I saw your post on Facebook today and, being that I was gone for the weekend, was shocked to hear our sweet boy had passed. I know you just celebrated his 13th Birthday, and I shed a lot of tearsofhappinessthat day for you both that you were able to know one another for so many years. I know he was a blessing to you and brought you so much joy. Likewise, you treated him like an absolute prince. He was the only bunny I have ever met that was treated as kingly as I treated my Basil. And no bunny deserved it more than Buttercup.
I remember bringing you Winston and Vega and getting to meet Buttercup. I fell in love with him instantly. His sweetness and charming attitude reminded me so much of my Basil. Do you remember how he jumped up in my lap and started licking me? He pulled at my pantlegs and at my heartstrings

If I could have taken him home with me I would have. He was truly one of the most special boys in the whole world.
I have to believe that even though the life he had here with you was amazing, he is in an even more amazing place now. I hope that my Basil, Max and Biggie Max were there to greet him.
I know how painfulit is tolose your heart bunny and what you are going through. I keep asking Mike if this pain is going to get any easier, because I still feel like my heart was ripped out of my chest and it's been a little over a year since I lost Basil and about half that since I lost Max. It still hurts so much when I think of how much I misstheir sweet faces, but I am starting to be able to smile morewhen I think of allthe happymemories.
You are in my thoughts and prayers. He was a one in a million bunny and will be so missed.
Haley, Tumnus, Lucy & Hazel
