurt his. I had this dream of us getting married and having kids and living happily ever after. I'm mourning the loss of that dream. :(
Hard isn't it, to have to give up on a dream. But, you just dream about getting married and having kids with someone who respects, loves and needs to put you first. Just modify the dream abit. People who have been abused, almost always defend the abuser, it is part of the cendrum. You see it in battered spouses and kids all of the time. It takes time and effort to break that. You are doing your best, just keep at it. It is also hard for you to go from an extremely compassionate, caring person to someone who is tough. You can do it though with tact for you and your animals. Seriously think about a restraining order. Sometimes that is all these bullies need to open their eyes.
Congratulations on that huge step! That is wonderful you were able to get the courage and strength to block him. I'm very proud of you. :hug:

There will be a grieving process, but now you can truly start to heal rather than having somone pick at the scab all day.

Alma has been married a long time and is very smart. I agree that you can still have the dream, just with someone who is good enough for you rather than someone who would drag you down.

I just read through this thread... All I have to say is GOOD FOR YOU!!

I recently got out of a 2 year relationship that towards the end, my boyfriend tried to manipulate me to stay with him giving me excuses such as "who will you hang out with, how will you get another job, who will drive you around, you don't want to live with your family again I'm better to live with etc" it was brutal! I then realized all of the things everyone has said to you in this thread.

From the sounds of it, we are both kind, honest and very thoughtful people. We deserve WAY better and someone who will respect and love you unconditionally!!! I know it's difficult, I don't have any friends either (heck I don't even have facebook) but I don't need friends really, as long as I have family to talk to since I just moved in with my mother and sister again and my animals, that's all I need.

Seriously good for you for changing your number and blocking him out!! I am staying friends with my ex since he is not a bad guy, I just think he was manipulating me to be with him since he needs me a lot more than I need him and he knows I was the best thing that ever happened to him (even his mother thinks so and she continues to stay in contact with me!). It feels so good when he says how he misses me and all I can tell him is he will find someone that will lay down and take his crap and that I'm happy getting my life back together because I am! It's so empowering! I know it's difficult, I actually believe that I cured myself from my depression since I was taking antidepressants for a long time and this time it has not come back :) Neither has my anxiety about life!

One day at a time, one step at a time, and congrats on your recovery as well!!! Stay strong!
Just checking in and I see you have made great strides!:pray: You are doing fine. You will come out on the other end a stronger and wiser person. What a great and supportive bunch of people we have here! Someone on my bird forum told me "bunny people are special". She was so right!
Big hugs to you. :hug:
Thanks everyone.
My boyfriend has still been writing me and sending me songs on facebook, as well as texting. I asked him to stop. If he doesn't, there will be no more asking. I will change my number and pursue a no contact order.
Earlier today he told me to "maybe you can look back and see how i've been here for you all along" and "I haven't lost hope in you yet! don't you lose all hope!!"
Even with my doubts, if he asked to get back together I would say no. I have felt SO much better these past several days even with the lack of sleep.
And I know Weston is definitely enjoying all the time I've been spending with him!
Jen I am so, so proud of you. You are a brave, wonderful woman. Good for you. Someday in the future you will back at this experience and realize how you decided you deserved more and went forward with your life. It will get easier, all relationship ending whether by choice or death require a grieving period. Let yourself grieve the loss of a dream and an illusion. Pick yourself up and then go on. We are here for you.
Well my nightmares have progressed to night terrors. They all involve my ex.
He is still trying to talk to me but I haven't been responding. I am in the process of setting up another facebook account. Part of his last text to me said "'s been a roller coaster for me, I can only imagine yours...anyway, i'll try to not communicate anymore unless you initiate it. Know that this has been really rough on me too...i wish I could do more for ya, but I'm just hangin on for the ride! Doin the best I can!"
It makes me sick that he is complaining that HE is having a hard time. At least he is sleeping well and has friends still...
You have friends. Ones that genuinely care about you. Please try to look at this more positively, and please know there is someone out there that will love you for who you are, and would never dream of disrespecting you in this manner. HUGSHUGSHUGS
Elliot wrote:
You have friends. Ones that genuinely care about you. Please try to look at this more positively, and please know there is someone out there that will love you for who you are, and would never dream of disrespecting you in this manner. HUGSHUGSHUGS

