The thing is, my rabbit never sat still enough for me to trim her nails and they did get very long, but since her time outside they've begun to wear down and are not as long and bothersome.
And yes, she knows how to cross the street. My rabbit is smart enough to know this concept: she is scared of cars, cars only go on the street, if she goes near the street, she will look for cars. It's not that complicated, especially for her. I've seen her look both ways before crossing the street.
And a wolf and a poodle are very different. Wolves are much more powerful than dogs, reaching speeds up to 45 mph EASILY and being able to overturn a dead frozen caribou of 1000 lbs by themselves. Their jaw strength is well over 2x that of a German shepherd, who has the 2nd strongest bite force of all dogs. Your poodle would be dead if it fought a wolf. A cottontail and a domestic rabbit are not that different.
Rabbits can very well take care of themselves as long as they have the instinct to run from predators, which my rabbit has shown that she does.