I've been feeling pretty good today! Woke up at 4 again which was annoying.
But I got a good start on cleaning the house for when my parents get back. It needed it. Bad. I blame Weston. How can I possibly have time to keep the house clean when I have such an adorable bunny to play with?

For awhile when I was cleaning I was hearing my ex in the back of my mind, especially things he's said lately. Mainly 2 lines from a song he posted on facebook about how he's feeling "Look at everything. Look at all you've become...nothing more than a memory" and "you make me sick with every move you make. when will you find your place in this world? because it will never be beside me again". Just kinda sucks knowing that's how he feels about me, the person he "loves".
I've also been trying to park in the middle of the driveway because he hates when I do that and anytime I would forget, he would comment and have me come outside and look at my parking job. Heaven forbid he have to park in the street, like he did for over a year.
It's just hard to undo habits...
Other than that, my mood has been pretty good. Weston has been helping.

Oh, I did have a somewhat comical start to my morning. I wandered into the kitchen still trying to wake up and I pulled out the garbage can to throw something away and there was a mouse hopping around in it! I cautiously carried the trash out to the front yard while the mouse was jumping up almost touching my hand each time. Just as I was about to let it go, it registered that it looked exactly like one of my mice, Kassadee. So I ran inside and checked to make sure she hadn't escaped then ran back out to release the mouse. Afterwards I realized how stupid I must have looked running back and forth in my pjs (boxers and a baggy t-shirt). I was pretty awake after that!