I meant friends outside of the internet, ones that I can hang out with.
I'm going to see if I can get in to see my psychiatrist early to get different anxiety/depression meds, otherwise i'll have to wait a little over a month. I realized as I was getting ready this morning that I cut my forehead during my night terror last night. That kind of scared me.
I did get out of the house today, after spending a few days without leaving my house. I barely even left my room during that time. My parents and I went to see my horse. My bond with my horse is one of the things I treasure most. He went through alot before I rescued him. He was abused for years and I gained his trust, and now he is the most amazing, beautiful horse.
I might go see him again tomorrow. If I don't, i'm spending the day with Weston!
Grrrr! :banghead
My ex is still contacting me so today i researched no contact orders. I guess i can't get one unless he is being charged with something. I don't have any physical proof of any sort of abuse, so basically i'm screwed.
Contact you local police department, you might can get him for stalking. Change your phone number, do not answer any texts or messages he sends you. If he comes to your house call the police, he's trespassing. You can also contact your local shelter for women and get information from them.
You need to change your cell phone number and block his email address and block him on facebook as well as anyone else you don't want to talk to. Also lock down your account so no one can see anything unless they are a friend.

As great as no contact orders are. They are useless. They are hard to get unless you have any proof of abuse and witnesses. Even then you can get one but it wont stop him if he really wants to get to you. If anything it will make him more angry and more determined. I've been down this road with my ex husband and my Moms ex husband.

It is best to just change everything and lock everything down. Change all your passwords. If you use a laptop/computer that he has used I would suggest taking it into a computer shop and having them to a sweep on it to make sure that he has not installed a key logger on your computer. Even if he hasn't used it I would get your computer checked because he could have installed one through an email. Its not hard.

Good luck. With everything. Also have you checked out the depression forum I suggested to you?
Believe me when I tell you ... You will get over him and you will get happy.
If someone told me a month ago that me and my ex were breaking up and I would be okay, I would have laughed and called them crazy.
I was madly in love with my ex and love truly is blind.

But after we broke up on May 26th (our three year anniversary) and it's been two weeks, I am so much happier without him and I am moving forward with my life.

One of the hardest days was deleting him and his family off my facebook - but it was for the best.

You don't need to deal with him.
Simply tell him to go away (in harsher words if you'd like), block him on facebook, don't even read his texts and don't answer the phone and especially don't answer the door!

You can talk to me if you want to rant to someone and honestly... It feels impossible now, but I feel and look so much better without him.

Block him, delete him and try to move on from him.

(Also.. He looks like this one guy off animal hoarders - anyone else notice that?)
Hey, how are things going? :) I just saw This on facebook, and thought of you; you should start posting these things on your facebook wall. If he can take digs at you, then you can too! :biggrin: It's not nasty, so he can't even say you are being so. He might get the idea, too.
Anaira wrote:
Hey, how are things going? :) I just saw This on facebook, and thought of you; you should start posting these things on your facebook wall. If he can take digs at you, then you can too! :biggrin: It's not nasty, so he can't even say you are being so. He might get the idea, too.

Haha, that's awesome.
I'm doing really well! I've actually started talking to a couple of guys online who live in my area. I am going to meet up with one of them soon! (I know the whole meet-in-a-public-place thing) I'm looking forward to it! I made it very clear that if you don't love animals, don't waste my time. I'm scared to tell my parents, lol. They would much rather me go to church to meet guys. :rollseyes
Be careful not to jump into another relationship too soon. You are still healing from the last one. It's good to have friends, guys and girls, that you can hang out with. If you stand on your own emotionally you will be better off in the end because then you will know that you can do it if you need to. :hug:

Stay strong and remember that you are a beautiful young woman, inside and out.

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